Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: jp gray on June 05, 2008, 06:02:53 pm

Title: cracked bamboo limb
Post by: jp gray on June 05, 2008, 06:02:53 pm
 >:( i have a cane dragon ,its bamboo on back and belly ,on the lower limb its cracked about 1 1/2 -2 inches ,on the edge about,not on the face of limb itself, 6-8 inches from tip,someone told me i could flex it just a little and put super glue in it and get some senew and wrap and glue and it would be good as new ,wanting some to hear from some selfbowers to see if its alright its 54#@28 64"long made in 02
Title: Re: cracked bamboo limb
Post by: markinengland on June 05, 2008, 06:11:43 pm
Which way does the crack go?
If down the bow limb I wouldn't worry too much. A little glue will do the trick or may not even be needed.
If the crack goes cross the limb fillit with glue, bind with sinew, linen or another strong thread an inch above and below should do the job. I used byc450plus on a couple of bows and they held. Not primitive but it worked.
Mark in England
Title: Re: cracked bamboo limb
Post by: jp gray on June 05, 2008, 06:28:38 pm
forgot to tell that it has sturgeon skin back and when i pulled it. i heard it "tick" started looking and seen it on the side when it was strung you could put your finger nail and get under it.
Title: Re: cracked bamboo limb
Post by: mullet on June 05, 2008, 10:02:54 pm
  I forgot, Who makes the cane dragon, Vinson Minor or James Parker? James has a lifetime warranty.
Title: Re: cracked bamboo limb
Post by: El Destructo on June 05, 2008, 10:11:06 pm
                   Unfortunately it is Vinson Minor that makes the Cane Dragon.and He only offers a Year Warranty
Title: Re: cracked bamboo limb
Post by: james parker on June 06, 2008, 01:12:33 am
actually there is nothing you can do to paermanatly fix this problem. you can glue and wrap,it will work for a short time and its ugly,althogh it will last if you dont shoot it anymore...his problems  ly within his boo tapers.,, he learned from someone else, monkey see monkey do... so your not the only person to have this  with one of his bows.even i have an ocassoinal bow break ,but i put a lifetime warranty on all my bows in writting  . so as long as there has been no altrations to the bow i replace it no question asked. maybey he needs to consider doing this for his customers. robustusmagnon
Title: Re: cracked bamboo limb
Post by: mullet on June 06, 2008, 08:23:47 pm
   James, Can you explain what you mean by the proper Boo taper?
Title: Re: cracked bamboo limb
Post by: james parker on June 07, 2008, 12:43:59 am
you cannot over stress natural materials no matter what anybody says,with bamboo the only way you can possibly induce more radius into it would be to pull it over and let it continue to grow that way then harvest and dry,then rip your back and belly strip from far as tapering the strip,there are many ways to do it,myself i use a planner it goes in parallel and exits tapered at both end and thicker in the middle.holding tolerences of + or - 5 to 10 thds.the secrect to using the planner and not collapsing the bamboo is tricky,but i know a secret!! i can also taper my lams the same way with no splices in the middle. also hint -hint-- i build the same bow twice......... hope this can help whoever needs it   robust
Title: Re: cracked bamboo limb
Post by: radius on June 11, 2008, 01:45:23 am
you cannot over stress natural materials no matter what anybody says,with bamboo the only way you can possibly induce more radius into it would be to pull it over and let it continue to grow that way then harvest and dry,then rip your back and belly strip from far as tapering the strip,there are many ways to do it,myself i use a planner it goes in parallel and exits tapered at both end and thicker in the middle.holding tolerences of + or - 5 to 10 thds.the secrect to using the planner and not collapsing the bamboo is tricky,but i know a secret!! i can also taper my lams the same way with no splices in the middle. also hint -hint-- i build the same bow twice......... hope this can help whoever needs it   robust

hint hint:  are you saying that each bow is two bows put together, in a manner of speaking?  I see you put nodes on back and belly, so, if i were to start in the very center of your bows and work in either direction til i found air, would i travel the exact same path?
Title: Re: cracked bamboo limb
Post by: james parker on June 11, 2008, 01:50:14 am
no radius i glue upthe core first and the glueon the boo strips ,its sorta tricky though,you should give it a try
Title: Re: cracked bamboo limb
Post by: radius on June 11, 2008, 01:53:45 am
well, so far i've only used bamboo as backing on a couple bows...christ, the draw weight goes up with that stuff!  But I think i can get a 4' by 8' sheet of 1/4" thick vertical bamboo flooring...and around here it's easy to buy lengths of cured bamboo 2 or 3 inches in diameter...

When you said they go through the planer and come out tapered at each end but thicker in the middle?!?!?!?  Are you riding on a jig?
Title: Re: cracked bamboo limb
Post by: james parker on June 11, 2008, 02:17:02 am
but of course
Title: Re: cracked bamboo limb
Post by: radius on June 11, 2008, 02:23:31 am
but of course

ya tease!
Title: Re: cracked bamboo limb
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 11, 2008, 08:20:54 pm
The crack didn't look too bad to me so I did a superglue soaked, braided serving wrap on it at the Hill shoot. Must have been more damage under the sturgeon backing than I could see. The bow blew up after three shots, just past were I wrapped it.
Title: Re: cracked bamboo limb
Post by: Justin Snyder on June 11, 2008, 09:04:19 pm
I can see James knows how to keep us all in suspense.  So James, do you mind sharing this little secret? How about a picture of the jig.  ;D Justin
Title: Re: cracked bamboo limb
Post by: mullet on June 11, 2008, 09:57:24 pm
  Heh, heh. I bet the batteries went dead in the camera.