I made one other self bow in a class environment. It turned out OK, but I am pretty sure it's going to blow. That was a while back and I don't shoot it much.
I still have this nagging urge to try to find time to make a bow. I went to the Kalamazoo Archery Expo and saw Matt Wirwicki. I had met Matt before and he helped me put a sinew wrap on my existing bow to try to extend its useful life. Matt just continued to help me (and many others) along there.
He had this blank. WOW....is all I could say. I hope the pictures portray it well. It's all one ring, but he used the natural shape of that stave to make what is just a wonderful handle area to my eyes.
It's going to be a while for me to work on this, but I just had to show off this blank and give a shout out to Matt. He's a class act. Now it's time for me to learn what I am doing...I will have some local help from an experienced bow maker on this one so I really hope justice will be done to this blank and Matt's handiwork thus far.
Thanks for looking.