Had a great weekend.Got a lot done.I got my take down rawhide backed and the tips
on and trimmed down.Now it is ready to finish tillering.Got all the gravel spread and rocks
hauled up from an old home place to build Grants Black pot pit.Also got more wood cut
so now I think we have enough to get us by.We had Stir fried venison for supper Friday night and stuffed pork chops and garlic cream taters for Sat. night.Man Grant out done his
self on that one.Grant got his Hickory laid out and Greg got his Osage comming a long
nicely.He also got 2 Dog Wood bows roughed out.We got the bellies split off the Hickory we are using at the Classic so now they are ready to be busted into stave's.Here are some pictures.O ya we also got to shoot some so we had a full weekend.Life is good.

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