Every bow I have attempted with a side cracked stave failed, every one.
Here is an extreme example; I had one small side crack in the handle of the stave I selected to make a sinew backed R/D osage bow out of. You know how it goes, " man what a pretty stave, that crack is in the handle, it won't be a problem", I talked myself in investing the time and effort into this complicated project.
Everything looked great until the sinew had a week or so drying, then the osage started delaminating. The cracks got longer and deeper until they encompassed most of each limb side to side. I tried filling the huge cracks with urac and clamping but that rescue attempt failed as well.
Here is one of the "smaller" cracks.

Bottom line, side cracked wood has never worked for me, hopefully others have had better experiences with it than I have.