58" ntn 38# @ 28" (pulled back to 29.5 for overdraw test) a fair bit of natural deflex on one limb, the other limb was steamed to match and a little flip tip added.
The stave had a nice natural wiggle. I've blogged the whole build in my blog
http://bowyersdiary.blogspot.com/There was very little heart wood to play with and not much thickness (hence the glued on gip).
I had to work down the sap wood through loads of rings so I could preserve almost almost all the heartwood, I left extra sap wood on the back of the grip. It's hard to get nice pics of the back as it's soooo white, hopefully the heart wood will darken up with age.
Here are some pics.

Not bad shooting for me (mind it was only from 10 yards)

I used an idea which was discussed here a week or two back, the handle is glued on over a pad of leather, see below.

I've done my usual style of Waterbuffalo horn nock overlays and arrow plate.
Hope you like her, she's really sweet, I gotta hand her over to her new owner on Friday (I'll try not to cry)