Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: brownhillboy on November 11, 2008, 09:52:21 pm

Title: should I straighten or leave alone?
Post by: brownhillboy on November 11, 2008, 09:52:21 pm
This is the little 51" hickory recurve I've been working on.  It's also the first recurve I've done.  The string looks like it's tracking alright with the handle, but it just bugs me a little that the one tip is twisting some.  What do you guys think and if you think I should straighten, then how?(heat gun or steam)  I'll try to post 3 pics.  Thanks!

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Title: Re: should I straighten or leave alone?
Post by: Ryan_Gill_HuntPrimitive on November 11, 2008, 10:59:14 pm
if it shoot sgood leave it.  also, look at it when you pul it to full draw on a tiller stick, if it continues to twist the correct it, if it doesnt get any worse then leave it ...unless it really bothers you.  just be careful the string doesnt jump the groove when you shoot it.- Ryan
Title: Re: should I straighten or leave alone?
Post by: Pappy on November 12, 2008, 06:31:00 am
If it is straight across the handle I would leave it,if it is off center by much I would
straighten it,I use dry heat to do that kind of straighting. Don't look to bad like it is
Like Ryan said if it don't get worse. :)
Title: Re: should I straighten or leave alone?
Post by: brownhillboy on November 12, 2008, 01:22:42 pm
Thanks guys.  I'll put it on my stick and see if it gets worse when drawn or not.  I haven't noticed it getting worse when I've been exercising it, but I'm farther away when I'm doing that.  It seems to shoot fine too.  Thanks for the input.
Title: Re: should I straighten or leave alone?
Post by: Mechslasher on November 12, 2008, 03:33:51 pm
that's going to contiunue to twist and put undue stress on the limb.  i don't know if you need this advice, but here it is:  clamp the limb in a vise and hang a bucket of rocks on the tip by a string.  have the tip pointing up. as you heat the limb, the bucket will slowly drop to the floor, taking the tip with it, thereby straightening the limb.  just be sure to heat the section below the recurve so it won't fall out.  i usually heat a four to five inch section below the curve.  guestamate how far the tip needs to move to come in line, and hang the bucket about 3/8" higher off the floor.  after heating, let the limb set for a day or two.  this method is almost idiot proof.
Title: Re: should I straighten or leave alone?
Post by: PeteC on November 12, 2008, 08:53:50 pm
I would straighten it,if it were mine.I'd use a heat gun,and do it exactly as mechslasher described.Just my 2 cents worth though. God Bless
Title: Re: should I straighten or leave alone?
Post by: George Tsoukalas on November 12, 2008, 09:38:44 pm
Leave it. This is al wood bowyery. Celebrate the character in the wood rather than trying to remove it.  Jawge
Title: Re: should I straighten or leave alone?
Post by: michbowguy on November 14, 2008, 05:20:53 pm
man, that is true poetry jawge.

....didnt you teach science tho???

Title: Re: should I straighten or leave alone?
Post by: brownhillboy on November 14, 2008, 06:02:14 pm
I decided to leave it alone.  It didn't look like it was any worse when drawn, so I left it.  It's ready to start getting tru-oil tonight.  I'll post it when it's done.  Thanks again for everyone's opinions.
Title: Re: should I straighten or leave alone?
Post by: Hillbilly on November 16, 2008, 01:07:32 pm
I leave minor twists in straight-limbed bows, but for a recurve, I would follow Chris's advice.
Title: Re: should I straighten or leave alone?
Post by: George Tsoukalas on November 16, 2008, 01:45:30 pm
My apologies, brownhillboy. I missed that this was a recurve. Yes, I would try to remove it. Sorry. :( Jawge