Man it was HOT,set an all time record for Clarksville Friday,111.I did manage to get a few things done,got the Charlie arrows bare shafted and they should shoot great,also cut off to length and stained,got a dozen Cain shot /cut to length and ready for points.I also got my Drill press put back together,now all I need to do is figure out where to mount it,pretty cool little machine. We got 3 of the 4 ranges set and got the practice range pulled and ready for the new set up. Don [good friend of club] Showed up to install some new lights,man these things a big,we can light up the whole bottom with them in case of a emergence[say maybe a flood]

:)or something like that. Not many pictures,to busy but good weekend ,hot but got a lot done. Hope to finish up the ranges this week and weekend then maybe take it easy till the shoot gets here.Hope yall had a good one also.
