About a month ago I got ahold of a Rudderbows EWB...76" rated 90-100@33" (I scaled it and it pulls about 75@28") The seller described it as yew belly,ipe core, hickory back and at the time I went along with that because I was not so familiar with yew.
Well, I have become more familiar with yew and its characteristics and coloration. I have since theorized that the belly couldn't possibly be yew, unless it was sapwood, it is a creamy color, not the characteristic orangey red. The core is definitely ipe and the back looks just like hickory.
The belly has similar ringyness and grain as yew, but like I said is creamy beige, almost as light as the hickory back (which has dead straight grain)
Could the belly be lemonwood or maple?
Anyway, the bow has a 20 strand black Dacron string and let me just say it is a DOG...cast sucks. The bow only has about 1.5" of set, so that part is ok, but I really think the "rope-like" string has GOT to go, I really think it's too stretchy and heavy, and is slowing the bow way down. I've commissioned a 14 strand D-10 fastflight for it and I am really hoping this will make a huge difference in the cast.
Another thing related to the cast issue aside from the B50 string is likely my current use of weighted carbon arrows...I weight them with plastic coated wire clothesline, but honestly they're still too light I believe for this bow when pulling 28" or more on the draw. From a physics standpoint I'm sure they're not absorbing enough of the bows energy, which in part besides the mega crap 20 strand string is likely causing the crappy cast. I have proper heavy warbow arrows on the way from a fletcher friend...hoping those help.
Thoughts on the wood?- would yew used for a belly on a warbow be creamy like the sapwood??? Or is it likely lemonwood/maple and the seller was gravely mistaken?
Thankfully I got a deal on the bow. Can't wait to try it with the D10 string and warbow arrows.
Scroll toward end of thread to view some of the pics I have. They are photos from the ad when I bought it, all I have on my phone right now. Promise to upload some better ones that I take myself tomorrow when I get home.