Welcome Spitch. It's a "BIG" family! We agree, and disagree, and sometimes bicker, but we are a big family, with a whole lot of knowledge to be gleaned by all who enter, and all who are already in.
JW, and Coastal, do you have a recipe for your Borscht, and dark bread? I just recently got a refurbished Kitchen Aide 600 stand mixer, and I've been going nuts with it.
Beets are definitely one of the many veggies, that will be in my Garden in Montana! I love pickled beets especially!
I am going to make some dark bread, and some rye bread, love the Caraway seeds. I have some just waiting to be opened. I wonder if they are cooked, or sterilized, as I would like to try growing them. Friend of mine used to raise Apps years ago, and had a big sack of rye seeds, used to get a handfull of them, and eat them. Wouldn't do that today, as they are probably treated with a full chemistry set, like some of the packaged products approved, by the FDA, or should I say Monsanto, since all the top echelon are former Monsanto employees. The stuff they are allowed to put in the food now, is scary! You would be safer eating a Chinese toy, than some of the approved food products. Going to make a lot of use of my garden!
Again Spitch welcome aboard, looking forward to seeing any projects you have in the works, and enjoy the madness with the rest of us.