I got home from work today and checkd the weather forcast. Dang it is going to be nice today and tomorrow. A little to nice to go to work. I grabbed a short nap and then got my day started. First I called work and told them I wasn't going to be in tonight. Then I noticed this little guy walking through the back yard. We have been seeing him quite often the last week or two. Hey Roy, this is the one I was telling you about a couple of months ago.

Next I started splitting the tree I cut up yesterday. It only took a few minutes to realize this wasn't an ordinary tree. Its another one with the wiggle grain. And this one has good rings. It took me over an hour just to get this one in half. It is like splitting an elm tree. The grain zig zags down the log.

I really need some straight grained stuff so I got my Dad and started scouting for some more trees to cut. While driving down a trail something caught my eye. I dove off the utility truck and took off running. It was a nice shed. Turns out it is the match to one my little niece found a couple of weeks ago. He should be a giant next season.

We finally found a nice bunch of second growth to cut. As I was cutting it I noticed it had a different sound to it and the saw didn't want to cut it. Once I dropped the tree I found it had some very dark colored rings. Some of the outer rings are as dark as dried blood. I've never cut anything this dark before. We got some nice pieces.

We got those unloaded and I went back to splitting up the first tree. I got the 2 of the big sections in half and started a good split on the biggest piece. I'll finish it tomorrow cause that hammer was getting to heavy to swing.