Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Blacktail on June 10, 2008, 10:35:51 pm
DO any of you keep a saw in your rig at all times.....just in case you see an eye popping tree while driving some where.later john
that's not a dumb's a GREAT IDEA!
Of course it's a dumb question, if ya don't you'll wish ya did. ;D
Not a saw, but I keep an axe.
Not unless Im leaving civilization. They frown on me cutting trees down at the park. I was re-roofing a clubhouse the other day. I had to trim their maple away from the roof so I sent back a little farther and got a stave out of the deal. ;D I do keep a pair of pruning sheers to collect arrow shoots though.
a chain saw in the personal truck and a hand saw in the work truck, i always come home from work with wood.- Ryan
you guys are great...i was think of getting one....but i thought i might be going over board with it..john
I always keep work gloves, 3 hand saws, a hatchet, and a pair of snippers in my vehicle. I don't cut down any living trees, though. I raid piles of discarded tree trimmings. ;D
Behind the seat of my truck is a pair of loppers, a tree pruning saw, a hand ax, a few hanks of rope and a 20" snatch chain(and battery jumper cables ;D ). When I go for a morning or evening walk in our woods, I carry a pocket knife, folding pruning saw and my old faithful Felco #2 pruners. Ya never knows when ya might find something usable! ;D Pat
Lets see...Ax, pruning sheers, Machette, Knife, Drill, work bench and we cant forget the most important tool....Got soap!!! ;D ;D ;D
I keep a kershaw alaska trader knife, kershaw sevival knife, a U.S.M.C. kbar knife, a splitting mall, axe, two hatchets, a hatchet blade for small splitting, four wedges, a bow saw, rubber boots, first aid kit, road side, emergency kit. Then if I go camping tent, sleeping bag, folding chairs, and pillows. Joel
Almost forgot two ropes. Joel
My truck has a milk crate with a hatchet, pruning shears, knife, trash bags for road kill and a bow saw. If I know I'm heading out where I may get a chance to cut a tree the chainsaw gets tossed in also. Of course its illegal to cut live trees on state and federal land here in michigan ::)
DO any of you keep a saw in your rig at all times.....just in case you see an eye popping tree while driving some where.later john
You mean that there are people who don't?? ;D
I used to, but we've got so much wood now that I've quit carrying the saw around so I'm not tempted...there's only so much storage room in Pappy's barn and shed and they're busting at the seams now! ;D >:D
Only dumb question is the one that don't get asked ;D. I always thought having a few tools in the truck was mandatory, hand saw and pruning shears minumum :). Oh, and glue or can of spray shellac..
I used to, but we've got so much wood now that I've quit carrying the saw around so I'm not tempted...there's only so much storage room in Pappy's barn and shed and they're busting at the seams now! ;D >:D
That makes me sad Greg. It is so much fun to drive around and obses over wood. I will make a trip out and we can go cut a bunch of wood and fill my truck. Or we can fill the truck from the shed and you can spend a couple of months watching every stick on the side of the road to see if it will make a bow. ;) Of course I am only doing this because I like you so much. O:) Justin
That makes me sad Greg. It is so much fun to drive around and obses over wood. I will make a trip out and we can go cut a bunch of wood and fill my truck. Or we can fill the truck from the shed and you can spend a couple of months watching every stick on the side of the road to see if it will make a bow. Of course I am only doing this because I like you so much. Justin
What a pal! ;)
i cant drive yet but everytime i go to the woods i bring a hatchet.
a gilia sniper camaflouge suit, camo face paint. and a homelite eighteen inch bar silenced chain saw >:D
Huskyy chain saw, double bit ax ,wood busting mall, sledge hammer,wedges,hand saw,several hatchets,all my bow making tools,an accomplice........
I carry a handsaw and hatchet in my truck at all times.
Never carried tools around with me, what I did do was keep a network of spies. I told them all " if you see a bulldozer headed to clear that vacent lot, the one with all that osage growing on it, give me a call". My spy would give me a call, I would rush to the lot and the dozer operator or owner always gave me the osage.