That did it! I'm buying hickory boards from my pusher (local hardwood store) from now on to build bows out of! I've been laminating hickory to other woods as a backing and have had mediocre luck getting them shooting well. Now straight hickory might be my saviour! Pluss, its abundant at the hardwood store nearby in nice sizes. How does it work when sinew backed for short bows? Also, is it the white wood or the dark heartwood that makes the best bows out of Hickory?
Just wish they had Ossage in board form or any other form arround here. Bummer I cant get out into the woods to harvest some Vine Maple and Yew.
Thanks again Pappy! You are living my dream with all the bow building and hunting and cooking!!!
Starting to make the Honey Mead tonight but it may not be done in time to bring it out to the Classic.
Oh well! Next year!!!
David T