Saturday afternoon one of my old high school students road his motorcycle down from Bloomington and we shot the first 20 targets until it got too dark. I know some of you all saw him come in, I think it was the only bike there. He left a bit later and went to party w/ younger friends in Nashville. He took some pics and I just texted him to email them to me. There was no one else on the range at that time.
Dangit 4dog I'm afraid you may have started something I'm gonna have to live with. Gnome what I mean?
I'll post a disapproval to you all's accusations that I didn't shoot. 2012 I shot the practice course with Clint then put an ishi stick into my hand and couldn't shoot w/o it bleeding, 2013 I shot the course with Josh on Sunday and shot pretty good all in all. This year I shot course A late evening on Saturday. It's been one or the other, either I'm in the pit or, this year in the bow shop. Evenings I tend to be in the PBR and crick water.
Have a gooder, dp