Only tiny fault I can see in your tiller is the fade of your top limb is a bit stiff. It's definitely not whip tillered.
Piking does work, but I'm not a big fan. It just means you've made an error and ended up somewhere you didn't want to be. Also, if you're going to back a bow, do it before you tiller it. If the bow survives unbacked, it didn't need to be. Backing it after won't save you later, eliminate set, or add draw weight if it's rawhide.
Try and refine your tips a bit more. They can be smaller.
I wouldn't muck with heat treating yet, either. Tiller out some more bows first. Get your skill level up and your eye sharpened, and then get fancy.
For you, the learning curve right now will be very steep. You will likely make small mistakes often right now, but every one of them will be a valuable lesson.
You're doing really good, Bud! You're cranking out some bows and they're all surviving. Carry on!