Hey guys, I've been lurking here for a while, thought it was time i shared a couple bows.
This site has been a source of amazing help and inspiration for me, I can only hope to one day
make a bow half as good as some of you.
I've been obsessively making bows since december, this is #3 and #4 and I'm pretty happy
with how they turned out.
sorry about the photos, we havent yet figured out the best angles and all that.
#3 is rawhide backed yew. It had crazy prop twist, that i heat gunned out mostly. it had a heavy D flex in it,
so i went with it and tried to flip the tips to make a bow that
looked like it would be in lord of the rings or game of thrones haha.
Its a bendy handle flat bow 62" ntn and pulling 56# @26"

#4 This one was a big challenge for me, but was sure alot of fun.
Vine maple, 62" ntn, and pulling 54# at 26.
99% happy with my tiller, but there was a couple knee joint that were quite tough to tiller around.

thanks for looking! any suggestions or critique would be welcome!