Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Swampman on February 04, 2020, 12:41:29 pm

Title: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on February 04, 2020, 12:41:29 pm
The bow trade time has come.  If you are interested in participating, please be aware that the primary point of this trade is to build the BEST bow you have ever built for your recipient.  It is about the giving of your talents and sharing the build with the community.  It should hurt a little bit to send that bow in the mail.  If you do not share this philosophy, then please do not sign up.  If you do share this then, let's get building.  The rules for the trade are listed below.
It is time to sign up for the 2020 Bow Trade.  Please read this entire post before signing up so you know what you are getting into.  Here is how to sign up:

1.  Send me a PM with the following information:
     Full Name
     Full Address
     Email Address
     Telephone number
     Which Country(ies) you will ship to

2.  Reply to this post with, I'm in and include bow specs preferred
     Example:  LH or RH
     Draw Weight 45-55 pounds
     Draw length 27 to 29 inches

Here are the rules:
A.  In order to sign up, you must have posted at least one successful bow on this site.  Please don't be offended if I ask for verification.
B.  All participants in this trade need to participate in the thread and post pictures of their progress,  Start out by posting a picture of the stave, staves, board, billets, etc. that you plan to use for the build.  then continue to post progress of your build. If a participant does not post the progress of their build then it is up to my discretion to remove them from the trade (I only do this after several failed attempts to communicate with you several different ways!)
C.  No bows should be shipped to someone that is not making progress on their bow.  If you are done with your bow and ready to ship, please be in touch with me to help decide if you should ship or not.
D.  Any participant that chooses can also build a second bow to be used as a reserve.  The reserve bows will be used to ensure that ALL participating members get a bow.  Please let me know if you plan to build a reserve bow so if it is needed I know who to contact.
E.  Deadline for signing up will be the end of the day, March 1st.
F.  Shipping deadline will be October 16, 2020.
G.  Have fun.
H.  New this year-please communicate with me.  I understand things happen that can keep you from building a bow (it happened to me last year).  If this happens, the sooner you can let me know, the better.  I can then reshuffle the trade and everything can work out.

I do plan to participate in the trade this year and I will also be building a reserve bow.

Let's make this a great trade.

Thank you.


Below is who is entered:

Silent Sniper
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on February 04, 2020, 04:39:38 pm
I’ve been waiting for this thread to pop up

I’m in!!!

Right hand
60-75 pound draw
25- 27”

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Drawknife on February 04, 2020, 05:41:12 pm
I wish I had the skill.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: aznboi3644 on February 04, 2020, 06:38:36 pm
I’m in.  I am looking forward to putting my best in.

Right hand
24-26” draw
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Bubbabowyer on February 04, 2020, 08:17:11 pm
I've seen y'alls bows before and I'm nowhere near that skill level. I would love to join up. I will try to post the successful bow build required to join before March. I honestly could not build a better looking bow than most all of the bows I've seen on this page. I would however like to give my best attempt to follow in the footsteps of giants so to speak.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Swampman on February 04, 2020, 09:37:14 pm
I've seen y'alls bows before and I'm nowhere near that skill level. I would love to join up. I will try to post the successful bow build required to join before March. I honestly could not build a better looking bow than most all of the bows I've seen on this page. I would however like to give my best attempt to follow in the footsteps of giants so to speak.

Aren't you the guy that posted in another thread about building a bunch of bows every year?  It sounds like you definitely have the experience to join the trade! 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: bushboy on February 05, 2020, 02:04:10 am
Im in,
North american Canadian eh!,bush!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: hoosierf on February 05, 2020, 07:37:39 am
I’m in.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: EdwardS on February 05, 2020, 09:59:18 am
I'm gonna try to meet the requirements before March as well, but my health may take me out this time.  Kidneys have dropped below 50% so I'm gonna let them guide right now.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: TimothyR on February 05, 2020, 07:54:03 pm
I'm in. The last one I was able to participate in was in 2016.  Cant wait to do my best. Glad I saw this in time.
40-50 28"
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Russ on February 06, 2020, 08:12:53 am
Ill see if I can do it! dont have a lot of time with school and my summer job though.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: M2A on February 06, 2020, 09:27:38 pm
I'm in! 

45-55 lbs @ 27"

Looking forward to it.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Swampman on February 07, 2020, 11:18:02 am
I figured I should post that I am in too!

45-65 Pounds
27 inch draw
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Swampman on February 07, 2020, 05:06:49 pm
I thought I would post a picture of what I worked on last night.  I chased a heartwood ring on this black walnut stave.  I figured it won't hurt to get some rings chased.  I also chased a ring on a black locust stave that has a lot of natural reflex.  I know I won't know who I am building for until March but I am going to get some options ready.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: aznboi3644 on February 07, 2020, 08:10:40 pm
Here is a Black Locust stave.  It’s gonna take everything I have to work it but I’m up for the challenge.  I has knots and average of 5-5.5” of reflex as it seasoned. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: stuckinthemud on February 08, 2020, 07:59:53 am
I'd love to join, I only get to build one or two bows a year and these trades are the best.  Only thing, I'm gonna need a European or UK partner or two (or three!!) so come on guys, don't leave me hanging!

24 inch draw,
35 to 45 pounds

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Bubbabowyer on February 08, 2020, 08:58:16 am
Those are nice! How much of that reflex do you hope to keep. I've never done bl. Got a hundred fencposts ready to plant seasoned 3 years on a wagon. So hard they make my wrists hurt just thinking about it
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Bubbabowyer on February 08, 2020, 02:09:53 pm
I'm in 55 65 lbs 27 inch draw rh
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Swampman on February 08, 2020, 08:32:52 pm
I'm in 55 65 lbs 27 inch draw rh

Don't forget to send me a pm with all your contact info.  Welcome to the trade!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: TimBo on February 08, 2020, 08:49:28 pm
aznboi3644, are you sure that is black locust?  It does not look like it at all to me...BL is usually mostly heartwood, like osage.  That looks like elm. 

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: aznboi3644 on February 08, 2020, 08:55:00 pm
It’s black Locust chased down to the heartwood.  At least what I was told from the bowyer who gifted it to me. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Flntknp17 on February 08, 2020, 10:19:05 pm
aznboi3644, are you sure that is black locust?  It does not look like it at all to me...BL is usually mostly heartwood, like osage.  That looks like elm.

I also immediately thought it was elm.  I’ve had a number of elm staves reflex like that too. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Bubbabowyer on February 09, 2020, 02:22:17 pm
Here's my prospect. 64 inches long 1.75 inches wide finish will be 1.5 for 13 inches then tapered about 1.5 mm per inch till the last 5 inches which will be static and substantially more narrow.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: M2A on February 10, 2020, 07:25:36 am
Spent too much time cleaning up the shop this weekend, a pain but do like the results. In the process found my carving knife my dad bought me 30 years ago that I had misplaced 3 years ago. Its just a woodcraft chip knife and I suppose holds more sentimental value than anything but made the clean up well worth it. Where was it?...right where it should be, guess I just over looked it many times over.

Also worked on 2 pieces of locust. Took belly splits off both, chased rings and sealed but I think they will be just too narrow for my liking for the swap. Got 1 ring chased on one of the main staves and 1 to go yet. At this point either one could make any design. hope to rough 1 out for a bendy and 1 for a stiff handle. hope to dig out a piece of sugar maple in the rafters at work today to bring home. I never trust how dry any stave is so I always rough them out then keep them in the house until they stop losing weight. Sometimes that takes a few weeks, and that may determine which piece I could work first. I would very much like to have something good and ready to start on when I get the name  of my victim.

Got some pics along the way. After I chase a ring on the last piece I'll try and get some up.

Lots of room and time to sign up for the swap this year. So if your on the fence why not sign up :) 

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Flntknp17 on February 10, 2020, 09:47:08 am
I would like to participate in the 2020 bow swap. 

Right hand
26”-28” draw


Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: liyeliye123123 on February 10, 2020, 10:09:28 am
I’m in

40-55 lb
27”-28” draw


Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: hoosierf on February 10, 2020, 12:31:54 pm

My advice is start early avoid the stress and enjoy the build.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Bubbabowyer on February 10, 2020, 01:30:58 pm
I nebber haved a yew bow afore ::) ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Bubbabowyer on February 10, 2020, 03:43:04 pm
 Here she is so far. Gotta sand the back and let her dry for a while then off to the tillering stage!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Weylin on February 10, 2020, 07:39:33 pm
Here she is so far. Gotta sand the back and let her dry for a while then off to the tillering stage!

Oooh, That's a nice stave! That one's going to be a looker
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Swampman on February 13, 2020, 06:44:14 pm
Just posting to get this thread back to the first page so people can see it in case the want to sign up.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: jeffp51 on February 13, 2020, 10:41:09 pm
I don't think I can do it this year, but it is always really fun, and if you are on the fence about whether to join in, I say go for it!!!  The challenge to make your very best work is a great way to get better.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: M2A on February 15, 2020, 07:55:52 pm
That's some impressive lumber you guys are bringing to the table. Can't wait to see what you all come up with. I got 3 pieces picked out, 2 locust and in the middle is a sugar maple stave. These staves should make knot free bows. A bit too much sideways bends that may cause some headaches but some real nice rings in the locust I picked out. Hope to start to thin up the limbs to help in any drying that may still be needed, but I'm going to leave them very generic and wide for now so I can get any design out of them. Only worked on sugar maple 1 other time but I think it can make a real snappy bow and you don't see sug maple all that often here. I got an idea for each piece but its too soon to take things much farther and things change....  I got lots to keep me busy until the start.
     ( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: timmyd on February 16, 2020, 10:14:12 am
Dont think I can do it this year. I'm facing a move to georgia and just dont know what all is going to happen so dont want to commit. Hope we do it again next year
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: aznboi3644 on February 16, 2020, 09:01:38 pm
I felt a pop in my right forearm middle of last week while I was working on a bow.  Yup I strained something pretty hard because there’s all kinds of knots in here now and I’m having a hard time picking up my coffee cup without real pain.  Looks like I’m set back a week or two on getting started on my trade bow.  I do have another BL stave with less reflex in I may work along side and see which comes out better.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Bubbabowyer on February 17, 2020, 04:03:45 am
I'll have to pick out another stave as well. I was so in love with this one that I couldn't wait and I made it. So now it's for me not someone else lol. Good news is that I have a bunch of wood to shave on. Even a pear branch and an amur honeysuckle! I don't know what I'll do next.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: aznboi3644 on February 17, 2020, 10:30:48 am
So let me get this straight.  We just build the best bow we can regardless of draw weight and length and then at the end we ship it.  I really don’t care about getting a bow I am really wanting to put my all in this and send the best I can.  But if the draw weight or length doesn’t match the receiver than what? 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Russ on February 17, 2020, 10:34:48 am
So let me get this straight.  We just build the best bow we can regardless of draw weight and length and then at the end we ship it.  I really don’t care about getting a bow I am really wanting to put my all in this and send the best I can.  But if the draw weight or length doesn’t match the receiver than what? 

no youll get the info for the guy (draw weight, length) and all that.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: stuckinthemud on February 17, 2020, 10:41:05 am
So you design and build the best bow you can that matches your guy's specs. Some guys trawl through their guys posts to see what they like, some do the same to see if theres a gap in their guys collection, most just find a real nice stave and build as good a bow as they can
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: High-Desert on February 17, 2020, 02:58:46 pm
When is the deadline to sign up? I’m hesitant because I haven’t had a lot of time in the shop lately.

Lately, my time has been spent stripping sinew and showing my son how to do it too. My plan is to be able to get twice as much sinew stripped in a given amount of time if my parenting pays off how I want it to.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Swampman on February 17, 2020, 06:41:32 pm
So let me get this straight.  We just build the best bow we can regardless of draw weight and length and then at the end we ship it.  I really don’t care about getting a bow I am really wanting to put my all in this and send the best I can.  But if the draw weight or length doesn’t match the receiver than what?

Shortly after March 1st I wil send you a pm with the person you will be building for. The pm will include that person's name, address and the preferred specs for a bow.  Only you and I will know who you are building for but you post pictures of the bow as you build.  When everyone is done, bows get shipped.  Then people find out who was building for them.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Swampman on February 17, 2020, 06:42:21 pm
When is the deadline to sign up? I’m hesitant because I haven’t had a lot of time in the shop lately.

Lately, my time has been spent stripping sinew and showing my son how to do it too. My plan is to be able to get twice as much sinew stripped in a given amount of time if my parenting pays off how I want it to.

The deadline to sign up is March 1st.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: aznboi3644 on February 17, 2020, 11:01:48 pm
Ahh I see now.  I can feel the excitement building.  Well then good thing I have a few different staves to pick from
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Flntknp17 on February 18, 2020, 07:37:32 am
Having not participated in the past, I am getting excited about this swap!  I almost always build bamboo backed bows just because it’s what I enjoy and it allows a lot of latitude as far as choosing what pieces of wood to make into a bow.  I got a brand new shipment of raw bamboo on Friday and went and picked out four nice pieces of wood (two hickory and two maple) yesterday so I’m going to get working on it this weekend hopefully. Man I love going to look for’s like going to the toy store as a kid!

 I’m going to build two similar bows together I think.  The swap bow, and one for a good friend that is very active in the compound archery world, but recently expressed quite a bit of interest in finding out why it’s like to hunt with a longbow. 

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Swampman on February 18, 2020, 05:00:51 pm
Having not participated in the past, I am getting excited about this swap!  I almost always build bamboo backed bows just because it’s what I enjoy and it allows a lot of latitude as far as choosing what pieces of wood to make into a bow.  I got a brand new shipment of raw bamboo on Friday and went and picked out four nice pieces of wood (two hickory and two maple) yesterday so I’m going to get working on it this weekend hopefully. Man I love going to look for’s like going to the toy store as a kid!

 I’m going to build two similar bows together I think.  The swap bow, and one for a good friend that is very active in the compound archery world, but recently expressed quite a bit of interest in finding out why it’s like to hunt with a longbow. 


Sounds like a great plan!  Looking forward to seeing your finished bow.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: dylanholderman on February 18, 2020, 05:27:38 pm
I’m in
40-60lb @ 28” Left hand

I’ve been sitting on the fence trying to make up my mind, having to drop a class was the deciding factor for me, with the time that opened up I figured I’d do something I want to do  ;D

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Mafort on February 19, 2020, 05:18:57 am
I’d like to join if I’m allowed to.

Looking for something in the 40-55 lb range at a 28” draw.
All I ask is you sign it for me to add to my collection.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Swampman on February 19, 2020, 06:30:06 am
I’m in
40-60lb @ 28” Left hand

I’ve been sitting on the fence trying to make up my mind, having to drop a class was the deciding factor for me, with the time that opened up I figured I’d do something I want to do  ;D

Don't forget to send me a pm with your contact information.  Thanks.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Swampman on February 21, 2020, 08:59:09 am
We are down to just over a week to sign up! If you want in, you better act in the next week.


Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: loefflerchuck on February 21, 2020, 10:20:23 pm
I've got time for this. Left handed, 45-75# draw at 27"
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: stuckinthemud on February 22, 2020, 04:11:30 am
That list of names is really exciting, people are going to kick themselves really hard when they miss out on the chance of a bow from some of those guys!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: stuckinthemud on February 24, 2020, 11:58:14 am
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: lebhuntfish on February 24, 2020, 01:19:52 pm
I'm in!

I want to share this here;
I was burnt pretty bad on one of the worst bow trades in the history of this sight but I'm going to give it a shot this year. It pretty much soured my stomach for this sight but in the same hand I love the guys here and what this site stands for. I've missed the camaraderie and banter as well as the connection with other bowyers and like minded people.

My specs are,
Right hand
50 to 55 at 28
I prefer a form fitting grip but a good smooth fit is great as well. A hill style handle hurts my hand to shoot.
I would use the bow for hunting.

I am an hvac technician and I am very busy during the summer months so my progress might slow during that time.

Thanks, and I look forward to the trade!
Guys if you struggling, post pics and I will do what I can to help you out.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Swampman on February 24, 2020, 03:20:57 pm
I hope everyone is getting their tools sharpened up!  A week from now and you should all be finding out who you are building for!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: bushboy on February 24, 2020, 04:42:22 pm
Who ever I get will likely get a elm Molly.......I like the way they shoot!8
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: timmyd on February 24, 2020, 05:28:58 pm
Well I went back and read the rules and saw I have till October so I'm in.

Lh...3 under shooter..#45-60
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: jeffp51 on February 24, 2020, 05:51:24 pm
Patrick I think I remember that trade a few years ago.  It got a little acrimonious. Swampman has run it the last couple of years and has done an outstanding job.  I think the rule of not shipping until it is clear your recipient is also ready to ship has solved most all of the problems.It looks like there are some good people in the trade this year.  Enjoy.  I will be watching with interest.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: lebhuntfish on February 24, 2020, 11:25:40 pm
Thanks Jeff, are you planning on participating this year?

I am excited about being in this trade. Looking forward to building a bow for some unexpected sole!

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: maitus on February 25, 2020, 05:55:18 am
Bow trade is interesting... its like blind date. I would join if I had same normal stave but I don't have. Maybe next year...:)
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: aznboi3644 on February 25, 2020, 06:59:30 am
maitus, what do you mean normal stave?  If you want to join than just do it and build the best bow you can right? 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: sleek on February 25, 2020, 07:37:55 am
I'd join, but I am ALWAYS late on almost every trade I have ever done. My work schedule keeps me from home months on end and at random intervals. I am just going to put that out there. If I can be excused in the somewhat likely event that I will be late, then I will toss my name in. Otherwise, maybe next year.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Swampman on February 25, 2020, 08:54:28 am
Well I went back and read the rules and saw I have till October so I'm in.

Lh...3 under shooter..#45-60

Don't forget to send me a pm with your information!  I can't count you as in until I get that.  Thanks,

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: maitus on February 25, 2020, 11:10:34 am
maitus, what do you mean normal stave?  If you want to join than just do it and build the best bow you can right?
And what should I build it from :D? This crap what I have doesn't make any best bow... and if I will cut a fresh stave this one will dry 2 years :D.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: aznboi3644 on February 25, 2020, 12:05:09 pm
Fresh staves can be roughed to floor tiller and dried out in 2-3 weeks.  I’ve done it before. Conditions gotta be right.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: TimothyR on February 25, 2020, 02:07:57 pm
Can elm be chased to a thin sapwood ring?  I have a red elm stave but would like to get more of the heartwood in the belly.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: maitus on February 25, 2020, 02:14:57 pm
Fresh staves can be roughed to floor tiller and dried out in 2-3 weeks.  I’ve done it before. Conditions gotta be right.

I have tried it too but it took to much set already during the tillering process. It was hanging in my living room until it didn't drop weight anymore. There must something more what will happen with wood during the time as just dropping the moisture content. I forget one elm stave outside under the dew, sun, snow and rain for two years and from this piece turned out the best bow I have ever made.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: sleek on February 25, 2020, 03:08:47 pm
I'd have to say, a good red elm bow is rare. Red elm isnt very good, takes lots of set.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: sleek on February 25, 2020, 05:42:18 pm
Alrighty, concession have been made and I am in. I'm a righty and appreciate any bow 30 pounds and up, my draw length is 26, but make it to any draw you like, I'm not picky.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Yellowstave on February 25, 2020, 06:07:58 pm
I'm in. Rh. 45 to 60 lbs 27 inch draw.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: lebhuntfish on February 25, 2020, 11:59:42 pm
Alrighty, concession have been made and I am in. I'm a righty and appreciate any bow 30 pounds and up, my draw length is 26, but make it to any draw you like, I'm not picky.

So 30@36 then?! Of course it would have to have 10in of reflex and bend in the handle!  -C-

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: sleek on February 26, 2020, 07:12:36 am
Alrighty, concession have been made and I am in. I'm a righty and appreciate any bow 30 pounds and up, my draw length is 26, but make it to any draw you like, I'm not picky.

So 30@36 then?! Of course it would have to have 10in of reflex and bend in the handle!  -C-


Sure buddy, and I know just the guy I'd let shoot it too.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: silent sniper on February 27, 2020, 07:53:34 pm
I'm in,
Right hand
60-75# draw
27-28" draw length depending on height of bow grip. 
3 under release. 
Looking forward to another great bow trade!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Russ on February 28, 2020, 10:55:59 am
I'm in,  ;D ;D

Right hand,
around 45#

This will really help me by giving me a goal!!!!
gotta sharpen my axe and get some more staves for when im finished! gonna make 1 bow to the best of my ability, then make another one stretching myself farther then again and again till the deadline!! then ill send the best one and ill have something to compare that will tell me how much better i got throughout the year!!  :BB :BB
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Mafort on February 28, 2020, 03:21:48 pm
I’ve got two particularly dense pieces of hackberry roughed out into pyramid bows and one hickory heartwood longbow I’m working on. This years trade is going to be great. That hickory heartwood bow is really really dense. I may back it with bamboo.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Swampman on February 29, 2020, 07:57:29 pm
One day left to sign up!!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Bubbabowyer on March 01, 2020, 08:05:57 am
Today's the day! I cant wait to start this. I got some really cool ideas floating around in my head. If I can just fight off the A.D.D. long enough to grasp one of them.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: Yellowstave on March 01, 2020, 09:49:15 am
This stave will be my bow for the trade. I plan on stingray grip and some buffalo overlays. Ive also got a sister stave to this one in case I fail horribly. Lol
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Who is in?
Post by: bushboy on March 01, 2020, 10:13:06 am
Nice!this is all the seasoned elm I have left....I gonna have to do some cutting this spring.....should be a bow  in there...
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on March 01, 2020, 09:09:21 pm
Alright, I just closed the sign up and I am working on drawing names.  I probably won't get messages out to all of you until tomorrow. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on March 02, 2020, 09:03:33 am
Everyone should now now have a message from me regarding who they are building for.  It is time to get started with the builds!

If any of you have questions or need additional information, please get in touch with me.

Please remember to not ship your bow (or write on it) until I give the go ahead.  Hopefully this will stop any issues at the end of the trade. 

Also, please remember that if things come up that may keep you from completing a build, let me know as soon as you can so other arrangements can be made for your victim.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on March 02, 2020, 09:04:40 am
One more thing, let's make this a great trade!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bubbabowyer on March 02, 2020, 09:18:43 am
What's everybody's shooting style? Three under? 2under 1over? Just thought this may have some importance. I personally shoot two under one over
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on March 02, 2020, 09:24:22 am
Got my victim. Was excited to find out who it is. Wonder what I can make to mess with his head. LMAO. Anyway, I shoot split finger fyi.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on March 02, 2020, 09:26:18 am
ooh man this will be a fun one!!  >:D >:D

I shoot split or 3 finger under
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on March 02, 2020, 09:40:48 am
I was able to get a little time last week so I started on my build.  We have a very high quality specialty hardwood lumber and woodworking store here so I spent an hour sorting through wood to get what I wanted.  Picked two hickory and two hard maple pieces.  I’m going with the maple for my build because I was able to get 5/4 wood, which is a treat since the majority is 3/4.  I’m a board bow guy by preference so I figured I’d do what I do best for this build.  I received five pieces of raw bamboo last week also and thinned and flattened one of them as thin as I could make it before gluing up with 3” of Perry reflex.  I always love how the reflex of these bows increases as I remove wood during the tillering process.  It probably had about 1” of reflex after I took the clamps off, but is now well over 2” after thinning the limbs enough to begin floor tillering.  Bow is planned for maple/boo/padauk.  Good luck to everyone 😃
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Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: lebhuntfish on March 02, 2020, 09:45:58 am
I shoot split finger, 2 under 1 over.

Just remember that knowing how the bow will be drawn makes a difference in the way its tillered and how it shoots if its not drawn correctly.

If you tiller for 3 under and your victim shoots split then it could have a kick upon release but it is safe to shoot.

If you tiller for split finger and your victim shoots 3 under it will kick also and possibly make it unsafe to shoot. By moving your hand down just an inch puts more stress on the bottom limb. It has a similar effect  as over drawing. We all know what happens when you do that.

I tiller my bows with even limbs for split finger. And up to a quarter of an inch positive tiller on the bottom limb for 3 under draw.
Good luck everyone!
My victom is in for a treat, he will be taking a ride on Furry road!
For you new guys, just ask hunterbob.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on March 02, 2020, 09:55:38 am
I shoot split finger, 2 under and 1 over.

I am going to start with a black walnut stave that I chased a heart wood ring on.  I have a bunch of options past that one.  I plan to build a few bows and see which one fits my guy the best.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on March 02, 2020, 11:00:31 am
I got a couple staves in mind for my guy I’ll get pics up tonight after I get off work
I shoot split finger most of the time but I’m playing around with a thumb ring I made recently too
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Yellowstave on March 02, 2020, 01:36:40 pm
I'm comfortable with split finger but been shooting 3 under after watching clay hayes video on gap shooting. Either is fine.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: aznboi3644 on March 02, 2020, 08:36:23 pm
Split finger now.  I used to shoot pinch grip for years and got pretty decent. 

Now I prefer 1 over 2 under.

I’m glad my tendon in my arm is finally feeling good enough to get started.  This bow is gonna push my limits and I’m excited to see what turns out.  I have a couple Different bows I want to build and send the best one.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on March 02, 2020, 10:23:32 pm
here's what i got to start with. from left to right, honeysuckle, osage, honeysuckle, honeysuckle, osage.
i'm leaning towards the right most honeysuckle but i need to do some tests on some scrap first to see how far i can get it to bend, i want to do a deflexed bendy handle with static recurves but we'll see.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: lebhuntfish on March 03, 2020, 12:30:01 am
I'll try to get pictures up as soon as I can. I got a lot going on right now with with a new neice n the nicu but I've got one sort of roughed out. It's winged elm and a beauty in my book! I love a challenging stave but these are sweet! Got to get it thinned out and get it bent up and make some sexy curves in her. Then I'm going to set her on fire and burn her belly!

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on March 03, 2020, 07:15:54 am
I shoot split finger, tried 3 under a few years ago but didn't care for it much.

I got a sugar maple and black locust roughed out. The maple is set up for a stiff handle while the locust is roughed out for a bendy. Got some ideas for each but not sure what direction to head yet. Both are a little too wide, long, and thick.  Going to do some looking in the next few days and try to come up with a game plan to start on one of them. Both of these will need some monor heat corrections down the road and thats always been a weak link for me but been getting better at that. That said, I dug out the straightest piece of locust yesterday and brought it home from work just in case.

Hope to put up a pic or 2 in the next few days of what I'll be starting on with the intention of getting some bend out of one of them over the weekend. Looking forward to getting started on something soon. With 20 folks building its going to a lot of fun. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on March 03, 2020, 10:15:43 am
Here is the better of the two maple staves glued up with bamboo in my super homemade “jig”.....these often increase in reflex in the weeks after I remove them from the clamps and I’ve been told it’s the water from the glue that is soaked up by the bamboo eventually completely drying out and allowing the boo to be stiffer.  Not sure what it is exactly, but this one gained an inch of reflex in the couple days after it was taken off the “form”.  Ignore the messy bench....that just means fun stuff is happening 😉

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Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on March 03, 2020, 11:14:15 am
I’m a split finger guy myself. And shoot in a snap shooting style. If I hold anchor for more than 0.1 second, then I’m doing good with holding full draw.

I think for my main bow for this year I’m going to work on a takedown hickory bow using a Fglass sleeve. I have a few other ideas handy Incase that one fails for some reason. I’m not sure what style I want to go with yet until I get t he bark off and see what I have to work with. I’ll probably do a wide flat bow with a willow leaf profile. I’m not sure if I want to recurve it or not yet.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on March 03, 2020, 11:26:49 am
I can shoot split and three under. I always tiller my bows equally on both limbs.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on March 03, 2020, 08:38:10 pm
I did a little work tonight and got my black walnut stave roughed out.  The limbs are down to a half inch and it is not bending at all yet.  I have it cut to 68 inches so I should have plenty to work with.  This stave will definitely need some heat corrections to get the alignment right.  It also has about 2 inches of natural reflex so it has some good potential of I don't mess it up.

I couldn't find my calipers that I use when laying a bow out so I found a vice grip works great as a gauge to get the thickness of the limbs even. 

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on March 04, 2020, 08:38:08 am
I have a nice osage and hickory stave. the hickory can probably give a belly spit, and then split so i can get three but it has a nasty knot or whatever it is.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: aznboi3644 on March 04, 2020, 06:05:24 pm
Here’s another black locust stave I got roughed out.  Plans are to put about 2-3 good layers of sinew in the back of this one.  One limb is gonna be interesting with a big hump on the back from a knot that I’m digging out.  The grain swirls around it and it is wider.  This will be my first black locust bow.  It’s gonna be a fun challenge.

It still needs some rasping.  One limb is about 1/2” thick and non even budging.  Damn it’s stiff.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on March 04, 2020, 07:04:38 pm
All righty, Think I got a game plan to start on. Going to start on the sugar maple for a stiff handled bow. I got that and a piece of locust with the thickness roughed out. Figured I'd put the locust in the pics as well in case I do any work on that one.  The Maple has some twist to it that may need attention down the road but I think it will look much better after I get it narrowed up a bit. Picture gives the appearance of some deflex out of the handle but its pretty flat imo. No knots, and that's hard to come by from the wood I seem to cut. So should be a fun piece to work on. Next step will be to lay out the limbs and get it looking a little bit like a bow.
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on March 04, 2020, 07:17:21 pm
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Here is stave #1 after glue up, cleaning off the excess glue, roughing out the handle.  I haven’t worked maple in quite a while so it’s been entertaining. 

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Yellowstave on March 06, 2020, 11:39:54 am
These two are gonna be my best efforts.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: timmyd on March 06, 2020, 11:57:10 am
hardest part for me is just picking a stave. I have hickory, ash, osage billets, character osage staves, and some hickory backings, walnut and hickory slats for tri lam bows. Have no idea what to do. The hickory is the best as far as clean straight staves go but hickory needs to be babied (kept dry) if going to be shot frequently. but i love building bows out of it.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on March 10, 2020, 04:23:39 pm
Here is one of my potential bows. Elm character.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on March 10, 2020, 04:39:15 pm
More pics
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on March 10, 2020, 08:06:03 pm
well last night i got my first stave debarked and tried to split off some of the excess but apparently this stave wants to be a reflexed bow  :-X after a quick gear change no big deal. I started roughing it out in a subtle willow leaf profile that should become more pronounced as i refine the shape.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on March 12, 2020, 08:15:08 pm
Whelp, I got a start on one. Luckily I keep a stave in my truck when I'm out on contracts. Had an hour of boredom after work, so I split a stave, and chased a ring. Kinda different doing it in a parking lot under a street lamp on the tailgate, hoping the cops didnt get called about a guy waving a knife around in the abandoned lot I park at.

Anyways, its 57 inches long, and about 1 5/16 wide in the middle. Kinda short, kinda narrow. Gonna take it down to profile, then floor bending and stop for awhile. When the weather warms up, I'll drag my generator out for power and use my heat gun to bend in my curves to allow the draw length I want. Then I will calculate based on its width, what draw weight I can get from it. This stick is gonna walk me through the process.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on March 12, 2020, 08:24:43 pm
Obligatory images of the shape and chased ring.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on March 12, 2020, 08:46:22 pm
Did you see that crazy guy waving a Ka-bar around.  He had some funny colored wood chips flying all over the place.  Weird. :BB
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on March 12, 2020, 09:04:59 pm
Per my calculations, assuming I can keep the width and not need to narrow it any, I should get a 40.43 pound bow using my experimental math.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on March 12, 2020, 09:05:55 pm
Did you see that crazy guy waving a Ka-bar around.  He had some funny colored wood chips flying all over the place.  Weird. :BB

Right? Boy, what a mess that could quickly turn into.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on March 13, 2020, 06:44:17 am
All righty. With a break in the weather things at work got busy rather fast this year. Been waiting till I could get some pics posted to continue. As I have it bending, I don't want to reduce it anymore until I see if I can get the limbs better inline with the handle. I figure the worst of the 2  is just over 1" off. Tips are still about 1" wide and handle is still full width. Not always successful at getting things lined up so...but I feel pretty good about this piece. Also has some prop twist that I hope to remove. If I can straighten it up enough, I should be able to get it looking more like a bow in short order.
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr         
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on March 13, 2020, 03:41:20 pm
I would cut out the handle profile before alignment..just what I've seen happen before...
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on March 13, 2020, 08:30:01 pm
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I’ve been slowly making progress this week on the BBM.  I’m basically done tillering unless something changes unexpectedly and it’s pulling 48@24 so I’ve got plenty of room to play with the draw weight to make it about 50@27 eventually.  It started out with 3” of reflex and now maintains 2” of just unbraced reflex after shooting a few arrows.  So far so good.

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Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on March 13, 2020, 08:36:59 pm
That is looking good Matt.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on March 14, 2020, 07:49:38 am
Thanks for the suggestion  Bush.

Your project is coming along nicely Flintnp.

Always cool to see the different styles and thought processes in these trades.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on March 14, 2020, 09:16:38 pm
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I was able to get in a bit more work today since my flintknapping demonstration got canceled by virus 🦠.  Filed the handle closer to final dimensions and smoothed all the limb corners.  Trued up the lines of the limbs a bit.  Shot about 50 arrows at my block in the basement and it definitely shoots well.  The rules of the bow swap were “to make a bow that hurts a little to give away because you’d like to keep it yourself” or something to that effect.  This one definitely qualifies.  It kept about a full inch of immediately unbraced reflex after 50 shots.  I’m happy with that on an all-wood bow. 


Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bubbabowyer on March 15, 2020, 02:25:33 pm
Got some more work done on my stave this weekend. This is some of the densest osage I've ever seen. I hope it turns out well.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on March 15, 2020, 05:24:57 pm
That is some nice looking sage
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on March 15, 2020, 05:26:48 pm
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I was able to get in a bit more work today since my flintknapping demonstration got canceled by virus 🦠.  Filed the handle closer to final dimensions and smoothed all the limb corners.  Trued up the lines of the limbs a bit.  Shot about 50 arrows at my block in the basement and it definitely shoots well.  The rules of the bow swap were “to make a bow that hurts a little to give away because you’d like to keep it yourself” or something to that effect.  This one definitely qualifies.  It kept about a full inch of immediately unbraced reflex after 50 shots.  I’m happy with that on an all-wood bow. 


I like that handle contrast. Your glue lines are certainly on point too.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: timmyd on March 15, 2020, 06:41:12 pm
Sweet bow there matt
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on March 17, 2020, 04:49:19 pm
Sorry to flood the thread with pics.....but I’m working from home for the foreseeable future and that means I can work early am, then do fun stuff during the day, and then finish my work day in the evenings so I made a little more progress today.  I slightly increased the amount of flex on the inner most limbs and did some adjustments to the grip to make it more comfortable.  Then I scraped the outer layer off the bamboo.  I went out and shot about 100 arrows with it while the kids played in the yard.  Still holding some reflex immediately unbraced. 

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Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bubbabowyer on March 17, 2020, 07:04:53 pm
Looks really good to me. Well done sir!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on March 18, 2020, 09:22:38 am
Looks great!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on March 18, 2020, 11:34:28 am
Looks great!
I’m gonna have to get to working on mine soon. I roughed out a hickory stave and still need to get it floor tillered. It definitely takes longer without using the normal vise set up.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on March 18, 2020, 09:09:18 pm
I’m pretty psyched with the recipient I drew and would like to think there was some consideration giving me that person. The criteria says “make the best bow you are able to make” for me that is sinew/juniper combo. The same style bow I hold a couple world records with. I’ll post pictures soon of a stave and aftermath. All Utah ski resorts are closed so my job coaching some of the best free skiers in the world is on hold for the foreseeable future. I do however have 2 kids and am now a homeschool dad. Still I’m happy to have this project to give me another thing to keep my mind occupied.
Stand by.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on March 18, 2020, 09:36:10 pm
I’m pretty psyched with the recipient I drew and would like to think there was some consideration giving me that person. The criteria says “make the best bow you are able to make” for me that is sinew/juniper combo. The same style bow I hold a couple world records with. I’ll post pictures soon of a stave and aftermath. All Utah ski resorts are closed so my job coaching some of the best free skiers in the world is on hold for the foreseeable future. I do however have 2 kids and am now a homeschool dad. Still I’m happy to have this project to give me another thing to keep my mind occupied.
Stand by.

You got my attention.  I can't wait to see what you build!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on March 19, 2020, 08:02:09 am
Nice bow Matt
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bubbabowyer on March 19, 2020, 03:36:22 pm
Trying something different. Man I hope my victim likes it. Just getting the handle joints married up here.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on March 19, 2020, 08:36:50 pm
Wow!  That gonna be awesome man!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on March 20, 2020, 07:39:06 am
That looks great Matt.

Looks like a cool combo of materials there BB.

Looking forward to seeing pics of that juniper Chuck. Not something that grows round these parts.

Hope to have some progress to show over the weekend for myself. Just taking my time plugging away at it.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: lebhuntfish on March 22, 2020, 02:23:47 pm
Well guys I've made a little progress. I've got a really nice piece of winged elm roughed out. It's still in a rough shape but I see a beauty of a bow in it. It's one of the first bows that I have started that I can't quite invision the finished product yet.

I have all kinds of exotic woods, horn, antler, bones and a couple snake skins to choose from. I would like to see if I can get some input from everyone on tip overlays and maybe even some finish designs. If you can think of it I probably have it as far as materials. I've never done any painting on a bow before so I'm not sure that is something that would consider at this time.
I would like everyone to give ideas, suggestions and pictures if possible of your vote for tip overlays and finishing touches. I will choose what you guys suggest. And hopefully my victom will be the one to reveal the winning design.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on March 22, 2020, 08:59:04 pm
I got 1 3" winged elm in the rafters at work. Might be the only one I ever find so i been in no hurry to start on it. So I'm looking forward to see what you make Patrick. I'm always good for suggestions :). You thinking stiff handle or bendy?

Having a hard time getting pictures downloaded tonight, it happens sometimes. Non-the-less  will give my weekly update. Got the handle roughed out and limbs straightened out. Put about 2 inches of reflex in the limbs while giving them a light heat treatment. Pretty pleased about how this piece of maple is coming along. Going to let it sit for a few days just to be on the safe side. Going to give it a much better heat treatment later on. Hope to be able to show good progress on the tiller next weekend. Will post a few pics of where Im at now as soon as I can get things figured out.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: lebhuntfish on March 22, 2020, 09:32:35 pm
Mike, it will definitely be a stiff handle and 95% sure it will be my r/d fury design.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on March 23, 2020, 06:18:52 am
Thinking about the yew as I’ve only built one in the past so I started on an Osage bendy too. It’s  55” long. Floor tiller is done. Now I’ll sinew the back.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on March 23, 2020, 11:30:22 am
Well guys I've made a little progress. I've got a really nice piece of winged elm roughed out. It's still in a rough shape but I see a beauty of a bow in it. It's one of the first bows that I have started that I can't quite invision the finished product yet.

I have all kinds of exotic woods, horn, antler, bones and a couple snake skins to choose from. I would like to see if I can get some input from everyone on tip overlays and maybe even some finish designs. If you can think of it I probably have it as far as materials. I've never done any painting on a bow before so I'm not sure that is something that would consider at this time.
I would like everyone to give ideas, suggestions and pictures if possible of your vote for tip overlays and finishing touches. I will choose what you guys suggest. And hopefully my victom will be the one to reveal the winning design.


An Elm furry????? I'll take two please!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on March 23, 2020, 09:22:16 pm
ok, whew. things feel crazy around here. I was hoping to bring a couple staves to the classic and stuff and start working with that. well... not gonna happen i guess unless things die down. i found some osage and a chainsaw. just gotta find some time to cut. then ill feel much better about starting to work on some staves.

oh i broke my scale and lost my string maker, and most of my basic tools. i feel like im going crazy.  :P
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on March 24, 2020, 04:15:42 pm
Couple of choices ....american elm/Osage orange....
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on March 24, 2020, 07:09:57 pm
Juniper stave 59".  I cut the tree just 4 months ago and removed the bark from this stave the day before i took the photos.  Split it into 2 staves and since the wood is still green i clamped both staves to a board to remove the little twist in the staves while they dry
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on March 24, 2020, 07:10:58 pm
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on March 24, 2020, 11:11:18 pm
Woot!  Juniper is the coolest.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on March 25, 2020, 05:24:54 am
Had to look up what you meant by "fury design " Patrick...thats an impressive design you got going on there. My first thoughts on that... Elm always looks good with the streaks of cambium imho. Antler tip overlays, not all polished up and smooth but some with a bit of character. Regardless of the extras thats going to make a heck of a swap bow.

Looks like you all got some nice staves to get started on.

Was able to get pics loaded so here's where i'm at. Hope to get back to it after work tonight.
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr               
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on March 25, 2020, 09:38:59 am
I've got a 20 year old osage stave I'm working on and a couple winged elm, maybe a plum stave if I can get it straight enough. I'll get some pics up as soon as I can. I've been doing some stuff around the house for my wife that's slowed me down a bit. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on March 25, 2020, 11:15:14 am
Here are a few projects I have been working on for possible trade bows. I have a black locust stave roughed out, a set of black locust billets and a pair of osage belly laminations that I bent some nice statics into. It should be interesting to see how these guys turn out.
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([/url]Untitled (

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on March 28, 2020, 01:50:27 pm
I made a bit more progress on my trade bow. Biggest problem is it’s hickory and we’ve gotten lots of rain so humidity is hanging out in the 70-80% today. So I may get a little further with floor tiller tha. Normal and heat treat. Or get it through long string tiller today before I heat treats I did go to the dark side today and use a power tool to get it down to bending on the floor. I used the angle grinder with a sanding disk. Works awesome for quickly removing material with no effort. Just gotta be very cautious or you can quickly over do it.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on March 28, 2020, 07:18:04 pm
Here it is all heat treated and the shape I decided to go with.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on March 28, 2020, 07:35:38 pm
Looking good Kyle.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on March 28, 2020, 08:00:29 pm
Got some work done today. 3 osage and a redbud
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on March 29, 2020, 08:23:06 am
got some more weight reduced and that dog leg steamed out the other day, should be dry enough to do more work now.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on March 29, 2020, 08:41:43 am
Osage update. Sinew applied now curing

I think I like this one but best not to get attached so early. It’s still just a stave.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: lebhuntfish on March 29, 2020, 02:16:46 pm
Looking good fellas, I'm fixing to go out and do a little work on my trade bow today.

Not saying it can't be done and not trying to be rude or anything here. But I'm not sure that cutting a green stave and trying to get it dry enough to make a good bow in a few months is a good idea. I know people say that you can dry one out fast if you reduce it down and even use a drying box. But how good is that stave actually going to be? How durable is that bow going to be? We all know that if you force nature it usually does not end well. Like I said, I know it has been done.
The goal here is to make the best bow you can make for the trade. And I'm sure everyone has their own quality and skill level that they use to produce a nice bow.
If this process is something you do on a regular basis and it works well for you that is good. But with a trade like this I personally believe we all need to step up our game and turn out the best quality bow we have made to date.
I'm sure all of us can make a beautiful bow, but remember, that mostly lipstick and makeup. I'm more concerned with quality and durability and if performance is in the mix then that's an added plus.
Let's all keep that in mind and not just make a bow, but "Make A BOW!"

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on March 30, 2020, 09:15:33 pm
Did a little tiller work on my hickory stick yesterday and got it pulling weight at 15” after it’s heat treat and bending. Next day I work on it I’ll give it one more rasping before I check again and see about bracing it up. It seems like the limbs will end up a little on the thinner side.
I’ll get some pics my next day working on it.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on March 31, 2020, 07:28:58 am
Looking good fellas, I'm fixing to go out and do a little work on my trade bow today.

Not saying it can't be done and not trying to be rude or anything here. But I'm not sure that cutting a green stave and trying to get it dry enough to make a good bow in a few months is a good idea. I know people say that you can dry one out fast if you reduce it down and even use a drying box. But how good is that stave actually going to be? How durable is that bow going to be? We all know that if you force nature it usually does not end well. Like I said, I know it has been done.
The goal here is to make the best bow you can make for the trade. And I'm sure everyone has their own quality and skill level that they use to produce a nice bow.
If this process is something you do on a regular basis and it works well for you that is good. But with a trade like this I personally believe we all need to step up our game and turn out the best quality bow we have made to date.
I'm sure all of us can make a beautiful bow, but remember, that mostly lipstick and makeup. I'm more concerned with quality and durability and if performance is in the mix then that's an added plus.
Let's all keep that in mind and not just make a bow, but "Make A BOW!"


No reason for concern here. Chuck is probably the best juniper bowyer in the world. And that’s just the way it is.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on March 31, 2020, 08:50:38 am
I ended up getting two complete bows out of the beautiful hard maple piece I used for this trade.  Both are bamboo backed maple with padauk risers and perry reflex.  One (that I posted pics of earlier in this thread) is 1.5' wide and pyramid shape.  The other is just an inch wide since it was the leftover piece of maple.  I haven't built a whitewood bow that narrow before, but I decided it was worth the effort to try since the maple was so hard.....and it worked beautifully.  As expected, it didn't maintain as much reflex as the 1.5" wide version, but it still holds zero set just unbraced after 50 shots and comes back to a little reflex after a few minutes.  The wider one shoots harder and would make a better hunting bow, while the narrower one is more elegant and shoots with silence and elegance and would make a better bow for fun or target shooting.  The narrow one turned out well enough that I don't know which to send off now!

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on March 31, 2020, 08:55:28 am
( (

Here is the first outdoor shooting session with the aforementioned narrow version.  I shot it about 200 times over the weekend and that makes me confident that it’ll survive long term. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on March 31, 2020, 10:34:24 am
pulled out my hackberry blank. got it to a 3" brace but i still need to practice stringing. its HARD!! but ill get it. took me 3 hrs to make the string. somethings up with my string maker  ::) . its looking very good. my scale for my tillering tree is broken so i need to find out where to find a new one.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on March 31, 2020, 08:22:33 pm
Ok the sinew on the Osage is curing so back to the yew.

Back is cleaned up and tips aligned as much as I dare move them. Fortunately like a lot of staves they’re curved in opposite directions so string alignment should simply involve tweaking the handle a bit and it should be pretty good. Also removed that deflex and put matching reflex of about an inch on both tips. It’s 59” and 1 1/2” wide. With a bendy handle I’m hoping to get 27” draw out it. We’ll see. It won’t be a war bow by any means but I’m shooting for 45# maybe slightly less.  I’m no yew expert but I’m sure to learn a lot and hopefully get a nice bow out of it.  So far so good.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on March 31, 2020, 09:46:10 pm
I ended up getting two complete bows out of the beautiful hard maple piece I used for this trade.  Both are bamboo backed maple with padauk risers and perry reflex.  One (that I posted pics of earlier in this thread) is 1.5' wide and pyramid shape.  The other is just an inch wide since it was the leftover piece of maple.  I haven't built a whitewood bow that narrow before, but I decided it was worth the effort to try since the maple was so hard.....and it worked beautifully.  As expected, it didn't maintain as much reflex as the 1.5" wide version, but it still holds zero set just unbraced after 50 shots and comes back to a little reflex after a few minutes.  The wider one shoots harder and would make a better hunting bow, while the narrower one is more elegant and shoots with silence and elegance and would make a better bow for fun or target shooting.  The narrow one turned out well enough that I don't know which to send off now!


I'd take either, but if I had my druthers, I'd take the best shooter over the higher draw weight. I prefer a sweet shooter that I can enjoy than a hunting weight bow that is less fun.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on April 01, 2020, 09:16:46 am
hackberrys not an option anymore. got yew billets out now. probably wont make a takedown but ill splice it and OH MY GOSH IT IS SO EASY TO CHASE A RING!!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: lebhuntfish on April 02, 2020, 10:21:15 am
No reason for concern here. Chuck is probably the best juniper bowyer in the world. And that’s just the way it is.

I truly meant that as an overall statement. I know it kinda sounded like it was directed at an individual but truly wasn't meant to be.
When I started making bows and posting them on PA I was pretty dang green myself. I tried to pay attention to what people told me on here. I learned who was a seasoned Bowyer and who liked to talk about bows. I found out pretty quickly, the hard way, whoever was telling me how to do things I needed to read several replies and use common sense to weed out the statements that were not a good way to do something.
Before I started making bows all I knew about wood was how to make custom furniture and other wood products and how to cut and "season" fire wood.
I found out in a hurry that cut and "dry" wood wasn't anywhere near the same as seasoned/cured wood.
And trying to quickly dry out a stave for a bow was taboo.
I have learned myself over the years that after cutting a stave and preparing it for drying, I like it to be at least 2 years old before I do anything to it as far as "bow" work. And I like to reduce it to a nice size bow blank and leave it in the house for a week or two before proceeding on any bending work. I also make sure my inprogress staves are inside in a conditiond space while they are in the process of being made into a bow.

Like I said, I know it can be done, but....

Chuck, I hope you were not offended by my comment.
I just know how easy it is to send a newby down the wrong path.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 02, 2020, 12:10:30 pm
Whelp, I may be looking at plan B. I got a check at the tip that runs through the belly to the back. It will still make a bow, but I'm uncertain about shipping it.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 02, 2020, 12:11:21 pm
I'm still going to make it into a bow, just may not be shipping this one. Darn shame.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on April 02, 2020, 02:37:40 pm
Nice work there Matt!

Hate when that happends Sleek.

Nice to see so many projects coming along.

My piece of sugar maple is coming along very nice. Unfortunately, I needed to deal with a medical issue thats been looming over me for the last several months. Everything is well but it left me with an untold number of stitches in my neck. I am going to play it safe until I can take them out. Sure would hate to ruin the docs handywork. So I will be doing everything I can to get ready to tiller my bow to f/d in 2 weeks. I hope, starting tonight,  to give it a real good heat treat and make a slight adjustment to the string alignment to make good use of my down time. I also still have that locust piece to finish floor tillering and hope to put some heat to it to straighten it out some.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on April 02, 2020, 06:42:27 pm
I’ve pulled my hickory stave to 16” on the long string just off the belly. So I took it to a low 4” brace to get an idea of where the string lines up so I could narrow down the tips and get the overlays glued on. I decided to go with persimmon tips this time. I’m hoping it’ll look good when all finished up. The tips were narrowed to 1/2” before I glued the overlay material on.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on April 03, 2020, 07:44:24 am
Covid has been a boon for the bow trade.  Nice work fellas.  Here’s an update on the yew.

I’m not quite sure what to do with that one tip. I’ve gotta do some more heat correction.  It shoots nice and has not really taken much set.

The full draw pic was before I made more adjustments so ignore the stiff spots. They’re gone except for a small area near a knot.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on April 03, 2020, 10:54:46 am
As long as it isn’t trying to throw the string off I would learn that tip alone. I have a long bow I made do the same thing and it looks a little funky but shoots just fine.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on April 03, 2020, 11:00:31 am
Thanks Dylan, I want to leave it. It just looks kinda odd. Shoots good.  The tips curve in opposite directions so the string passes pretty close to center. I’ll shoot it a bunch and see how she holds up. I think I’ll give it a really good heat treatment to get to my 42# goal and dress it up.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 03, 2020, 04:07:14 pm
On to plan B&C

I had this sap wood ring chased for years and never treated it. Now it has spalted. Osage sap works fine as a back  but it must be cared for. Now I am chasing a few sap rings down to a clean ring. I may leave the last ring if sap on it or take it off, I'm not certain.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on April 04, 2020, 04:37:00 pm
Patrick, no offense taken. At the most I'd take it as a extra challenge. I've been building bows and sinew backed bows for 30 years now. I in no way think I am the most experienced bowyer on this site. I'm not. In a lifetime we can't learn everything about every kind of wood and backing. There it a difference between conifer, ring porous and diffuse porous woods and lots of variation in those groups themselves. Try to fast season a wild plum and get a bow and you have issues. Using green juniper when you start gives you the ability to clamp out twist, dry it into a recurve and easily shape with steam. Seasoned juniper needs to be soaked before steam bending as it will break if not.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: lebhuntfish on April 05, 2020, 08:44:26 pm
Chuck, I've seen your bows and they are awesome. I've personally never worked any juniper, I would love to though. I have worked ERC and it to is finikey when dry. But you can bend it with a heat gun and a wet towel wrapped in foil.

Between work, covid, and lawn mower problems my weekend sucked. I spent more time using orange hand cleaner than I did sleeping. Hope to get some more shop time this week. But missouri just went on a stay at home order and I am considered an essential personnel as a HVAC technician. Stay safe everyone!

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 05, 2020, 09:05:37 pm
Plan C, if you coud have a stave grow into any shape, what would it be? I have a confession, I dont know how to tiller this one.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on April 05, 2020, 09:09:49 pm
del did something where he put cards on a wiggly bow.... or something. lemme find the link.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 05, 2020, 09:15:21 pm
That's the side profile :)
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on April 05, 2020, 09:19:53 pm
yeah i know. wait, do you not know how to tiller it because of the side profile or the back profile?
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on April 05, 2020, 09:21:47 pm
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 05, 2020, 09:36:33 pm
yeah i know. wait, do you not know how to tiller it because of the side profile or the back profile?

Side profile. I haven't ever tillered one like that well.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 05, 2020, 09:48:47 pm

Such a clever Cat
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on April 05, 2020, 09:58:47 pm
You can trace the profile of the back onto something you can compare back to. Once you brace it you can lay the handle in the same spot and see if everything is bending as it should. And can see where any set it occurring.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 05, 2020, 10:13:21 pm
You can trace the profile of the back onto something you can compare back to. Once you brace it you can lay the handle in the same spot and see if everything is bending as it should. And can see where any set it occurring.


Thanks Kyle, I need to see what the final tiller shape should be.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on April 05, 2020, 10:31:00 pm
Patrick, I've never tried the wet foil thing.

Sleek, if you took a few inches off one side you would have a perfect deflex/reflex profile.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on April 06, 2020, 05:00:01 am
Hi guys, apologies for not posting here but with wife and family home at the moment sneaking out to the workshop for a few hours has been tricky, though I was able to sort tbrough and rack my staves (that took a week of shop time) found a few lovely staves I didn't know I had, I'll post photos soon.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on April 06, 2020, 06:05:06 am
Well I haven't managed to have any shop time until this past weekend.  Before the weekend I had worked 20 days in a row.  A walk in the woods and some shop time was really welcomed over the weekend.

I think I finally focused on a stave for the trade.  I roughed out a hhb stave.  There are 2 knots in this stave in one limb but they are dead center.  I got it floor tillered so it is ready to continue on with the tillering process.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on April 06, 2020, 07:05:04 am
Gave the maple piece I been working on a good heat treatment on the caul over the weekend. Almost 40 min each limb. 2nd limb still clamped to caul. Will remove when I get home tonight. Slight adjustment made to tips, or so I hope :) Being on "light duty" for the next 2 weeks or so this bow will need to sit until then. With any luck the next pic will be an in hand shot a few inches short of f/d. Until then, I'll get some work done on my plan b and maybe get a few more roughed out.
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on April 06, 2020, 08:53:18 am
( (

( (

Both of the bows I have been working on (sister staves) were finished yesterday.  Now, the only thing left to do is add the leather handle.  I used walnut colored stain to darken the heavier, wider one since it is much more likely to be a hunting bow someday.  I left the narrower one natural.  Both have four or five coats of tru oil.  I'll have to get the weights exactly soon.  The heavier one feels like low 50s and the lighter one feels like high 40s for draw weight at 27".  The darker one is 66" and the lighter one is 64".

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 06, 2020, 02:07:05 pm
Patrick, I've never tried the wet foil thing.

Sleek, if you took a few inches off one side you would have a perfect deflex/reflex profile.

That's what I'm going for. I just am uncertain of how close to the handle the reflex is.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on April 06, 2020, 02:28:02 pm
I would imagine proper tiller, will look like a horrible tiller. Essentially looking like it’s bending 80% in the fades, flat midlimb, then bending normal again the outer half.
If that makes sense.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 06, 2020, 02:42:43 pm
I would imagine proper tiller, will look like a horrible tiller. Essentially looking like it’s bending 80% in the fades, flat midlimb, then bending normal again the outer half.
If that makes sense.


Oi, this is gonna be a headache I dont have time for them, gonna go find plan D.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on April 06, 2020, 05:28:55 pm
Made some good progress on my maple/maple/osage tri-lam static recurve. It took me several weeks to get everything formed and glued together. This is  the toughest laminate bow design I have built to date.  Im not sure if this bow will end up nice enough to be my trade bow, but it is a good candidate so far. We will see how it ends up when it is tillered out.
([/url]Untitled (
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 06, 2020, 07:23:47 pm
Made some good progress on my maple/maple/osage tri-lam static recurve. It took me several weeks to get everything formed and glued together. This is  the toughest laminate bow design I have built to date.  Im not sure if this bow will end up nice enough to be my trade bow, but it is a good candidate so far. We will see how it ends up when it is tillered out.
([/url]Untitled (

Outstanding glue lines! How did you get the curves to line up so well on the laminations?
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on April 06, 2020, 07:24:36 pm
did you glue up then bend?? might work with some glues.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on April 06, 2020, 10:11:24 pm
Great glue up and hooks. I look forward to seeing it bend.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: lebhuntfish on April 06, 2020, 11:08:54 pm
Patrick, I've never tried the wet foil thing.

Sleek, if you took a few inches off one side you would have a perfect deflex/reflex profile.

I've done it a few times, but mostly when I am trying to move a handle section. Or a stubborn tip.

I was thinking the same thing about the r/d.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on April 08, 2020, 09:08:54 am
Yew is complete.

59” OAL
Bendy handle
Water buffalo tip overlays
 minimalist leather grip
D97 string

Sourced by a friend in the mountains near Salem, Oregon and seasoned 4 years.

Interesting build in that the tips curve in opposite directions. While shooting the bow before finishing I noticed it shot better “upside down” vs what I expected. When I flipped it over it became the most accurate shooting bow I’ve ever built.  My son is drawing it upside down in the pic I realize now. Very satisfying result.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on April 08, 2020, 09:29:22 am
Nice work fellows!! Im still on the fence what design to build?I could go for my standard molly/lever style or something outside my comfort isolated with not much wood for screw ups so not quite sure.thoughts?0
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on April 08, 2020, 09:35:01 am
IMHO, your mollies are top notch i feel! i would love to get a molly from you!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on April 08, 2020, 11:07:17 am
I am sure anyone in this trade would be very happy to get one of those bushy lever bows.  You can't go wrong building what you are good at!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 08, 2020, 07:16:00 pm
Nice work fellows!! Im still on the fence what design to build?I could go for my standard molly/lever style or something outside my comfort isolated with not much wood for screw ups so not quite sure.thoughts?0

Well, in your case, id certainly go on the side of, especially if you are good at it!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: lebhuntfish on April 08, 2020, 08:29:48 pm
Yew is complete.

59” OAL
Bendy handle
Water buffalo tip overlays
 minimalist leather grip
D97 string

Sourced by a friend in the mountains near Salem, Oregon and seasoned 4 years.

Interesting build in that the tips curve in opposite directions. While shooting the bow before finishing I noticed it shot better “upside down” vs what I expected. When I flipped it over it became the most accurate shooting bow I’ve ever built.  My son is drawing it upside down in the pic I realize now. Very satisfying result.

There is a significant stiff section in the upper limb. I know it's a D bow but it looks like the only thing that is bending OK is the upper fade area. Pretty much a little inner limb to top is stiff.
That's why it shoots better flipped over, but when it's flipped it will put a lot more strain on the "fade" area.
I've had yew blow into a thousand pieces like that. And I wasn't even drawing it as far as you are.
Post an unbraced profile picture, right after it's unstrung.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on April 09, 2020, 09:05:18 am
Agreed. It shoots better because it has positive tiller (unintended) after I flipped it.  It really hasn’t taken set. It’s stable at this point, but typical of my attempts with Yew.  About an inch after shooting 50 shots then after a few minutes it looks like the pic.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 09, 2020, 05:31:05 pm
I went on and finished the one bow I started, just cause it was so close. It came in to narrow because of all the checks in it. 1 1/8 inches. I got it down to 35#@24. A fun target bow, or kids bow, but that's it. I do have a few others I'm working on.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on April 10, 2020, 06:23:09 am
Limbs heat treated on my maple piece. Figured its a good of time as any to add overlays. Had lots of ideas but had a small piece from fence post cut more than 80 years ago and spent many of those years in service keeping cattle in. Going to call it locust only because that is the proper local term but cant say for sure. Very dark for any locust I have seen but never worked stuff this old. Have a piece thinned down for a strike plate inlay, but gonna see how things go before I put time into that. Pieces are kinda bulky now but will work them down some this weekend and be ready to continue tillering come next weekend.
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr   
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on April 10, 2020, 07:44:43 am
Made some good progress on my maple/maple/osage tri-lam static recurve. It took me several weeks to get everything formed and glued together. This is  the toughest laminate bow design I have built to date.  Im not sure if this bow will end up nice enough to be my trade bow, but it is a good candidate so far. We will see how it ends up when it is tillered out.
([/url]Untitled (

Outstanding glue lines! How did you get the curves to line up so well on the laminations?
I boiled and bent each lamination separately before glueing them all together. It was tough and the glue lines arent perfect but it is absolutely functional.

This is the best side, the other side has a slight gap that I will have to overcome.
([/url]Untitled (
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on April 12, 2020, 03:51:17 pm
I made a string alignment correction and also induced some back set while heat treating today on my plan A (HHB).  In a few days I will work on tillering some more.  I had both limbs bending evenly before the heat session (although both limbs needed more bend in the outer 3rd).  I am hoping for some uneventful tillering.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 12, 2020, 05:26:29 pm
I'm on plan C2, which means I gave up on C then went back after plan D, and A2 didn't work out. Got another ring chased and roughing it out now.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 12, 2020, 05:32:20 pm
Here it is roughed out
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 12, 2020, 05:38:57 pm
Here it is side profile, got it floor bending now. This bow will be done without any heat correction, i like to occasionally make them with all their character left in place. This one should be neat. I abandoned it earlier due to deep checks, but I was able to clean them out by going down a few more rings. I was surprised to see they weren't as deep as I had thought.

Here it is with my tools of choice.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 12, 2020, 05:51:52 pm
Made some good progress on my maple/maple/osage tri-lam static recurve. It took me several weeks to get everything formed and glued together. This is  the toughest laminate bow design I have built to date.  Im not sure if this bow will end up nice enough to be my trade bow, but it is a good candidate so far. We will see how it ends up when it is tillered out.
([/url]Untitled (

Outstanding glue lines! How did you get the curves to line up so well on the laminations?
I boiled and bent each lamination separately before glueing them all together. It was tough and the glue lines arent perfect but it is absolutely functional.

This is the best side, the other side has a slight gap that I will have to overcome.
([/url]Untitled (

Not going to lie, thats impressive.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on April 13, 2020, 08:47:16 am
Mr. Sniper I think that bow is going to be a fast one. Nice
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 13, 2020, 03:49:36 pm
Whelp, I think plan B2 will work out well. Here it is final front profile all dialed in, and working on floor tiller now.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 13, 2020, 04:06:40 pm
 Whelp, first brace ain't bad. A little whippy, but I will bring that around.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 13, 2020, 04:56:57 pm
I'm getting there. The left limb ( top ) needs a bit more bending on the outer third and the left lower needs a bit more out the inner third.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 13, 2020, 05:28:57 pm
2 inches away from full draw. Still need more adjustments.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 13, 2020, 05:39:36 pm
Got it to 2 inches away from full draw, and I am on the lower end of the draw weight scale given to me. If I pull it to the max full draw, I will still be inside my weight range. But, here at the bottom of the scale, its taken very little set. Should I call it good, go the extra two inches and see what happens, or split the difference and go one more inch?

The upper image is before I got to floor tiller, and the lower is just now immediately after unbracing.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 13, 2020, 05:47:19 pm
Notice that tip on the lower limb was always deflexed.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 13, 2020, 06:27:13 pm
Whelp, here it is. 45#@27. I'm pretty happy with the final result. I just got to shape the handle and do the final finishing.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 13, 2020, 06:57:00 pm
Here is the handle shaped out. It is a natural center shot. I love these bows when all the curves and twists are left in the wood as it grew :)  I have shot it maybe 10 times now. Its a decent shooter, I'd guess 165 fps.  At 15 yards, with a slight cant to the bow, most my shots group at 4 inches. Still got to shape the tips, then finish it, name, sign, and ship it.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on April 13, 2020, 07:57:33 pm
looks great sleek, you sure knocked that out fast once you hit your groove! :OK
i need to get back on mine  :fp
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on April 14, 2020, 09:24:29 am
I sure wish I was as skilled as some of you at taking photos of my bows for posting.....because I can't seem to get it quite right!  I spent some time over the weekend putting arrow shelfs and leather grips on the two bows I've been working on in parallel.  I decided not to put a full leather grip on the narrow one since the padauk riser was not as large as normal since the stave was fairly thick and the padauk was just so pretty.  I put a soft deerskin grip on the other one and shot them both about 100x more each.  The heavier one now has about 500 arrows shot and the lighter one about 400.  The heavier one holds about 2" of reflex immediately unbraced, and the lighter one is right at zero and springs back a little after a couple minutes.  I'm happy with how they shoot.

( (
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on April 14, 2020, 09:36:09 am
Im stumped with the bow im making right now  >:( . does it want to flip because the sides arnt even or because of the limbs not being center? do i need to heat this and straighten it? how long do i make the string? i dont know. just gotta keep tillering
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: RyanY on April 14, 2020, 11:21:29 am
Nice bend Sleek!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on April 15, 2020, 06:13:34 pm
I made a little more progress on the hickory bow. I got it shooting and it’s pretty quick, but has a bit of handshock. The bow is asymmetric by 1” with the top limb longer. I think the top limb could bend a bit more compared to the bottom limb. And the lower limb could bend a little more in the outer third. There is also that big ol knot in te top limb about 1/3 out and a row of knots in the lower limb about 3” from the fade. Right now set is about 1” with both limbs showing about the same. In the unbraced pic, it was taken shortly after unbracing.

And I did leave a mottling if cambium in the back. I’m excited to see how that looks after putting a layer of snake shed over it. I havnt decide did I will stain it yet or not.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on April 15, 2020, 06:14:38 pm
And the limbs. First picture is the top limb and the lower is the bottom limb.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on April 18, 2020, 04:03:42 pm
Made a bit more progress. Limbs are evened out a bit more and feels better at the shot. Now to just shoot the crud out of it and tweak as needed. Only lost a couple pounds getting things evened up a bit.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 18, 2020, 04:12:47 pm
I will ALWAYS take a better shooting lighter bow over a poorly shooting heavier one. A few pounds is a good trade off.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on April 19, 2020, 07:16:42 am
Nice character on that piece of hickory Kyle, good looking unstrung profile, nice one.

You made quick work out of that Osage Sleek, I'd sure like to be that efficient with my time. Looking forward to seeing it all finished up.

Sorry for the delay fellas but I'm back on course now. Stitches are gone and got the green light from the doc. Spent last night working on the tiller and hope to do the same tonight. About 6" shy of F/D atm. Hope to get a pic posted in the next day or 2.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on April 19, 2020, 08:37:14 pm
I been lazy long enough. Spring is always a busy time in my world, but seem do do better work when I'm busy. 5 inches shy of F/D at the weight I want. Pic below is first draw in hand. really like how that top limb is bending, would like to see that bottom limb come around just a hair more but pretty happy so far. String alignment looks good as well. Going to sneak up on F/D over the week and hope to get that handle trimmed down some as well. Nice to be back at it.
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on April 19, 2020, 11:05:01 pm
  Looks awesome Mike...So balanced early on
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on April 24, 2020, 09:37:00 am
I really haven't posted on here, but i posted on the online rendezvous. I always have trouble with making a string. trying to tiller it to 45# so ill, probably tiller it to 45# at the minimum draw weight and then 50# at the middle draw but i wont draw it to 50#. gotta tiller the outside more and i gotta find my new scale. been working on my HHB bow on the handle and tips so im well practiced for this bow.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on April 29, 2020, 01:32:21 pm
My orher commitments are finally down to a manageable level, so I'm about to glue up some apple billets. Any tips on getting the crowns to align properly?
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: DC on April 29, 2020, 01:47:42 pm
When I used to saw "Z" spices I would use a straight edge to draw a line from the tip of the limb to the high point of the handle. That line became the centre line of the "Z". The centre of the "Z" is the most important part of the splice. It's the one that lines everything up and it's also the hardest part of the splice to adjust.
Hope that's clear :D
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on April 29, 2020, 06:07:55 pm
Making some more progress. Finish is done and working on the handle wrap. Got the leather wet fit. Now I just need to figure out what I want to lace it with.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on April 30, 2020, 04:54:43 am
Hey Kyle, looking good!  What is 'wet fit' ?
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on April 30, 2020, 07:36:46 am
Soaked leather stretched tight around the bow handle and left to dry so it shrinks to a perfect fit.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on April 30, 2020, 07:40:55 am
That’s exactly what I mean. It’ll make the leather right enough that it won’t budge without having to glue it. Though I usually get a couple drops of glue on the top locking in in place better when I glue on the leather arrow pass.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bubbabowyer on April 30, 2020, 01:58:00 pm
Here's some pictures of plan "a" (after some field adjustments). I like it but once I realized who I was making this for, I decided that I probably cant impress them. Their skill level being waaaaaaaaaaaaayy above me. They make impressive bows. I am but a lowly stick bender. I'm gonna make anotherun or three and just send the best one.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 30, 2020, 03:11:38 pm
I'm digging the token you inlaid in there. As for impressing the person, meh  don't worry about that, thats a good looking bow. Looks like you don't have me as a person, cause thats a slick stick there bud. My personal bows, I never finish them, I leave tool marks and all soon as its shooting right... so if any bow out there is for me, if you do any finish work on it, its already a step up from anything that I make :)
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bubbabowyer on April 30, 2020, 03:41:13 pm
Thanks for the kind words, sleek. Its 59 3/4 inches knock to knock. The last time I checked, it was drawing 69 lbs at 27 inches. It does hold some chrysaling in mid limb but I adjusted and it seems to have stopped. No speeds yet shooting chrony alpha is in the mail so I'll have those in a couple weeks. Elk leg sinew backed, gave it 3.25 inches of reflex and after being strung for 12 hrs, it still holds 2.5 inches of reflex. 2 inches immediately after unstringing. Shoots higher than I'm used to at longer range. Little bit shockey though not terrible but its there.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on April 30, 2020, 05:02:01 pm
That looks like a great bow there Bubba.  Impressive  that is holds that reflex at that draw weight. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on April 30, 2020, 08:28:42 pm
Nice unique ideas there Bubba, pretty cool.

Got My maple piece tillered out to 1"shy of F/D at 1.5lb over my target weight. Got a string made at lunch today and ran a few arrows through it just to see how it feels, so its a bow now. Could have shot it all afternoon. Always like getting bows to this stage when things are going well. Still hope to remove a few pounds getting that last inch out of it. Was tempted to just take it to F/D today but didnt want to risk unnecessary set.   With any luck I can get to start breaking it in this weekend. Looks like it should hold a small bit of unstrung reflex when completed.

Got a small diameter paperbark birch branch yesterday from some storm damage. Hope to use some to pretty this bow up when its time. Got some other ideas floating around in my head as well.

Got a few updated pics but the phone didnt want to give up the one with the bow drawn....
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr

( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr   
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 30, 2020, 09:16:28 pm
Nice shape there M2A, I especially like that handle. Its the shape I like to make.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on May 01, 2020, 11:09:05 am
Everyones' bows are looking great! Well that is all except mine, she exploded on the tillering tree. Looks to be a combination of a tension break on the backing and I had some limb twist that was stressing the backing as well. Both limbs broke at the same spot in the transition of the inner to mid limb area which i found interesting. I should of used a stronger backing such as bamboo or hickory. I am back to the drawing board now, i haven't decided what I will build next.
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Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: DC on May 01, 2020, 12:38:36 pm
Good one! Five pieces! You have to work at that. ;D ;D What kind of woods, I must have missed that.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on May 01, 2020, 01:41:47 pm
That really sucks. But I guess it’s one way to make a multi piece takedown.

I don’t think I’ve seen a bow yet I wouldn’t be proud to own and add to my collection.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on May 01, 2020, 02:05:21 pm
Good one! Five pieces! You have to work at that. ;D ;D What kind of woods, I must have missed that.

I have broken my share of bows but this is one of the first that blew both limbs into multiple pieces. It was a maple/maple/osage tri-lam that I have been working on for awhile. It was my first attempt at a tight static tri-lam and it was a tough build that was giving me a run for my money. Finally it let loose which made me slightly happy since the bow was such a butt kicker. It either failed in tension from the maple backing giving out or possibly the grain on the osage belly being too stepped which could of folded over on itself. I honestly cant tell which was the culprit. Either way, I will chalk it up as experience and move on. It was a pretty bow while it lasted

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on May 01, 2020, 02:41:56 pm
Well, I think we have our first broken bow of the trade.  Last year the person that posted the first broken bow got a little something in the mail from me.  I am not sure if that will happen this year or not but I want to encourage everyone to post their progress AND failures.  That all adds to the fun of this trade.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on May 01, 2020, 02:43:43 pm
BTW Taylor, thanks for posting and sorry to see those great glue lines in those hooks not be able to throw some arrows.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bubbabowyer on May 01, 2020, 07:20:19 pm
I got to shooting this gal some more today and realized I hadn't sent a full draw pic yet. Man it seems really fast.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bubbabowyer on May 01, 2020, 08:03:24 pm
Oops here is full draw and some handle pics after six coats of true oil with a steel wool sanding between coats
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bubbabowyer on May 01, 2020, 08:05:19 pm
BTW dont mind the purple face. Lol
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on May 02, 2020, 10:09:27 am
Cool bow Bubba
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on May 02, 2020, 10:41:40 am
nice i like the minimal handle and the inlaid coin.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on May 04, 2020, 10:21:40 am
Very nice. I need to get back on mine.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on May 04, 2020, 03:58:07 pm
Finally got around to getting a full draw picture. When I took the first picture I realized I relied way to much on what the tiller tree told me. The bottom limb was far too stiff. By the time I got t he lower limb where I’m happy I lost about 5# which puts it just under the lower draw weight, but it feels much better to shoot. There’s still lots of time to start another to try to hit closer to weight. But I’m still happy with this one and love the leather it finished out. So it’ll definitely be a sender,  it might as well see if I can make better.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on May 04, 2020, 03:59:53 pm
A few more pics

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bubbabowyer on May 04, 2020, 04:27:55 pm
That's a wicked looking stick!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on May 04, 2020, 08:32:51 pm
That's too bad SS. That bow was looking nice.

What type of material did you build that handle up with Bubba? It sure give that bow some nice character.

You got some real character in that piece Kyle.

So......Got everything just how I wanted it and began to shoot on Saturday. About 50 shots in I heard a hart sinking tick. Stopped in my tracks inspected things saw nothing. Checked the bow with the soft part of velcro from my glove, thinking it would catch anything that lifted...Nothing, so carefully began to shoot again inspecting every 5 shots. Everything being well I chalked it up to the string must have adjusted in the nock. After 30 shots today I found a crack on the back 10" from the upper nock. It was a small raised area in the grain about .25" wide, dead center in the limb. Things were going just too darn good. Even if I could fix it I could never let anyone else shoot it. So, off to Plan B. >:(

I have 2 pieces of locust that I showed early on. 1 is roughed out, almost ready for a string and the other is only a stave with a ring chased, but I think I should go down 1 more ring. Going to start on these tomorrow and try to see what I can get out of them. I have more experience with BL than anything else. Hope to go more of an eastern woodland style with these, hope thats ok with everyone.  Will get some pics up when I figure out a direction. Thanks.
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr       
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bubbabowyer on May 04, 2020, 08:51:53 pm
I dont mind what anybody makes for me. I like bows aplenty! That handle of mine consists of 17 layers of maple, white oak, red oak, birch, walnut, and paduak burl wood. Topped off with gemsbok horn. I also used gemsbok for the overlays
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on May 07, 2020, 06:41:29 am
On the plan B. This is black locust. Same piece of locust that was in some pics back in March. Got the piece bending pretty good now. Need to try and straighten things up now, so thats what i'll be working on. Will give it a heat treatment and hope to match up the limbs with some mild reflex. ITs 1.5" in the middle 24" and narrows to 1" at the tips atm. Going to see how straight I can get it before narrowing up anymore. Looking for a finished width of 1.25-1 3/8 in the middle with nocks 5/8-3/4 wide, 62"ntn.

( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on May 07, 2020, 08:53:40 pm
Plan A is coming along.  It is still a few pounds heavy but I still have to shoot it in and give it a final sanding.  It is HHB and is just under 66 inches long.  I still need to reduce the tips some too.  I am very pleased with how it throws arrows. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on May 07, 2020, 09:04:51 pm
Here is plan B.  It is black locust and I have been chasing the tiller on this one.  This was a stave with some twists and bumps.  I have the limbs evened out after a heating session so I can hopefully get this bow tillered out now.  i think that this one will come in under weight though because I don't have a lot of meat left on this one.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bubbabowyer on May 08, 2020, 06:30:34 am
Dang nice tiller swampman! I love those unstrung profiles too
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stiks-N-Strings on May 09, 2020, 12:56:35 pm
hard to believe this ol bow swap is till kickin here and over on TG. awesome stuff! I've been MIA for a minute but I got to missing breaking good bow wood and all the ol timers around this place.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on May 09, 2020, 08:04:49 pm
Got plan A done. Heat treated sinew backed Hackberry pyramid style bow. The stave was 58” long so sinew backing was a must. I gotta say hackberry becomes a different beast when it’s been heat treated. Plan B is a yew wood longbow. Either flat or in an elb style.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on May 10, 2020, 08:19:29 am
Effort A produced a nice shooting yew but a little light at 42#. Effort B is a sinew Osage still curing but its a target weight bow too. Now I’m working on a white ash stave with a yew handle overlay. This stave’s sister produced a nice bow last year so I think I can better that result on this one and ash has to be my favorite to work.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on May 11, 2020, 11:23:41 pm
well first bow is dead, tried stringing it too soon. onto number two  (--)

number two has a little branch that would look cool if i can figure out how incorporate it into the finished bow.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on May 12, 2020, 06:56:12 am
Splash two -  bummer.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on May 12, 2020, 12:17:23 pm
still working on one. online school is killing me. waiting for a stave to come just in case.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on May 19, 2020, 06:00:45 pm






I finished both of the bows I was working on for the trade.  Still not entirely sure which will be sent out.  They're both good shooters, but one is narrow and smooth, and the other is wide, reflexed, and fast.  Sister staves that turned out very differently.  I chose not to put a leather wrap on the narrow one because I liked how the handle looks and it would have been largely covered.  The narrow one is 65" and 50@27.  The wide one is 67" and 54@27.  I added a walnut dye to the wider one since its more likely to be a hunting bow someday.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on May 19, 2020, 08:44:37 pm
Those are both good looking bows! Honestly,naked handles are sexy.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on May 19, 2020, 11:02:31 pm
 I'm seeing some beautiful bows on here and a bit of heartbreak. I will update mine soon. I have a plan a bow stave i posted earlier, but I'm thinking my slightly longer B bow may be a better option for who it is going to.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on May 20, 2020, 05:36:45 am
Nice bows Matt. Nekid looks good on that one.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on May 20, 2020, 10:01:26 am
Man, I need to get back to work on mine. Soon as I get my barn wired up for electricity, and my kitchen floor torn out and redone.... Eesh, I need a day off to make bows.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bubbabowyer on May 22, 2020, 03:29:25 pm
Those are very nice bows. If its coming to me I like wide and fast lol
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on May 22, 2020, 05:27:29 pm
Beautiful bows Matt 👍🏻  The reflexed one is especially nice!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on May 23, 2020, 12:41:09 pm
I'm still in guys. Been coaching my sons little league team this year. I will get back on mine soon and post some pics. I've got some osage and hhb shaped out to bow dimensions. just need to get them bending.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on May 28, 2020, 07:11:08 pm
Was not happy with a piece of locust I was working on decided to see what else I had in the shop that would be good for this. Buried in the corner was a piece of Osage, I dont work with the stuff too much, always has been too hard to come by so I always think it best to save for another day(as a few years pass by). Having some good fortune this past winter in my stave hunting I figure its the perfect time and reason.

I didn't care for the late/early wood ratio right under the sapwood and the piece was rather deep so I split that off and may have enough for one for myself. I still needed to go down several rings on the belly split to get the ring I thought was best. No knots in this piece, a bit more character than I thought it would have. With removing as much as I did I am a little thin for a handle so will be adding some meat to it. Rummaging in my shop last night I found some interesting ebony and some purple hart, hope to finish off the handle and use for overlays. Hope to remove a little more from the limbs and be able to even up the reflex soon. There is a check in the middle of the belly of 1 limb still but I believe it will disappear during tillering.
 ( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr   
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on May 29, 2020, 06:33:02 am
I can't wait to see how that one turns out Mike.

My plan B black locust is officially abandoned.  I did not start with a good thickness taper and chased good tiller down to a 35 pound bow.  I will finish off later for my wife as I think it will suit her well. 

I started on plan C and D this week.  Plan C is another hhb stave and I am in the process of roughing it out.  Plan D is a black locust stave that I plan to leave the sap wood on.  I built another bow from this same tree with the sap wood on and it turned out great and has really nice contrast between the sap wood and heart wood.  This one is also in rough out stage. 

I do have plan A (hhb) shot in and it has settled in right at 50 pounds which was my target weight for that bow.  The unstrung profile goes back to no net set right after shooting so I am pleased with that one and it is definitely a contender to ship to my victim. 

I will post up some pictures of plan C and D soon. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on May 29, 2020, 09:14:23 am
oh my goodness! I finally have time to work on my bows!! schools out!!!

I was working on my hhb bow but i think i messed it up. violated a growth ring while trying to put a tip overlay. and i dont think i did the tip right but just keep on chugging. then ill start working on the osage bow ive been trying to work on.  ;D

its been a while since ive been able to get on here
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on May 29, 2020, 10:38:09 am
how bad is the grain violation? if its at the tip you can just make a long tip overlay and take it out/cover it up
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: liyeliye123123 on June 02, 2020, 08:42:20 pm
glued up some boobacked blanks. thinking about choosing one from one of these to be my trade bow project.

( ( ( by Ye  Li (, on Flickr

( ( ( by Ye  Li (, on Flickr

( ( ( by Ye  Li (, on Flickr

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on June 02, 2020, 11:17:52 pm
Very excited to see what you make Li.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on June 03, 2020, 09:33:00 am
I’m looking forward to seeing what you get made as well Li.

I decided to start in a second bow so I’ll have a couple to pick from. Especially considering the first hickory bow came in a little under weight. So here’s a black locust recurve I got shooting yesterday at the upper end of weight specs. Nothing incredible, but it does seem to shoot pretty decent. I glued on some cow horn for brushnocks to go with t he overlays. If I have some time this evening I may start on getting the brush nocks shaped and the tips cleaned up. Once they’re cleaned up I’ll be doing lots of shooting fun and tiller tweaking. The limbs were flat with the back fo an indicator of set at this point.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on June 03, 2020, 12:59:36 pm
Very excited to see what you make Li.


Mo_coon-catcher it will be cool to see you pull off those brush nocks I’ve always liked how they look.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: lebhuntfish on June 03, 2020, 10:18:54 pm
I'm still here ya'll, air-conditioning season is here! I've been working 60 plus hours a week and I hurt my back a few weeks ago, mostly better but I still gotta watch what I do. But I woke up a week ago and my right shoulder was killing me. Not sure what's going on with it but I'm still going. I can work but I haven't tried shooting yet. But I hope I can get some bow work in this weekend.
Everyone's stuff is looking good!

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on June 04, 2020, 07:38:19 am
I'm still here ya'll, air-conditioning season is here! I've been working 60 plus hours a week and I hurt my back a few weeks ago, mostly better but I still gotta watch what I do. But I woke up a week ago and my right shoulder was killing me. Not sure what's going on with it but I'm still going. I can work but I haven't tried shooting yet. But I hope I can get some bow work in this weekend.
Everyone's stuff is looking good!


Brother, you are getting old.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on June 05, 2020, 06:15:55 pm
You need to stop breaking yourself Pat. Can’t be having you not shooting.

I’m slowely making progress on the recurve. Here’s where I’m at so far. I’m liking the looks of the horn and it’s not even polished out yet.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: lebhuntfish on June 06, 2020, 10:33:01 pm
Everyone keeps telling me I'm getting old.

Kyle, I shot my bow today, just a few times, shoulder didn't bother me while I was shooting. But it's still sore.
Truck problems and having to work today has overtaken my weekend.
Hopefully they will let us have mojam this year and I will get my trade bow shooting there.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on June 07, 2020, 06:59:00 pm
Kyle, that bl recurve looks mighty nice.

Ran into some issues with the piece of osage. The check that I thought I could tiller out opened up pretty good when reflexing the the limb, and some other checks appeared in the same area. Would have never thought it would have too much moisture to do so, but it ain't going to be the last time I was wrong. Just going to set it aside and will get back to it in a few weeks to see what i can do with it.

That being the case I grabbed a short piece of locust and got to work. I got carried away and things came together pretty fast so far. Now this one is a bit more my style as of late. Its always fun when things work well and you just roll right along. My idea for this stave has always been an inspired  style from a Choctaw bow in TBB. This bow is in the Grayson collection. Not trying to copy it but its dimensions and profile are very similar so thinking of finished it up similar with my resources. If things go well, at 57.75", it will be the shortest I have made to this point. I am 1" short of FD atm. I suppose I will end up with a small amount of string follow after shooting in but so far its pretty flat. Spent all my shop time over the weekend working on the final few inches of tiller with sandpaper mostly. This lenght seemed like a good idea until I got 6" from FD and as fast as things were going before...well I sure dont want any frets so slowing it down. Very happy with how it feels after a few short draw shots. Going to clean up the nocks, sand things down a bit, get a proper string made,  then tiller out that last inch and see what happens. Sorry for not getting any pics of this one up sooner.
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr

side profile just after unstrung

( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr 

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on June 09, 2020, 06:21:38 am
           What a lovely bend...Balance is spot on also...I know how careful you have to be with Locust in compression...I think you have fell in love with these bendy's...That looks plain awesome buddy! Wouldn't expect less coming from you either...Like the idea of you sneak'n up on it with sandpaper at this stadium in hand...
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on June 10, 2020, 07:08:43 am
Looking good Mike!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on June 11, 2020, 07:08:06 pm
I have my plan D bow shooting.  I put 60 arrows through it tonight and I am very pleased with how it shoots.  This is a mostly sap wood black locust bow with flipped tips.  I tillered it to my goal weight at 1 inch short of the intended draw weight.  After sanding and shooting 60 arrows, it is 2 1/2 pounds above my goal weight at the intended draw weight.  I now have two good options to send to my victim.  I think I will get them both finished up and start working on my plan C bow (another HHB).
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on June 11, 2020, 10:22:50 pm
I hollered my victims bow out a little more. I'm going slow and steady. Only working on it when I'm patient enough to be able to make a good bow. I hope this turns out well  :-[
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on June 12, 2020, 03:13:05 pm
Here is the plan D black locust bow at full draw.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on June 12, 2020, 05:47:39 pm
  Nice looking bend Swampman...
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on June 14, 2020, 11:05:37 am
I have my plan D bow shooting.  I put 60 arrows through it tonight and I am very pleased with how it shoots.  This is a mostly sap wood black locust bow with flipped tips.  I tillered it to my goal weight at 1 inch short of the intended draw weight.  After sanding and shooting 60 arrows, it is 2 1/2 pounds above my goal weight at the intended draw weight.  I now have two good options to send to my victim.  I think I will get them both finished up and start working on my plan C bow (another HHB).

Very nice.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on June 14, 2020, 10:11:23 pm
Everyone's work is looking just getting rolling..still have some time.white elm and Osage in the works
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on June 15, 2020, 01:08:33 pm
I'm starting another bow, not certain how this one will turn out, gonna have to wait a week though to finish it, I need to make a road trip for family.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on June 15, 2020, 01:12:57 pm
Here's a few pics. Really wonky, gonna haft tame it down a bit.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on June 15, 2020, 08:34:33 pm
Nice to see all the projects coming along, that's part of the fun in being involved in the trade.

Nice looking sapwood backed locust Swampman! That's on my to do list one of these days.

Finished up tillering my project out to F/D. Shaped up the nocks over the weekend. Top is diamond while the lower nock is just rounded over. Got the string made up as well. I have been short draw shooting it it some at home during tillering but today was the big day to see how things went at full draw. 60 or so shots during lunch and seems to be holding up well. Pic below is just after unstringing. Its about 1/2" string follow then and returns to be flat over time. Pretty pleased with this one, hope to shoot it during lunch all week. Provided everything goes as planed I will be putting things together to finish it up. I Hope to use a lot of natural materials to finish it up. Going to use some items I have in other builds and hope to try some new things. More to come on that soon.

Also took a better look at my plan B build to see if anything could be done. I narrowed it up and looks like it has the potential to make a nice bow. Going to spend some time working on it and see what I get. Time will tell...
Thanks, Mike

( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr           
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on June 15, 2020, 09:26:50 pm
Looking real good Mike.  It sounds like another great shooter.  Have fun shooting it in.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on June 16, 2020, 07:11:12 am
Good looking bows fellas.  I’ve been chipping away at a few projects.  I’ll post an update shortly.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on June 16, 2020, 12:47:55 pm
Who in this trade likes to shoot off their hand?  Who prefers some type of shelf?  Also, who hunts with their self bows and who only target shoots? 

Answers to these questions could help people make decisions on their builds.  I will start:

I have recently started to prefer to shoot off my hand but certainly don't mind shooting off of some type of shelf.  I also hunt with my self bows whenever possible. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on June 16, 2020, 02:25:21 pm
I shoot off the shelf and off my hand. Makes no difference to me. All my bows are hunting bows!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on June 16, 2020, 02:31:12 pm
I like both, I dont have a preference.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on June 16, 2020, 02:38:04 pm
I have no preference with shelf or no shelf. I use mine hunting. Though wouldn’t mind a smooth easy to shoot target bow either.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on June 16, 2020, 05:28:57 pm
i like to shoot off my hand, at most i put a small (1/4") leather "shelf" for consistency, right now i'm just a target shooter down the road i might go hunting someday.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on June 16, 2020, 07:09:17 pm
No significant preference for me either way.  I enjoy both, but shoot off my hand or a very small glue on shelf most of the time.  I’m definitely not picky.  I used to hunt with the selfbows I made, but since permission to hunt is virtually impossible to get these days around here, I’m relegated to killing foam deer and paper targets. 

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on June 16, 2020, 07:26:09 pm
I forgot to mention, i do both, hunt and target shoot, but i target more than hunt, so if you want to take some liberties with demand finish you wouldn't otherwise,  for a specific purpose,  knock your socks off.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on June 16, 2020, 09:30:28 pm
i will shoot off either but when i shoot off hand my hand gets all cut up because im still bad at making good arrows  ;D
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on June 17, 2020, 06:42:53 am
Never have tried a shelf, learned or better said self taught as a kid shooting off the hand. I have not been able to bow hunt for some number of years because of work but hope to start back at it soon, I shoot at work and usually shoot during lunch or after i fiinish up for the day.   Shelf/no shelf, its all good.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: aznboi3644 on June 17, 2020, 09:12:13 am
I like shooting off of my hand.  And I hunt and target.  Got some more work done roughing out the second stave for this trade.  First one didn’t work out.  It’s 71” OAL white ash I’ve seasoned for 12 years.  2” wide limbs with some natural reflex.  Hopefully it turned out flat after shooting in.  I’ll take some pictures after work.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on June 17, 2020, 04:35:51 pm
i think i just messed up another bow. gonna come underweight and it feels like it might even come like wayyyy underweight because i went too quickly on one limb. i hope this bow is still worth it or im on to plan C.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on June 17, 2020, 04:37:29 pm
i cant even line the string up to the center of the handle. i dont know how to really with the way i know.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on June 17, 2020, 04:58:06 pm
String alignment is over rated. I have made them where the string was completely to the side of the handle. Works fine.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on June 17, 2020, 05:29:28 pm
Well what I mean by string alignment is it is a good 2” off the handle
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on June 18, 2020, 09:11:15 am
I had a couple black locust bows show me the issue with the string not being n lines up through the handle. As you draw the angle becomes less severe and you end up drawing essentially straight from the back of the bow. But at the initial stage of the draw you are essentially making the limbs start bending at an angle that’s not square with the back. This puts extra stress on the corner of the belly that the string is of towards. The black locust shows the uneven stress by fretting up one side of the belly. They shot fine but 1/4 of the limb was fretted along the side. I had a couple do this and decided to make the string line up through the handle. If I can’t get the tips to line up by carving I will pull in the limbs as much as possible while heat treating, heat bend the handle to get it closer, and fine tune when I narrow the tips. Though on more elastic woods you probably won’t even notice this em even limb stress.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on June 19, 2020, 09:41:23 am
String alignment is over rated. I have made them where the string was completely to the side of the handle. Works fine.

I agree.

DH put the center of the bow between two same size blocks of wood about 3 inches past each fade.  Put the high side up and the belly facing you. Heat that section on the belly only and use a clamp to bend it a little further than straight. Let it sit like that for atleast a day...longer is better. When it’s pulled from the form it’s guaranteed to be much closer.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on June 19, 2020, 09:36:27 pm
ok, man i think this will actually work well. i feel its bending too much out of the fades but the straight edge says otherwise. ill still loosen up the outsides a little. ill work on the string alignment too. the limb is twisting too so i need to take some out of the strong side. i will defineitally need to pike (might be able to fix the string alignment here by carving more) it but if i can get this bow shooting there would be a lot less stress for me. oh and ill need to make a string for it.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on June 20, 2020, 10:55:11 pm
I shoot off my hand. I wear a biking glove to protect it from the arrow wrap.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on June 21, 2020, 12:05:03 am
ok, man i think this will actually work well. i feel its bending too much out of the fades but the straight edge says otherwise. ill still loosen up the outsides a little. ill work on the string alignment too. the limb is twisting too so i need to take some out of the strong side. i will defineitally need to pike (might be able to fix the string alignment here by carving more) it but if i can get this bow shooting there would be a lot less stress for me. oh and ill need to make a string for it.

If you pike it, the inner limbs will bend more than they already do. By time you tiller it out to fix that, the bow will be even less in draw weight than it was before piking. Your best bet is to use heat to treat the inner area that bends too much and then make any tiller adjustments. That way you don't loose any draw weight.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on June 21, 2020, 08:51:40 am
Well I have the sinew backed hackberry all treated and ready to go. I just gotta tiller it’s out to the draw weight and length. If that doesn’t work I’ve got a hickory backed Osage bow that I am also working on right now. I think I’ll put snake skins on the back of that. My gluing technique wasn’t the best and I’ve got glue all over the hickory backing.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on June 26, 2020, 03:40:52 pm
Got a little work done on one of my trade plans.
It is red bud 64" T2T. 1 1/4" at the fades. Trying to get the floor tiller right. Its mostly sapwood from a sapling. I've had it for about 2 years. Nice character In it.  Hopefully it will make it. I've never used red bud before.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on June 29, 2020, 08:55:10 am
My plan A...Osage recurve ..
.busted..the piece of Osage I bought was full of crack and fatal delamination of the growth rings.the back was perfect and broke with very little effort ...
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on June 29, 2020, 11:05:16 am
Timothy that will look great if it survives  :OK

Bushboy that’s a shame, happens to the best of us.

I might be roughing out attempt no 3 this weekend, I thinned the tips on my second attempt to much and have a hinge started but I’m still pretty high in draw weight so I might be able to recover.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on June 30, 2020, 09:00:24 am
Well,here's planB....elm molly style self bow...this piece of wood is very stiff and has alot of yellow,pink and green hues to the grain.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on July 02, 2020, 07:45:23 pm
Well, where to start...I messed up that 58" locust bow I was shooting in. wasn't the wood or the tiller it was just 5 seconds of not thinking. As I had already been taking a closer look at my original Plan B(64" bl) I finished the tiller out and have been shooting it in over the last week.

The growth rings in this piece give the back of the bow some ridges and valleys and that's why I put it down before, it was not going to make what I had in mind well. But I started looking at it from a different perspective and thought I had a chance of  making something nice. Its 1 5/16 at the handle and 3/4" at the nocks.

here it was a few months ago
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr

this is what I got now.. 
 ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr

I have a piece of osage that is ready to continue on and a bl handle bow that I'm still roughing out. But for the next few days I hope to be working on some of the finishing up of this one.

I have a plan for the most part. I do not want to limit myself but I have been enjoying the challenge of working with as many natural products as I can.  Below are some of the items I have to work with. 
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on July 05, 2020, 09:24:18 am
 Class A bend Mike...Nice unbraced profile shows you took great care...
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on July 08, 2020, 08:59:14 pm
Made some good progress today. got the red bud and black locust bending enough for the gizmo. And I have a bamboo purple heart with osage and maple riser with maple power lane cleaned up and ready for tiller.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on July 10, 2020, 11:25:57 pm
got some more work done tonight once the sun went down and it actually cooled of for a change  (A)

its back to full brace and full draw just tweaking the tiller as i get it shot in.

it looks like i have a flat spot on the left limb while drawn and at brace but unstrung that spot looks almost like a small deflex  :fp so we'll see what it does.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on July 15, 2020, 05:53:26 am
Well, if any of you have looked at the calendar lately, the shipping deadline is exactly 3 months away.  Hopefully you are all well on your way on your bow projects and things are progressing nicely.

If you are struggling and feel you won't be able to complete a bow, please get in touch with me.  The sooner I would know this, the better.

Also, please remember to post your progress on here.

Thanks, Mike.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on July 19, 2020, 08:42:44 am
That's holding some nice reflex in the unbraced pic Dylan. Good looking bend on that piece!

Got most of the bells and whistles on the piece of locust i been working on. I used apple charcoal and copper chelate with egg yolk to make tempera paints for the bands. The whole back was stained with walnut hulls. Wrapped the handle with some cherry bark then some walnut stained rawhide to cover seams and ends. If I send this piece out I'll add some feathers to the handle. Plans are to finish with fat/wax finish. Think I need to find one of those paint pens to do the writing, I'm tired of the sharpie washing out with this type of finish.  Any suggestion on this whole project feel free to let me know.

Got 2 other pieces, stiff handle,  i'll put in another post. But 1st I have 2 weeks to finish a build( I hope) that's very important to me. Then I'll be back to trade bow work.

Thanks Folks,
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr         
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on July 19, 2020, 09:04:18 am
Here's a pic of 2 other potential pieces for the trade. 1st is the Osage I had worked on in May. Almost got the checks removed and none run out off the side. I got limbs evened up best I could and have the handle built up some with purple heart and ebony. Other piece is locust, handle is kinda odd because of a knot running through it. Provided handle is 100% static I should be fine. Limb width is kinda narrow so my target weight will be the low end of my guy. a small amount of natural deflex out of the handle so i'll try and roll with that, and I put some reflex in the tips.

I got the osage bending pretty good while the locust is still on tight(long) string. Going to get overlays on both these next. If I can make these work, then determine what would be best fit for my victim. Just having fun building :)
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr   
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on July 20, 2020, 04:23:48 pm
Finally working on the final touches on the second bow to pick between. It’ll be fun deciding which stays and which goes

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on July 20, 2020, 05:44:10 pm
Whatchu got going on there with the handle and plastic there bud?
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on July 20, 2020, 10:16:20 pm
Just a little wet fitting to get a nice tight fit with no stretch marks before I lace it up. Ever since I started doing that I don’t have any issues with the leather slipping without using glue. The plastic wrap just keeps the handle from getting soaking wet in the process. It’ll come off before I lace it up.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on July 21, 2020, 08:43:37 am
Great looking bows guys! Your recurve has some very nice curves Kyle 👍🏻
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on July 21, 2020, 11:46:50 am
So I have a hickory backed Osage that I am gunna use for this trade however I’m about 5-10 lbs short. Good thing is it’s Osage and it’s about 70” long. Would cutting about an inch off of the ends raise that weight? I tried piking the length with a bow made of hickory and It didn’t raise the weight at all.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on July 21, 2020, 11:57:00 am
Here’s what I ended up going with for the handle. I’m happy with how it turned out.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on July 21, 2020, 07:39:15 pm
Well I’ve been MIA for a while. Got work and stuff, and I haven’t felt like working on a bow. I hope I can make a good bow but here’s where I’m at
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on July 21, 2020, 07:40:38 pm
I don’t know how I feel about this tiller rn. Not my best. Hopefully I can get it together.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on July 21, 2020, 07:56:33 pm
Left limb, stay out of the fade. The mid limb looks stiff there too.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on July 21, 2020, 08:43:05 pm
Ok.... this is it, gonna be hard to do anymore without changing the specs or doing anything huge.


Looks like right outer is stiff
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on July 21, 2020, 08:46:02 pm
Ok, are you at the draw eight and length you want?
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on July 21, 2020, 08:56:00 pm
yeah, i would like the weight higher and my persons draw is a big range so i can always add an inch or so and tiller to 27" but that still wont get me alot of weight.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on July 21, 2020, 10:53:11 pm
Stop removing wood, and go get a heat gun. Heat treat the spots that bend too much. That will probably make those spots too stiff, and they will need to be LIGHTLY scraped to get them bending again. By time you finish that, you will not have lost any draw weight, and your tiller will be perfect.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on July 22, 2020, 06:33:07 am
         Handle is nice bud...Excellent work...
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on July 22, 2020, 08:13:14 pm
I think that's looking pretty good Deerhunter. Nice straight unstrung profile still, I think your closer than you realize. Have you put any arrows through it yet? Maybe get a picture drawn in hand and study that. Sometimes what I see between the tree and in hand are a little different. Even a few shots @24" and you can tell if the limbs return even. If you have a gizmo you could check out the limbs and follow  Sleek's advice and I think you'll have a nice shooter.



Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on July 22, 2020, 08:45:11 pm
Hopefully this helps. The outer right limb is a little stiff, but by time you stiffen everything else up with heat, that are should bend more anyway so you shouldn't need to touch it. Now I couldn't draw those red lines exactly where I wanted so they are more of a general area. The left limb needs heat a little more towards the fade than I drew it.

The fact that the bow appears to have taken no set tells me that you should have a damn fine bow built after these tiller corrections.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on July 23, 2020, 06:41:55 am
Stop removing wood, and go get a heat gun. Heat treat the spots that bend too much. That will probably make those spots too stiff, and they will need to be LIGHTLY scraped to get them bending again. By time you finish that, you will not have lost any draw weight, and your tiller will be perfect.

Good advice right ther. I think you’ll be fine DH21
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on July 23, 2020, 06:21:27 pm
it actually has some reflex still. i should also so some more string alignment, or build up the handle on the left side.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on July 23, 2020, 06:21:51 pm
but i will do the heat treating.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on July 23, 2020, 08:30:35 pm
Follow sleek. Then we can help with the rest of the issues.  Bow building is simply problem solving.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on July 24, 2020, 10:21:48 pm
Awesome bows here. I just got the second layer of sinew on mine. 2.5 oz sinew total. I'll post pictures soon.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Yellowstave on July 26, 2020, 02:49:03 pm
Please don't count me out yet. Ive been busy with work and the such. Anyway this is what I've got so far. Its not to final tiller yet but hopefully I can get her finished up soon.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on July 26, 2020, 03:23:59 pm
Here's my second go,a mollieish elm concave limb offering...
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on July 26, 2020, 03:29:38 pm
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on July 30, 2020, 08:10:18 am
Some great bows here!  Anybody want to enter one for July BOM?  Drop me a message.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: aznboi3644 on August 02, 2020, 01:01:56 pm
I hope I didn’t screw this one up.  I got a little overzealous with the rasp and went below my line.  It still feels plenty stiff to make weight.  And it’s a bit over 2” wide for most of the limb.  That little reflex,deflex, then straight section is gonna really make my eyes hurt.  But I think it would give some nice character. If this one screws up I’m onto plan C lol. 

Well I can’t resize this on my phone right now.  I’m electronically challenged lol
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: aznboi3644 on August 08, 2020, 04:28:49 pm
Here’s plan C I’ve been working on along side.  It is hard maple from my back yard.  The wood is extremely dense and hard.  The last one I cut after this had over 3 rings per inch.  This is some tough stuff.  One limb is slightly Deflexed mid limb.  I plan on trying to correct that during heat treat. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: aznboi3644 on August 12, 2020, 06:28:02 pm
I’m gonna struggle bracing this beast.  This is On the long string.  After brace i don’t think it’s gonna make much corrections to get to full draw besides the couple stuffs areas.

This is hard maple I cut down about 12 years ago.  I think it’s good and seasoned.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on August 12, 2020, 08:12:02 pm
My bamboo/osage American style longbow for the trade is coming along pretty well. I am doing the final tiller tweaks before I go forth with finishing the bow. I may soften up the outer third of the bottom limb just a tad, but otherwise it is just about what I am looking for. These asymmetrical bows always throw me for a loop when it comes to the full draw profile.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on August 12, 2020, 09:54:14 pm
That bow looks perfect Taylor!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on August 12, 2020, 09:58:37 pm
Deerhunter, I may be a little late for this post, but if the bow still holds reflex, it sounds like your tiller job is very good. You have not strained the wood to the point of breaking it down, thus the bend is fine.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on August 14, 2020, 09:40:33 am
Well my plan a came in light by 5lbs. It’s hickory backed Osage. I’m wondering if I can pike it to get some more draw weight. It is 70” long
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on August 14, 2020, 11:00:08 am
Deerhunter, I may be a little late for this post, but if the bow still holds reflex, it sounds like your tiller job is very good. You have not strained the wood to the point of breaking it down, thus the bend is fine.

not too late still working up the patience and courage lol, to finish working... sounds good, still think it needs so very, very fine tillering. i want to be able to send my best work out.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on August 16, 2020, 11:48:23 am
If you look at this you can see where most of the set is coming where you told me to hear treat it. Well I heat treated it and now in letting it rest and get moisture back.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on August 16, 2020, 08:03:10 pm
Went back over the last few pages, seeing some nice work fellas.

Been working on 2, a locust and an osage. 6 inches to go on the osage but only 2" left to go to F/D on the locust. Wanted to get a few pics up tonight drawn in hand but thats gonna have to wait a few days.

I been using one of those cheap carabiner clips on my tillering string to make fast adjustments on string lenght. I used this same clip one the last couple bows I made. Almost came back to bit me today. Was check the feel of the draw in hand on the locust piece much of the day as I was getting close on the tillering. The cheap metal ended up not being able to take the stress and began to bend. Lucky for me I caught it just in time. Guess i'll be out to the hardware store this week to get a few quick links that I can screw closed and that will take the stress. Figured I'd share a pic to maybe save someone from making that type of mistake. Will only be using these clips as hat hangers from now on :)
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on August 16, 2020, 08:57:43 pm
If you look at this you can see where most of the set is coming where you told me to hear treat it. Well I heat treated it and now in letting it rest and get moisture back.

On the pic I drew for you?
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on August 17, 2020, 07:48:25 am
If you look at this you can see where most of the set is coming where you told me to hear treat it. Well I heat treated it and now in letting it rest and get moisture back.

On the pic I drew for you?

yeah. you said to heat treat a little out of the fades and im realizing that that is where the set in the bow is coming from so yeah, it was bending too much where you told me to heat treat.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on August 17, 2020, 11:14:10 am
argh!! it seems to be bending even more in the fades!!!! its taken a lot more set after the heat treat!!  :'(
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on August 17, 2020, 11:15:57 am
anyone have any idea why?? ill get pictures soon.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on August 17, 2020, 12:41:44 pm
I have tried heat treating weak areas to stiffen them back up. Sometimes it helps, but I had one particular bow that simply could not handle the weight I wanted no matter how much heat treating. The bow ended up being a 30# bow that  still took 3” of set. The wood was simply not good enough to begin with. This is only speaking from my experience, I can’t speak for yours. Your tiller didn’t look too bad before, I’m not sure what’s up unless the wood has given up and collapsing.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on August 17, 2020, 12:50:05 pm
you know what... im not gonna get pictures right now.... im gonna give it a couple days more to rehydrate. i heat treated it on saturday and only gave it a day.... hopefully thats it and i didnt weaken the heat treated area too much. :fp :fp
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on August 17, 2020, 01:06:49 pm
Sorry man, but rehydration isn't the problem. I have never experienced what you are describing, and it really doesn't make any sense to me. Id need to see side profile strung, unstrung, and full draw to have any chance of adding anything useful.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on August 17, 2020, 01:16:11 pm
 :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ ok ill get some pics in a hour.... hopefully its just my eyes from looking at a screen all day from online school
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on August 17, 2020, 09:00:53 pm
ok no picture yet but here's what i gotta do

-1. pray this works
1. make the bow bend well (so close hopefully)
2. make the string align well (im sorry but i am not gonna send my guy a bow with a string exactly on the side of the handle lol)
3. see if its necessary to remove the limb twist in the bow after all of this (i flubbed up even when PD told me to focus on the limb twist at first) but its twisting the string off of the handle even more.
4. make a good handle (ive just rounded it off so it wont hurt my hand when i hand draw it)
5. add frills if im confident (hopefully some tip overlay, maybe a leather handle, maaaaaaaayyyybbeee a shelf depending on how it shoots??? and maybe an inlay if not.)
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on August 19, 2020, 07:19:58 pm
Good luck Deerhunter, take your time but continue to make progress. :)

Took a chance on this build. Has some minor natural deflex in the handle caused by a branch that did not go all the way through. Did the best I could to build it into the handle area. So the handle is a bit over built in places to insure it would remain static, but the wood in the limbs is some real fine stuff.

Ran about 20 arrows through it today just short of F/D. Pic below is 1" shy of F/D. Hope to take just a little weight off the tips yet and clean it up some. Would like to be able to start running arrows through it this weekend but it may take a few extra days to get to that point.Pretty pleased with it so far.
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on August 21, 2020, 06:12:14 am
           I blew that handle up on my PC...Man that thing is puuuurrrdy! Nice use of that knotty deflexed area in the handle... That, along with your tillering job will last someone a lifetime...Your unstrung profile is excellent along with the balance on that bend/tiller...You deserve credit on that job for sure...

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on August 21, 2020, 09:32:45 am
the sets getting worse, gonna need to take some wood off....
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on August 21, 2020, 03:28:33 pm
the sets getting worse, gonna need to take some wood off....

Sounds like it's time to grab another stick man... Sorry too say.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on August 21, 2020, 04:13:15 pm
 :Maybe try steaming some reflex in with localized steam...allow some time and lock in the changes with dry heat..just a thought...

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on August 21, 2020, 09:57:53 pm
the sets getting worse, gonna need to take some wood off....

Sounds like it's time to grab another stick man... Sorry too say.

maybe.... i got a white oak stave that may make a really nice bow... after the white oak stave ill be all out of staves that i have a good chance of making into a bow. i got 2 hickory but there are some gnarly knots... like big knots.... i want to leave this bow knowing i did everything i could, but then again, i would hate to think i gave my person a bad bow... might be time to go out and cut some hackberry to put in a heat box/hot car... i also now know that there is always of a limb where i take too much wood off because that side is uneven... we'll see but ill go cuts some hackberry probably
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on August 23, 2020, 06:37:13 pm
Getting there...
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on August 23, 2020, 06:41:09 pm
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bownarra on August 24, 2020, 07:18:25 am
Went back over the last few pages, seeing some nice work fellas.

Been working on 2, a locust and an osage. 6 inches to go on the osage but only 2" left to go to F/D on the locust. Wanted to get a few pics up tonight drawn in hand but thats gonna have to wait a few days.

I been using one of those cheap carabiner clips on my tillering string to make fast adjustments on string lenght. I used this same clip one the last couple bows I made. Almost came back to bit me today. Was check the feel of the draw in hand on the locust piece much of the day as I was getting close on the tillering. The cheap metal ended up not being able to take the stress and began to bend. Lucky for me I caught it just in time. Guess i'll be out to the hardware store this week to get a few quick links that I can screw closed and that will take the stress. Figured I'd share a pic to maybe save someone from making that type of mistake. Will only be using these clips as hat hangers from now on :)
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Go to a rock climbing shop and buy a cheap snapgate krab 20Kn+ breaking strain :)   They also do cheap pullys that are great for tillering boards :)
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: aznboi3644 on August 24, 2020, 08:07:03 pm
I use steel carabiners.

I hope I can make this handle work.  I may have to layer up some layer soaked in glue to build back up the back side of the handle on one side.  I got overzealous rasping and didn’t realize how much I took off.  Still feels good in the hand though as I draw. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on August 26, 2020, 11:03:59 am
Hopefully everyone is getting close to completion on their builds.  Just a reminder that there is only a little over a month and a half left!

Please let me know of any issues any of you may have run into.  Also, it is probably a good idea to refrain from doing any writing on your bows until you get confirmation from me that your person is still good to go.

Thanks all.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on August 26, 2020, 09:19:02 pm
Handles done...
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on August 26, 2020, 09:54:12 pm
Handles done...
Man, that looks nice!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on August 27, 2020, 02:36:07 pm
Finished mine. Hickory backed Tempered Osage. 66” long 66lbs@27”. Now since I didn’t cover the hickory backing up during the glue up I gotta find a way to to cover it up and make it look pretty.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: aznboi3644 on August 28, 2020, 05:40:29 pm
Rawhide came in today.  I should get this glued on and finish tillering this maple beast after the weekend.  Then onto shooting it in and finish the handle.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on August 31, 2020, 09:49:49 am
I’ve got a nice ash bow shooting and in the finishing stages. Should be done late this then I’ll post pics. Looking good everybody.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: aznboi3644 on August 31, 2020, 11:58:45 am
Waiting a couple days for the rawhide to fully dry and I should be nearing the home stretch.  Final tillering with sand paper and finish work.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on August 31, 2020, 09:30:14 pm
well. i think i know exactly why my bow took that much set.... it was because of the reflex... completely forgot about it when i was bending it and i made the bow look like it should bend if it was flat. then when it was flat from set it was already too late... well this next stave has deflex and one tip is basically reflexed. there is NO way i am going to let myself mess up on this bow if it can be helped. not saying im going to scrutinize myself... but im going to put the time in, the paitence, and i will go so slow that the bow will get bored and tiller itself for me  (lol)

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on September 06, 2020, 08:04:40 pm
The red bud that I was working in isn't going to make weight so it's on to B. Bamboo backed purple heart.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on September 06, 2020, 09:33:17 pm
I'm still working on bows despite having a couple good options for the bow swap already done.  I have been using the same (underpowered) bandsaw since I was 16.  Its honestly done a very serviceable job for 25 years, but it was time for something more I bought a Laguna 14BX last week.  I was also able to find a really nice 5/4 x 10 x 66 osage board at a local lumber seller recently so I used the new saw to make five staves out of it.  I also made eight backing slats out of two hickory 1 x 2 x 72 boards I got.  I am hoping to make a matched set of five bows from these osage and hickory pieces as a celebration of finally having a saw that is truly capable.


Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on September 08, 2020, 08:12:03 pm
Hope that saw serves you well Flntknp17. That's awesome . Looked at model myself a few months ago I just dont have the room in my shop for one yet so going to keep on with the hand tools for now.

As always, I wanted to be further along faster but things been moving in the right direction. I finished shooting in the stiff handled locust in pic below. The knot near the arrow pass seemed a little punky so I dig that out and filled with super glue and rock powder then ran 350+ shot through it make sure everything would hold up. Did some scraping on the top limb along the way and think it shoots real well now. Unless I can beat it I think I'll be sending this one. Going polish the horn overlays and finish with True oil, leave the handle bare to show off the grain there, its a bit of a unique handle because of the knot. While I put the finish on this one I'll continue with an osage piece I bin working on for some time.I almost have that one to F/D, wanted to post a pic of that one also but it was dark when I got home tonight.  Also have a hickory piece partly heat treated that I hope I can make a shooter out of. But thinking this stiff handle locust will be heading to my guy, I really tried to make this one how I think he would like.  I'll need to put up some more and better pics soon.
( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr                 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on September 09, 2020, 07:07:13 am
That locust bow sure has some beautiful lines!  Very nice.  That is one wood I haven't had the chance to work despite having a ton of it growing around here.  Well done.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on September 09, 2020, 05:28:15 pm
Bamboo backed purple heart. with osage riser and maple power lam. Flings an arrow pretty good. Right know it's just under 49#@28"  will loose some of that with finale finish.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: aznboi3644 on September 15, 2020, 08:31:37 am
Well I don’t have anyone to take a picture of my full draw yet but it’s pretty well finished tillered out. I don’t know how I’m gonna shoot this thing in.  I can’t even draw it back all the way lol.  I may just have to give it a major work out on the tree and shoot what I can without pulling my back/shoulder out.  Waiting in some skins in the mail and final finish work and it should be ready to go.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on September 15, 2020, 10:57:02 am
I need to get some more pics of mine up, tiller isn’t completely perfect but I’ve reached the “tillered matchstick” stage with it so I’m calling it done.

I have a couple options already started but if I run out of time I’ll send the first one
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on September 16, 2020, 06:31:03 am
 Mike, you are always so balanced brother, excellent work...You have the fire burning inside
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on September 16, 2020, 11:37:15 am
Nice work guys!mike that bow looks killer for sure!!! Very nice!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on September 16, 2020, 12:39:29 pm
I just finished up another possible candidate for the trade.  This one is hickory and bamboo with a padauk handle and zebrawood/padauk limb tips.  It came in about 50@27.  I have since stained it with dye to a medium reddish brown color and have applied the first coat of finish.  It was glued up with 3" of perry reflex and given that its hickory in a humid climate, ended up retaining about a half inch of reflex after 200 or so shots. 




Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Kidder on September 16, 2020, 01:58:46 pm
That’s a beautiful bow Matt!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on September 18, 2020, 09:34:58 am
Nice hickory bow. Great unstrung profile.  Impressive
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on September 18, 2020, 09:20:38 pm
Matt and TimothyR, I don't know a thing about making bows from laminates but think its interesting you guys mixing in the tropical hardwoods in on those builds. I bet up close, in person those bows look mighty fine, plus the benefits of the different wood properties.  Pretty cool.

As far as what I got going on. First off thanks guys, I lucked out with that locust bow and it turned out better than i figured it would. Might make a post for it after I finish it up. The osage bow I had been working on for what seems like the whole trade is kinda a bust. The wood just has too many checks that never did fully go away, and even tho I kept Them in the limbs I'd rather not be sending that out. So I'll finish it up this winter and hang onto it.

So, Im down to my last project I had set aside for the trade this year. I lucked into some local shagbark last winter and thinned this piece out months ago. Its ready for me to make a string and try a few arrows through it. I have it tiller out to 1" short of F/D at my target weight. It holds 1.25" reflex right after unstringing so far and see nothing of concern at this point. Sure do hope it holds up getting shot in. Spent my lunch today sanding it up best I could, and still missed a few tool marks lol. Finished up roughing out nocks when I got home. Its not everyones style but I sure do like working on these scalloped bows. Anyways, here's a sneak peek.
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
 ( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
 ( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr                   
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on September 19, 2020, 07:41:53 pm
way cool on the scalloped bow M2A making one of them is on my someday list  (lol)

here's some pics of my first offering, honeysuckle 59 1/2" ntn somewhere around 30~ish pounds at 26"
 (and sorry the unbraced braced pics got distorted)


tiny little shelf for  arrow placement
upper knock
lower knock
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on September 19, 2020, 08:13:47 pm
This one is getting close
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on September 19, 2020, 08:40:22 pm
    Looks awesome Bush! All you folks are making this trade interesting to watch with some really nice bows...Mike, love that scalloped bendy bro! Way to go fellas
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on September 19, 2020, 09:44:08 pm
This one is getting close

Dagum, thats a nice looking bend there! Can we get a front view on it?
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on September 19, 2020, 09:46:08 pm
way cool on the scalloped bow M2A making one of them is on my someday list  (lol)

here's some pics of my first offering, honeysuckle 59 1/2" ntn somewhere around 30~ish pounds at 26"
 (and sorry the unbraced braced pics got distorted)


tiny little shelf for  arrow placement
upper knock
lower knock

That dude is holding some AMAZING reflex! And those nocks looks smooth and just flow with the bow. I like it :) I'm gonna hafta try me some of that wood one day.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on September 19, 2020, 09:47:47 pm
M2A I dont understand scalloped bows, how they work, are tillered, or why they don't break. Thats an amazing bit of work.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on September 19, 2020, 09:56:33 pm
As requested..I'm gonna work the top limb a bit to even it out...
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on September 19, 2020, 09:58:54 pm
Good luck! I'm always nervous about ruining it when i try to make them perfectly even.... Go slow haha....It dont look much off to me.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: aznboi3644 on September 21, 2020, 08:27:03 pm
Man I hope my bow is up to the level of satisfaction I’m seeing here.  It’s the most I’ve ever put into a bow.  Gluing some snake skins for the first time ever on it this week. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on September 21, 2020, 08:36:12 pm
When are we supposed to have these finished up by?
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: aznboi3644 on September 21, 2020, 09:14:22 pm
Shipping out October 16 deadline.  I got skins, finish sanding, and sealer left,
.  Down to the wire  )-w(
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on September 22, 2020, 05:54:17 am
Thats some great looking work fellas!

Probably last chance I'll have time to post pics till most of the apple crop is in the cooler, so figured I'd take advantage of the time. Should be done shooting this bow in tomorrow, need to gather up some barberry bark for yellow, grind some bloodroot for orange and already have copper(green) and the walnut hull stain is ready to go. I pleasant surprise I hope is instead of rawhide dog bone for the handle, a guy at work took a coyote the other day and gave it to me. I dont do much in the way of skinning/trapping but was able to get it skinned with a couple pieces of chert the best I could, fleshed, and stretched so hope to have some home grown material for the handle I think. I got the notches cut and burned on the scallops and did a little carving to the top nock. Unbraced photo below is right after 80 shots yesterday. If ya see anything that dont look good let me know. 
( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr             
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on September 22, 2020, 06:26:41 am
  Mike that "resting profile" says it all...That is one fine bend...Can't wait to see the finished product...All natural paint will be on point man...This build is what defines primitive archery...Tip of the PA hat to you brother...

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on September 22, 2020, 08:18:42 am
Wow!  Lots of fine work being posted this week!  Love them all! 

As far as why I make backed bows from lumber......because that is what I have to work with.  I just don't have the time to go cut staves and let them season, wish I did, and someday I will, but with three kids and all that entails, I just don't have time.  I really like the process of making a bamboo backed bow out of some nice hardwood and we have a really good local hardwood lumber yard so I can go sort through hard maple and ash and hickory and tropicals to my heart's content until I find the right piece.  I made a bunch of osage stave selfbows in the 90s, but haven't found any decent wood around here in a long time since I'm north of where it grows well.  It's in the works.....I just hope for now my bamboo backed bows are primitive enough for the trade.  I see all these beautiful bows that could have been made thousands of years ago and I worry that mine are too modern.....

I finished up the most recent hickory and boo bow this week with some latigo leather dye and then a few coats of tru oil.  I made a string for it on Saturday and will put a leather grip on it this week.



Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on September 22, 2020, 10:55:02 am

As far as why I make backed bows from lumber......because that is what I have to work with.  I just don't have the time to go cut staves and let them season, wish I did, and someday I will, but with three kids and all that entails, I just don't have time.  I really like the process of making a bamboo backed bow out of some nice hardwood and we have a really good local hardwood lumber yard so I can go sort through hard maple and ash and hickory and tropicals to my heart's content until I find the right piece.  I made a bunch of osage stave selfbows in the 90s, but haven't found any decent wood around here in a long time since I'm north of where it grows well.  It's in the works.....I just hope for now my bamboo backed bows are primitive enough for the trade.  I see all these beautiful bows that could have been made thousands of years ago and I worry that mine are too modern.....


Nothing wrong about working with what you have, could you post a pic of one of your glue ups though?
Every time I try to make that style of bow I get nasty gaps along the edges, this last time I tried was better but still there.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on September 22, 2020, 03:47:14 pm
I just love making these bows with bamboo and some random hardwood......I honestly enjoy it more than I like making stave bows.  Not sure why, I just do.  I use a 6"x48" belt sander to get all the surfaces FLAT before gluing.  I use Titebond 3 ot Titebond 2 and and bicycle innertube for gluing.  I don't have a form, just use wood blocks to induce Perry reflex while drying.  Seems to be very reliable and stable.  I will attach a close up of a bow finished this week showing the glue lines. The wood is che chen, hickory, cocobolo, bamboo.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on September 22, 2020, 08:15:41 pm
I should have mentioned also that I have had better luck with the gluing after I switched from clamps to the bicycle innertubes.  I think the innertubes do lot better job of distributing even pressure all over the gluing surface.  The folks I know who have good success with clamps tend to use LOTS of clamps (at least 20-30) and I don't have that many clamps.  The innertubes are readily available anywhere and cost just a few dollars. 

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Sagebrush on September 22, 2020, 09:35:15 pm
I quietly purchased a couple of clamps at a time so as not to arouse too much wifely suspicion until I got to two dozen.  My glue ups improved remarkably.  That and the addition of a second set of trustworthy hands. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on September 23, 2020, 07:53:01 am
I just love making these bows with bamboo and some random hardwood......I honestly enjoy it more than I like making stave bows.  Not sure why, I just do.  I use a 6"x48" belt sander to get all the surfaces FLAT before gluing.  I use Titebond 3 ot Titebond 2 and and bicycle innertube for gluing.  I don't have a form, just use wood blocks to induce Perry reflex while drying.  Seems to be very reliable and stable.  I will attach a close up of a bow finished this week showing the glue lines. The wood is che chen, hickory, cocobolo, bamboo.


I’m thinking prep is where I’m stumbling, I’ve been using hand tools and I think I always end up rounding the corners over very slightly. I think I’ll try with a plane iron ground dead straight or get around to building a drum/thickness sander.

That dude is holding some AMAZING reflex! And those nocks looks smooth and just flow with the bow. I like it :) I'm gonna hafta try me some of that wood one day.

Thanks sleek  ;D I was going to say that it looked like more than it was because of the distortion but you made me go and check and it’s sitting right at 1 3/4” I feel pretty good about it now  :D
(Especially considering I didn’t do any heat treating on this one)
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on September 23, 2020, 09:22:11 am
All that reflex with no heat? THATS when you KNOW you got it right! Outstanding job!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on September 23, 2020, 10:23:40 am

I’m thinking prep is where I’m stumbling, I’ve been using hand tools and I think I always end up rounding the corners over very slightly. I think I’ll try with a plane iron ground dead straight or get around to building a drum/thickness sander.

Yes, I find the prep is more important than the actual glue-up.  If you get the prep right, the gluing is really easy.  If you don't have access to a belt sander, I would highly recommend using a flat board at least 10"-12" long as a sanding block and wrapping 50-60 grit paper around it.  My experience was that drum sanders and hand held planes were challenging, though I know others have had success with them.  Use a pencil to zig zag down the full face of the intended flat surface and then make a couple passes with the sanding block.....if all the pencil is gone everywhere, then its flat.  If there are marks left, then you know you have islands between the marks.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on September 23, 2020, 10:39:20 am
All that reflex with no heat? THATS when you KNOW you got it right! Outstanding job!

Yep all natural reflex, even the string alignment was good right out of the gate so I never used the heat gun on it.
I suppose I could of heat treated it to up the poundage but at this point I don’t want to screw it up  (lol)

I’m thinking prep is where I’m stumbling, I’ve been using hand tools and I think I always end up rounding the corners over very slightly. I think I’ll try with a plane iron ground dead straight or get around to building a drum/thickness sander.

Yes, I find the prep is more important than the actual glue-up.  If you get the prep right, the gluing is really easy.  If you don't have access to a belt sander, I would highly recommend using a flat board at least 10"-12" long as a sanding block and wrapping 50-60 grit paper around it.  My experience was that drum sanders and hand held planes were challenging, though I know others have had success with them.  Use a pencil to zig zag down the full face of the intended flat surface and then make a couple passes with the sanding block.....if all the pencil is gone everywhere, then its flat.  If there are marks left, then you know you have islands between the marks.


Thanks I’ll give that a shot on my next attempt.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on September 23, 2020, 02:56:11 pm
My offering is pretty well has taken a little more set then I had wished for...I've left it braced for many hours  in hopes that the tiller won't go wonky....Hollow limb...looks like a giant piece of celery!0!.unbraced travel to resting is quite small,so I don't expect much more set.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on September 24, 2020, 06:22:09 am
   Somebody is going to be real happy with that one Bush...Those tips man? Has to be a screamer with no hand shock for sure...Love your tips on all the bows you produce...
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Sagebrush on September 25, 2020, 09:28:34 pm
 How are we doing on reserve bows if someone falls through???  I have several if it gets down to it.  I love the thread over the years.  I don't need one in return.  Everybody's bows are looking great!  Keep it up.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on September 26, 2020, 05:29:56 pm
I have one that’ll work as a reserve. The hickory flatbow with the large knot I made before the black locust recurve. I played with it the other day and loved how it shot.

I’m liking everything I’m seeing and am getting excited for shipping day.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on September 27, 2020, 12:07:03 am
Bamboo backed purple heart just before I put the first coat of finish on. I'll get some more pictures as soon as I get the bow finished
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on September 27, 2020, 10:36:47 pm
TimothyR how do you like the purple heart for a belly wood?, i've wanted to make a bow with it ever sense i new board bows were a thing but i've heard that its brittle in compression.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on September 28, 2020, 06:27:47 am
I like it. It's a very smooth shooter. It turned out lighter than I'd hoped but it's still in the weight range that I had to hit. I've been told that it can crystal *  it is holding up. I have to shot it in some lore then I can ship. Hopefully it will hold up. it sure is purdy though! 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: liyeliye123123 on September 28, 2020, 07:13:26 am
The ''bow trade'' bow is all finished up. This is the first ever bamboo backed english longbow Ive ever made and I put in a lot of effert to make sure that there is no string follow on this bow. I like the result very much and Im confident to say that this is the best ELB I've ever made.


Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Kidder on September 28, 2020, 09:44:41 am
Liyeliye123123 - that is an beautiful bow, but those tips are otherworldly AMAZING! Someone is going to be really happy!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on September 28, 2020, 10:32:52 am
Liyeliye123123 - that is an beautiful bow, but those tips are otherworldly AMAZING! Someone is going to be really happy!

Said it better then I ever could!

I’m assuming you used ipe for the belly, what are the stats on it?
And I really admire the fishhook looking tip, I’m not normally one for overly fancy knocks but you pulled it off so well that I’m tempted to try it myself  ;D
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on September 28, 2020, 03:46:55 pm
The ''bow trade'' bow is all finished up. This is the first ever bamboo backed english longbow Ive ever made and I put in a lot of effert to make sure that there is no string follow on this bow. I like the result very much and Im confident to say that this is the best ELB I've ever made.


That is a beautiful bow.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Sagebrush on September 28, 2020, 07:46:27 pm
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Flntknp17 on September 28, 2020, 08:21:27 pm
Agree with the above......that yew bow is spectacular!


Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on September 28, 2020, 08:36:11 pm
The ''bow trade'' bow is all finished up. This is the first ever bamboo backed english longbow Ive ever made and I put in a lot of effert to make sure that there is no string follow on this bow. I like the result very much and Im confident to say that this is the best ELB I've ever made.


You are by far one of the most talented bowyers on this site. Whoever gets any of your bows is very lucky indeed!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on September 29, 2020, 05:51:19 am
That’s outstanding Li. Well done.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: DC on September 29, 2020, 10:09:55 am
Beautiful bow LL. The tips aren't my cup of tea but the bow is gorgeous! Much like all your bows.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: liyeliye123123 on September 30, 2020, 06:27:51 pm
Thanks guys!!! Yes it is a Bamboo backed ipe ELB, 43 pounds @ 28 inches.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on September 30, 2020, 07:03:34 pm
My bows ( not certain yet which to send off ) are done. Next week I will pick one to apply finish on and call it done. I have several and im really not certain which to send.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on October 01, 2020, 10:46:34 am
I have two bows completed and I am working on finish work now.  I am not sure which I am going to send yet. I have been shooting both of them a lot, I just need to figure out which to send.  Maybe it will be the one that looks the best after the finish is completed. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on October 01, 2020, 10:39:42 pm
As I was ready to apply stains to the hickory piece I been working on I found a small fret in the corner about mid limb on the top limb. Think I did not round the corner enough in that spot. Never saw it until then, too bad.

On the bright side I have 2 locust bows shot in and will start the final finish work on the one I figure I'm sending. also started on one last build for the trade(time permitting). Another locust woodland style. Thin ringed but dense wood. Got it heat treated and straightened up the other day. Will start to tiller tomorrow night and see where it goes. Have a game plan and if it shows promise will post some pics.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on October 02, 2020, 02:32:43 am
Been shooting this one lots..I don't have a scale but feels plenty heavy...plain finish but I like it!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on October 02, 2020, 07:36:16 am
My trade bow is finished, I just need to get some pictures taken and it will be ready to head out the door! More to come...
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on October 06, 2020, 10:36:29 am
Well we are approaching the deadline for the trade.  It has certainly been an interesting year, that is for sure.I have not been able to keep as close a watch as I would have liked due to my work.  I work in emergency management and this pandemic caused my work load to shoot up dramatically. 

I do have many of you listed as being completed with your bows.  If you all could help me out and send me a pm when your bow is ready to ship (only if you haven't done so yet), it would be appreciated. 

As for my trade bow, I will be putting a little ink on it today and then putting the final coats of finish on over the next few days.  After that, I will still need to put a handle wrap on it and then it will be ready to ship. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on October 09, 2020, 11:38:59 am
Looks like I may be a little late shipping.....stuff happens..
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on October 09, 2020, 12:42:42 pm
Well we are approaching the deadline for the trade.  It has certainly been an interesting year, that is for sure.I have not been able to keep as close a watch as I would have liked due to my work.  I work in emergency management and this pandemic caused my work load to shoot up dramatically. 

I do have many of you listed as being completed with your bows.  If you all could help me out and send me a pm when your bow is ready to ship (only if you haven't done so yet), it would be appreciated. 

As for my trade bow, I will be putting a little ink on it today and then putting the final coats of finish on over the next few days.  After that, I will still need to put a handle wrap on it and then it will be ready to ship.

I'm pretty much in the same stage where you are. I was just in a car accident  2 days ago and rather sore at the moment, but otherwise ok. I may be a little slow in my finishing up of the bow.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on October 10, 2020, 03:23:35 am
I’ll have to contact my recipient and work with them if that’s ok. I told swamp man but my dog decided that he wanted to try some snake skins I got from a member on here and unfortunately they were already glued down to my hickory backed Osage. Big pitbull chewed right through pretty much everything. Have something in the main reduction right now. Itll be a few before it’s ready. But it’ll be ready none the less.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on October 10, 2020, 11:18:38 am
I'll get mine in the mail as soon as I can get to the post office. Its inventory at my job so I'm working 7 days a week. But I'll get it out asap. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on October 11, 2020, 03:07:45 pm
Here’s an update. Little more polishing and finish. No final weight yet but right around 50-55 #’s. I’ll post final specs and the money shot in a day or two after I soot it more. About 100 shots so far.

Buffalo accents beaver skin handle. D97 string and beaver silencers. The grip is a love it or hate it affair but it’s effective and comfortable. This is a flat bow with a high crowned back and I wanted some depth to it.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on October 11, 2020, 07:46:01 pm
Missed my chance to ship last time down south will have to wait until early November when I'm back to civilization .I'm currently working in the sub artic ...northern Canada..I will contact my guy mid month....
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on October 14, 2020, 11:21:10 pm
Wish it was easier to post pictures here. I tried a experimental design with juniper and sinew with a deflexed compression stave with a big recurve. They did not line up perfect and I paused and went with a perfect hickory stave Bowed sent me. Heat treated. Took it to the field by my house and casts a 10gpp broadhead 215 yards. Got some bighorn tips. I'm in the middle of sealing the bow with linseed and shellac. I'll post the photos before I send it. It is a good bow.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on October 15, 2020, 08:08:23 am
Shipping mine out today.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on October 15, 2020, 09:08:07 am
Wish it was easier to post pictures here. I tried a experimental design with juniper and sinew with a deflexed compression stave with a big recurve. They did not line up perfect and I paused and went with a perfect hickory stave Bowed sent me. Heat treated. Took it to the field by my house and casts a 10gpp broadhead 215 yards. Got some bighorn tips. I'm in the middle of sealing the bow with linseed and shellac. I'll post the photos before I send it. It is a good bow.

215 is amazing! Is it hickory sinew or self bow?
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on October 15, 2020, 10:06:51 am
It's a self bow Sleek. I don't back good hickory. I've made a few like this and like the design. It works. Want to get a good seal on the wood so it does not pick up too much moisture where it's going.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on October 15, 2020, 12:11:44 pm
Are we go to ship?  Sound like it. Mine will go in the mail Monday. Wanna polish her up a bit more.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on October 15, 2020, 03:00:10 pm
Are we go to ship?  Sound like it. Mine will go in the mail Monday. Wanna polish her up a bit more.

Gary, you can ship anytime.  I know your guy is good to go too.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on October 15, 2020, 03:02:28 pm
I have been working on putting the best finish I can on my trade bow and it has been taking some time.  I am almost done with that now and then I will get the handle wrapped. I will be shipping within a week though. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on October 15, 2020, 09:52:28 pm
Got a package today from Silent Sniper. Can't  wait to put a few arrows through it. Top notch piece of work all around. Hope to have the entire apple crop in the cooler in the next 2 days provided the weather holds out and then should have time to get some pics to post. More to come soon. Thanks Taylor! Impressive work!

As for myself...I have one finished up and can have it ready to send in a day or so. However, I'm in the process of shooting in a another stiff handled locust, with a little character, that just seems to have the best all around performance I have made to this point. Don't feel like I need to make any adjustments to this piece just run a few more arrows through it. Either way I will be shipping in the next week. I'll be having more to say on this very soon also.

So... it seems I'll be pretty busy in the next couple days with pics and making posts.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on October 17, 2020, 08:27:13 pm
Had time to run a few arrows through the bow from Silent Sniper today. Shoots every bit as well as it looks. Balanced and just a drown right great shooter. Different build style than anything I could make with the laminants. Took some pics today but not sure they show how good this bow looks in person.

( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on October 17, 2020, 09:04:49 pm
Finished shooting in my latest build. Like I mentioned before there is a little character to this piece of locust. It finished up 1lb over my goal draw weight. Pretty pleased with how this one shoots. The character made it some what of a challenge. I was able to follow the grain between a pair of knots near the nock in the upper limb and tried to follow the grain from that point. Put 2 coats of boiled walnut stain on the whole piece when I got home tonight and that darkened it up a good bit. Tomorrow I'll take some very fine grit sandpaper and knock down the grain in the fades and handle. I also hope to prepare and apply a handle wrap with some coyote raw hide which will be a 1st for me so hope I dont screw that up lol. Monday or Tuesday I hope to apply the finish, a mix of wax and fat from Pine Hollow.

Thanks, Mike

( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on October 18, 2020, 08:22:23 pm
    Looking good Mike.... Like the character in that tip...
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: timmyd on October 19, 2020, 12:50:44 pm
I did not fall off the face of the earth. Its been a bad year for us but anyway....I apologize for being late but we are making progress. My bow is floor tillered and ready for the tree. I will post pics later. Hope to be finished in the next couple of days. Thank you for your patience.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on October 19, 2020, 02:23:42 pm
I had to show my wife the 3 I made to help me decide. Its down to which 2 to send now...

The problem? One bow falls more inside his draw range, the other is at the bottom of it. However, the one at the bottom of the draw range looks cool as can be.  So, do I ship based on looks or a better fit?
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on October 19, 2020, 06:06:47 pm
If it's still in his draw weight range then I'd say either one.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on October 19, 2020, 08:12:46 pm
I'd say send the cool one :)
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on October 20, 2020, 09:38:04 am
I say send the cool one too Sleek :OK
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on October 20, 2020, 11:33:20 am
I’d agree send the cool one  :D

I’m pretty much done on my end. I just need to make a proper string for it and sign my name and then I’m ready to ship
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on October 20, 2020, 02:19:53 pm
Mark me as shipped.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on October 20, 2020, 07:17:58 pm
If you drew my name, I am heading out in 2 weeks for a contract job 1200 miles from home for a long time. Not rushing you, just letting you know my wife will receive it and I won't get the chance to see it until probably next summer.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on October 20, 2020, 11:44:10 pm
I'm ready to ship and will do so in the next few days.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on October 23, 2020, 04:41:08 am
Shipping mine out today.

Received TimothyR.  Awesome bow. It’s raining like the proverbial cow and the flat rock but I’ll get some pics up this weekend. Very cool Purple Heart bamboo bow. Woot woot.  Like Christmas. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on October 23, 2020, 04:53:25 am
Well one more ash heat treating session revealed a problem.  Here are some pics of the fix but I had to pivot to an Osage static I’ve been putzing with for six months.  The ash will probably live a long time at 53# @ 27” but I’m not sending out a bow with a plug in it that was not planned. Here are the pics of the problem and fix.  My Osage static is tillered and shooting so it will go in the post Saturday after I take some pics.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on October 23, 2020, 08:41:40 am
Shipping mine out today.

Received TimothyR.  Awesome bow. It’s raining like the proverbial cow and the flat rock but I’ll get some pics up this weekend. Very cool Purple Heart bamboo bow. Woot woot.  Like Christmas.
I'm glad it made it to you in one piece.  I hope you like it.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on October 23, 2020, 12:12:20 pm
Mark me as shipped. I just left the post office. I love guessing the shipping cost before I go. This time I was only off by 25 cents.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on October 25, 2020, 04:13:53 pm
Here is the bow which is packaged up and ready to go in the mail tomorrow.  It is a HHB bow with black walnut overlays and a leather wrapped handle.  I used leather dye on the bow and 11 coats of true oil.  I used 0000 steel wool to dull the shine a bit and then coated it with wax followed by a good buffing.  The string is B-50. 

It falls right in the spec range of my guy for draw weight and length.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on October 25, 2020, 04:18:55 pm
I see my photos ended up pretty distorted.  I guess I need to start using a hosted site for photos again.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on October 25, 2020, 06:51:50 pm
I shipped out on Friday, Should be to its destination by the  middle of the week. Hope the guy I sent to is a pleased as I am with my Silent Sniper bow.

Looks like some sharp looking bows being sent out or already received.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on October 26, 2020, 08:25:39 am
I got my bow on Saturday, I’ve been hoping for some better weather for pics but it doesn’t look likely so I’ll take some indoors tonight when I get off work.

But I have to say I’m really impressed   :D I need to haul myself out to one of the public ranges before it gets to cold and get some proper shooting in with it
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on October 26, 2020, 10:42:12 am
Dylan, I was not thinking when I signed the bow that you are also left handed. The signed limb will be the bottom for you. It is canted slightly that way. I smeared the writing on the limb with the final shellac coat, but who cares about that. It's how the bow shoots. It was a stave of hickory I got from Bowed. Bighorn tips. Sealed with a coat of pitch disolved in everclear, then multiple applications of linseed and shellac.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on October 26, 2020, 06:53:49 pm
TimothyR sent me this beauty. Awesome, shoots fast and gorgeous.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on October 26, 2020, 07:00:48 pm
And here is my old school static offering.  Mark me shipped. It’s on its way to a secret location.  55#@28”. Garter snake skins on Osage from a beam found in a barn.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on October 26, 2020, 08:49:02 pm
My offering is finally complete.  Im mailing it out in 2 days when I go to town.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on October 27, 2020, 09:09:41 am
TimothyR sent me this beauty. Awesome, shoots fast and gorgeous.

I'm glad you like it sir.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on October 27, 2020, 09:28:47 am
Mines finished. Just gunna true up some painting on the back of the bow and should be ok. I’ll get it out by Friday.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on October 27, 2020, 11:08:55 am
Dylan, I was not thinking when I signed the bow that you are also left handed. The signed limb will be the bottom for you. It is canted slightly that way. I smeared the writing on the limb with the final shellac coat, but who cares about that. It's how the bow shoots. It was a stave of hickory I got from Bowed. Bighorn tips. Sealed with a coat of pitch disolved in everclear, then multiple applications of linseed and shellac.

Thanks for the heads up, and no worries.
Also thanks for your finishing process  ; I’m always how someone else does it.
Anything I should know about caring for the linen(?) string? I’ve never invested in the good thread to try making one myself.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on October 27, 2020, 08:40:52 pm
My offering shipped out yesterday and is heading south.  According to the tracking it should be on someone's doorstep on Friday.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on October 28, 2020, 10:21:57 pm
Got my bow from M2A today. A thing of beauty and I love locust! nock slipped off in shipping , but easy to glue back on and can't wait to shoot and I'll be back to report.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on October 29, 2020, 07:24:24 am
Glad it made it but sorry to hear that happened Chuck. Been trying to put alot of effort in the overlays to make good glue lines and not starve the joints. Regardless, let me know if its more than a simple fix.
Thanks, Mike   
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on October 29, 2020, 10:20:00 am
Mike, I just use epoxy for most tips. I'll clamp it today and shoot it in 2. Super simple fix. Awesome stave by the way
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: TimothyR on October 31, 2020, 07:22:49 am
I received swapman's bow yesterday,   wow, what a beautiful work of art.  I cant wait to put some arrows through it when I'm off work.  Thank you sir!  I love it! 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on October 31, 2020, 09:24:55 am
I received swapman's bow yesterday,   wow, what a beautiful work of art.  I cant wait to put some arrows through it when I'm off work.  Thank you sir!  I love it!

I am glad that it made it to you safely and that you like it.  I hope that it shoots well for you.

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on November 01, 2020, 07:23:35 am
And here is my old school static offering.  Mark me shipped. It’s on its way to a secret location.  55#@28”. Garter snake skins on Osage from a beam found in a barn.

Package received. And this bow is so beautiful.i truly mean it. It’s simple and elegant and not to mention wicked fast. My arrows go right where I point them. Thank you for such a fantastic bow and I hope the bow I send out is equally loved by its new owner
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on November 01, 2020, 07:27:29 am
I received a package from Sagebrush Friday. I meant to type up something sooner, but wanted to play with it a bit. And have a few minutes to type. It’s a beautiful trilam of Bamboo, maple, and yew. With Carmen skin handle wrap. I love the knotty belly lam of yew. It’s nice and heavy too, pulling 69# at 27”. It’s going to be fun to play with.

Thank you

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on November 01, 2020, 07:28:48 am
More pictures

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on November 01, 2020, 09:03:08 am
Glad it arrived safe Mafort. That one does shoot well. Glad you like it. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on November 04, 2020, 09:21:27 am
For those of you that have not shipped yet and have not been in contact with me, please let me know your status.  It would be great if we could get this trade closed sometime soon. 


Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: loefflerchuck on November 05, 2020, 09:47:51 am
Mike M2A, I've been shooting the locust bow the last couple days. Great work! It's a fast bow.
Thanks again
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on November 06, 2020, 04:49:22 pm
I received a package in the mail from sleek today.  I will post some pictures next week some time but it is a beautiful hickory bow.  It is spliced with Osage glued onto the handle and Osage tip overlays.  It is 45 pounds at 26 inches.  I had time to for a few shots out if it and it shoots great.  I really love this bow.

Thank you sleek!
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on November 06, 2020, 05:45:41 pm
Glad it got there, and early no less :) Its a spliced hickory axe handle bow. Now, you may notice the poundage picks up as it dries out, im in a 77% average humidity area, so its performance should improve over time. Howd the shipping pipe do to protect it, I never used that stuff before.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on November 06, 2020, 07:44:33 pm
Glad it all worked out Chuck. Hope it serves you well. I'll be giving epoxy a try next overlays I put on, instead of TBIII. I keep eyeing up a couple more staves from that same tree. Not right for what I'd like to build next, but maybe next year sometime.

Thanks guys, enjoyed seeing and hearing about all the projects this year. Glad I could take part. Lot of top notch bows been posted here. Cant wait to see some of the rest of them.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on November 06, 2020, 07:49:20 pm
Spliced axe handle, very cool.  The shipping pipe protected it very well.  I was surprised how light it was when I picked it up. I never thought of using that for shipping a bow in. 

I really like the handle and overlays on this bow too.  It looks good hanging on my bow rack.  The handle also is very comfortable.  Very nice job. 
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: timmyd on November 09, 2020, 03:21:03 pm
My bow is the works. Sorry for being so late but I will get it done.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on November 20, 2020, 01:51:48 pm
I received my bow from Dylanholderman a week ago but haven't had the chance to post about it. Its a honeysuckle bow, which is very narrow for its weight, add to that the fact it has a lot of reflex in it and its really an amazing bow. Im very interested in learning about this wood now. It has the pith running down the bow which is always cool looking, and a really smooth easy draw. I haven't been able to shoot it yet, but will report back when I do. This bow is going to see lots of target time. Thank you Sir, I'm really impressed.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: dylanholderman on November 20, 2020, 03:16:13 pm
I’m glad it got there safely and that you are happy with it so far.
Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on December 15, 2020, 01:29:15 pm
Just posting to bring this back to the first page to remind those that haven't shipped yet to please do so.

Thank you,

Title: Re: 2020 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on December 15, 2020, 01:32:33 pm
One more thing, if you received your trade bow and haven't posted pictures of you and the bow you received, please do that too.  We all like to see the great work everyone did this year!

