Got ya,I was off yesterday,you laboring.

It was another great weekend.We got the range
set you our shoot this Sat.Also got also had time to get 7 stands up and my other 2 food plots finished with the help of GregB.He is a tree climbing machine.

Had a friend in from AK. He got
a Hickory bow shooting and was really happy with that.Had several folks down to do a Little squirrel hunting [22] I think last count they killed about 20 so we should have some good eating.We had to break down and eat back strap both nights.

of course with all the fixings.Jesse was down Friday and nocked out a few points,he make it look so easy.BigA also got another sinew backed Osage shooting and I finely got the grip and finish on my takedown.Also shot my stone heads,them things should do the trick,they shot great.Here are some pictures of the weekend.
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