Yep, a hunter's IQ test. LOADED with trick questions like
"What would you do in the following scenario: You are in your tree stand during the heaviest part of the rut deer season with your 12GA. You are blowing on the call periodically. Suddenly, to your right, about 30 yards out, you hear what sounds like a huge buck answer excitedly. Soon you begin to hear footsteps nearing the tree line. You get into position, and click off the safety. Just before the big buck steps out of the treeline, you catch a glimps of brown as he brushes the leaves on a low-hanging beech limb. You are sure you can see the brown of what has to be his front shoulder and the white of his chest through a small open spot in the leaves, as he stops just before exiting the tree line. You fear that maybe he has stopped because he has winded something, maybe you. You don't want this one to get away - he sounded HUGE coming through there! He has to go at least 220. Where would you aim and fire at this point?
A. Aim right for the open spot where you think his shoulder is
B. Aim just under what you think is the shoulder
C. Aim for the spine so you are sure to drop him
D. Other, explain _____________________
And they had better choose "D) Other", and in the explanation line write "I wait and I DO NOT FIRE til I can clearly identify what is on the other side of them leaves. Up til this point it does not say that I have seen the head or any other part of the body of the animal, so I cannot be sure that it is not another hunter who was blowing a call and thinking he was stalking a deer in my area.
If you do not chose "D", no license.