yellow (black)? locust....Robinia a compound leaf, leaflets(what most people think of as leaves) are kind of oval shaped, from the size of a penny to a quater or so, with DEEEEPLY furrowed bark on older trees, and have thorns that resemble a rose or blackberry thorn
honey locust...gleditsia a bipinately compound lead....that resembles mimosa....tiny leaflets (leaves) about the size of those capsule like pills.....has 2-4" thorns...that unlike the black (yellow) locust, will grow off of the trunk as well. Honey locust also has long seed pods that resemble 6-12" long flat bean pods that have a sweet/,mayonaise like smell about them.......deer LOVE them
As far as bow wood....and short bow...Im not sure.....
Black locust is good, but dont think it does well short. Not sure about honey locust, long or short.