You may be right there Rod. I know he did shoot in competitions (and won!). He also used his bow in conflicts.
Sporting, to me, can imply target and game hunting. I don`t think the arrow will differ that much, apart from the point, from a war arrow and, say, an arrow to take down a deer or boar.
The question is; did he have target arrows or did he use his war/game arrows? I am still trying to make one and I have learned that to make a sporting/war arrow is a lot of trouble and they must have cost so much make.
I don`t think he was short of a bob or two, so he would have had his arrows made for him as opposed to taking livery ones. I don`t know when livery arrows came in, but I think around this time livery could mean money given in order to buy certain goods, for example war arrows. Livery soon came to mean goods bought by the King and they were marked in some way I think. Either way, I don`t think this is a livery arrow.
I have a friend who thinks he can turn me an arrow like Burgundy`s on a laythe. I think that this is impossible but he is convinced, so I will let him try. In the mean time I am having another shaving plate made so I can shape my arrow. This time I will include half holes around the edge of the tool.