Having my last one explode, it was a huge relief to get this baby finished.
The wood had a nasty knot about 4" from the end and was barely 72" long to start with so I had to work around the knot to get a full length ELB.
I excavated the manky wood from the back and put a sapwood patch over it, I left it a tad wide and thick at the knot for security.
She's 65# at 28" 71 1/4" ntn
Here's that knot and patch, shows the white Waterbuffalo horn top nock too.
I've only just noticed that pin that looks like an eye below the big knot!
Here's some other detail pics, and the nice ripply top limb.
The back of the bow follows the line of the growth rings, but the sapwood is thicker one edge than the other so rings show as roughly parallel lines along the back. If I'd followed a ring the back of the bow would have been sloping across at 45 degrees rather than square. (I'll get another pic to show what I mean)
Filled knot showing through on the back.
And finally the one you've all been waiting for
Hope you like her.