Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: knightd on June 13, 2008, 08:39:47 pm
Has anyone tried the new gorilla glue? It is all I can find locally. Has anyone had any experience with it? Any info would be helpful. Thanks.
For a glue up that doesn't get any stress it's prolly fine, but it ain't for building bows IMO.
Thanks. I was just wondering. I have never messed with it. Any other glues that are found at local stores that you would recommend? Or should I just order the Urac and be done with it?
You can't get titebond 2 0r 3 where you live? Both are good inexpensive glues and to my knowlege work for laminated bows.
I looked at wally world but no luck! I guess I could check some of the wood shops.
I am new to the area so dont know much about whats here. Thanks for the info.
Wallyworld should have titebond , Lowes, home depot and or Menards all carry titebond wood glues.
Like the others said. stay away from the Gorilla glue. Any local building supply store should have titebond. The TB3 is a slower set than the 1 and 2 so it gives more working time.
Gorilla Glue foams as it reacts and starts to set....creating air bubbles in the Glue Joint....not worth a Crap for building a Search here for Gorilla Glue....this has been brought up numerous times before with all kinds of answers to it....most not good either....I know Wal-Mart here in the Panhandle has Titebond 1 & 2 on the Shelves....but it is in the Paint department here....look or ask...I am sure that they have any reputable Hardware Store should have it too..
I've already looked in the paint section and asked at my local Wal-Mart and they do not carry it. Guess I'll try Lowe's, Home Depot. Has anyone here had much experience with bamboo backing with the tite bond?
- works great...I use Titebond 2...and split Bicycle Inner Tubes to do my Glue Up....never had a Bad Joint yet..
if you can't find tb glue you're looking with your eyes closed. Hope you don't shoot the same way ::)
Knightd, you might try Harbor Freight if you have one near you. They carry the Tiet Bond glues.
ok I found tb 3 at home depot. ;D Im going to glue up either a reflex deflex bamboo backed ipe or a hickory backed ipe or bamboo backed hickory. Any sugestions on which one would work best with the tb 3?
I have never built a Bow from Ipe....Just Decks and Stairways....but there are many that have,7088.0.html,6640.0.html,6662.0.html,7183.0.html
also Bamboo Backed Hickory works fine too...but unless it's a Board...there is no need to back Hickory...unless you violate the Back