Pat, we used to have a cabin in the Big Cypress Swamp, and before we built a water tower, we had an out house. Well whenever I would have to use it, I would take a can of raid, and a lighter with me. At night I would take a flash light also, but I would first I would beat the side of the seat with a stick, and then slam the top lid of the toilet seat, down, and and then lift it and the seat up , and then light the lighter and spray the the raid down into the hole. You could hear all kinds of things dropping down there.
There were a lot of roaches,
and there were a lot BIG ol brown roach spiders too!
I sprayed, and torched them all! I didn't want anything crawling on me, or mistaking anything for a nice juicy bug!
I didn't bother to take anything to read. That would leave too much time for something to crawl back up to the top!