Something about the Knife River flint I just really like.
Good luck to any of you up there trying to stumble across some of it.
I don't know exactly where to go to find it but there's a lot of info if you Google it.
I wish I had more of it, too, but here's a few pics of some.
Sorry about the indoor lighting.
Here's the same two pieces with a spall of root beer obsidian for comparison.
Here's a point Hardawaypoints Jim made several years ago.
And here's a pic of a point my wife bought for me a few years ago. Ofcourse she
was told it was authentic old, but to tell you the truth, wondering has made the
thing a 'Big' thorn in my side ever since. After thanking her I told her not to ever do
that again.
I've always thought it was some fossil-filled chert from Kentucky or
Tenn. but now that I look at it again, it might be Knife River.
All I can say is, Get as much of it as you can!