This is a set of red osier arrows I made for a trade with Minuteman(Chris). He wanted a Plains style so this is my version. The fletching are turkey. I used fletch tape to hold down the feathers and added a sinew wrap fore and aft. The trade points are hafted with pitch glue and sinew wraps. All wraps and the shafts are sealed with pitch varnish. The cresting is earth pigments. I made glue water with Elmer's glue and water and mixed the earth pigments with that. The decorative feathers are Guinea foul from the fly tying shop. Nocks are self nocks.
I only had 5 trade points so I used an obsidian head that Justin made for that one arrow. The fletching on tist arrow were glued down, after tying, with liquid hide glue. This one came out OK but others didn't so I opted for the fletch tape.
I guess these are considered neo-primitive
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