Ugh, i pulled the classic guy move, forgot my anniversary, well kinda. we usually go on some kind of trip for our ann. which is April 5th. since i have Classic fever i forgot all about it. my wife said nothing, she knows how excited i am about coming down and meeting all of you, i talk about it a lot, she sees me sitting out on the porch for hours trying to learn a little knapping, scratching on half finished crummy bows....she goes out wondering in the woods around the lake with me looking for sheds and tries to help me figure out what kind of trees we are looking at. we wouldnt be able to afford two trips so she hasnt said a word. i know what she is going to say when i ask if she would rather do something for our anniversary, she is going to say no, we are going to sure she will have a good time but im feeling a little selfish now... it makes me realize what kind of woman i am married to and i love her more than life itself. i cant wait for you all to meet her.