FRIDAY, Got a big weekend planned,Eddie[Mullet] Dave from IN. and friend of Eddie's/Jon and his brother are all coming down for a few day to hang out and do a little Turkey hunting so you know we will have a good time.I am off for 3 or 4 days and have a few projects to work on,also we are planing on some more clean up and some roofing on the archery shop/registration.It will be a full weekend. Eddie is bringing some hog and I laid out 2 full deer back strap yesterday so the eating is going to be great also.

Hope to have some good pictures Monday.
Got some good news yesterday,my hides got to James and Becka's yesterday they have been in the mail for over 2 weeks and I was getting worried,6 brain tanned hides in that box [lots of work] She is making me a shirt and I am excited.
Hope yall have a good one.See ya Wed. or Thursday.Life is Good.
