Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Swampman on February 22, 2019, 10:19:42 am

Title: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on February 22, 2019, 10:19:42 am
The bow trade time has come.  If you are interested in participating, please be aware that the primary point of this trade is to build the BEST bow you have ever built for your recipient.  It is about the giving of your talents and sharing the build with the community.  It should hurt a little bit to send that bow in the mail.  If you do not share this philosophy, then please do not sign up.  If you do share this then, let's get building.  The rules for the trade are listed below. 
Alright everyone, it is time to sign up for the 2019 Bow Trade.  Please read this entire post before signing up so you know what you are getting into.  Here is how to sign up:

1.  Send me a PM with the following information:
     Full Name
     Full Address
     Email Address
     Telephone number
     Which Country(ies) you will ship to

2.  Reply to this post with, I'm in and include bow specs preferred
     Example:  LH or RH
     Draw Weight 45-55 pounds
     Draw length 27 to 29 inches

Here are the rules:
A.  In order to sign up, you must have posted at least one successful bow on this site.  Please don't be offended if I ask for verification.
B.  All participants in this trade need to participate in the thread and post pictures of their progress,  Start out by posting a picture of the stave, staves, board, billets, etc. that you plan to use for the build.  If a participant has gone 30 days without posting progress, then I will take that as a withdrawal from the trade and the bow being built for them will be passed to someone else. 
C.  No bows should be shipped to someone that is not making progress on their bow.  If you are done with your bow and ready to ship, please be in touch with me to help decide if you should ship or not. 
D.  Any participant that chooses can also build a second bow to be used as a reserve.  The reserve bows will be used to ensure that ALL participating members get a bow by the shipping deadline.  Please let me know if you plan to build a reserve bow so if it is needed I know who to contact. 
E.  Deadline for signing up will be the end of the day, March 15th. 
F.  Shipping deadline will be October 18, 2019. 
G.  Have fun.

I will not be participating in the trade but I will be building a reserve bow.  I will update if there are any more rules needed. 

Let's make this a great trade.

Thank you.


Here is the list I will update as people are signed up and have sent me all their information.

Silent sniper
Bayou Ben

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: stuckinthemud on February 22, 2019, 12:02:27 pm
I'm in!  First of the European group, I hope.

L/H 35 to 40 pounds at 24"
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Selfbowman on February 22, 2019, 12:21:53 pm
Not in just yet but dead line needs to be before Tx deer season. Lol
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Mafort on February 22, 2019, 04:03:15 pm
I’m in if you’ll have me. Looking for
RH anything 60lbs+ @28”. As long as you sign it I’m happy. I’m looking forward to it.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: doulosparachristos on February 22, 2019, 10:09:27 pm
Hello, there! I’m right handed and can comfortably draw anything under 75lbs @ 27”-29”.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: jeffp51 on February 23, 2019, 11:15:25 am
I'm in.  I have more time this year.

Right Handed, 50-55#  (55# would be preferred)
29" draw.

FWIW,  I have been a target shooter so far, but I am hoping to start hunting soon.

I hope that participation will be high this year. I am looking forward to seeing everyone's work.  Please post lots of pictures!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on February 23, 2019, 11:30:38 am
I had been debating on whether or not I’d have or wanted to take the time for the trade this year. But why not, I’m in. I can’t skip a year.
Right hand, draw 27” with stiff handle, and 26” with bendy handle. Like 65# draw but am happy with anything from 40-80#.
So:right hand, 65# 26-27” draw.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: hoosierf on February 24, 2019, 07:07:58 am
I’m in again. Had a blast last year.

Right hand 27-28” and anything between 40# and 60# is fine with me.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: jeffp51 on February 25, 2019, 03:09:44 pm
Bump.  I hope we get good participation this year.  I see it not as getting a bow from someone, but being given an incentive to make the best bow i can for someone else.  I already have a couple of ideas. . .
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: M2A on February 25, 2019, 06:59:54 pm
I'm in. Enjoyed following along with all the builds last year! Also a good excuse to tidy up my shop a bit.

27" draw
50lbs is nice but anything between 40-55 works.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Swampman on February 25, 2019, 07:10:12 pm
Glad to see you in again Mike. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: ccase39 on February 25, 2019, 08:18:03 pm
Can beginners participate? I’ve only built 10 or so but they were all good shooters.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: jeffp51 on February 25, 2019, 08:27:26 pm
If you haven't posted one before, show us your work,(see the first rule), but if you've made 10 good shooters, then you certainly qualify.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on February 27, 2019, 06:50:12 pm
How’d we let this post get way back there. Gotta bring it back to the front. For more to see.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: hoosierf on February 28, 2019, 05:50:42 am
Teaser #1 - Cockspur Hawthorn  stave harvested in November next to my deer stand in Taylor County, WI. It’s still losing a few grams but I’ll be working it by the weekend.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: M2A on February 28, 2019, 06:01:46 pm
Looks like some natural reflex to boot. Nice!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Swampman on February 28, 2019, 06:21:28 pm
For anyone on the fence about joining the bow trade, please keep in mind that I am building a reserve bow to ensure that anyone that builds a bow will get one.  I also have another undisclosed person willing to build another reserve bow if needed.  So, if you join and build a bow, you will get one.  The only way you won't get a bow is if you don't build one.  My goal is for everyone to have a great time building bows!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: stuckinthemud on March 01, 2019, 12:40:03 pm
started rummaging through my stash, found a very nice laurel stave I cut last spring, but then there's also quite a few apple billets and a beautiful holly stave, and all that hawthorn I cut 3 summers back, and then there's a little bit of hazel I've got put to one side could maybe use it to back that badly twisted compression yew, man I need help, have to post some photos soon  >:D >:D >:D
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on March 01, 2019, 06:11:49 pm
That is a hard pick with all those awesome and unique woods. I will say, I am a fan of stuff with some knots and contrasting grain that gives lots of character and very beautiful wood once all polished up.

I’m thinking about digging into the persimmon this year. But I’m not positive yet, I’m gonna wait until I see specs.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: hoosierf on March 01, 2019, 10:13:29 pm
started rummaging through my stash, found a very nice laurel stave I cut last spring, but then there's also quite a few apple billets and a beautiful holly stave, and all that hawthorn I cut 3 summers back, and then there's a little bit of hazel I've got put to one side could maybe use it to back that badly twisted compression yew, man I need help, have to post some photos soon  >:D >:D >:D

Question for you sir, did the hawthorn have thorns on the trunk?  I’m eyeballing three straight thorny trees and I think they are Hawthorn but it’s uncommon here so I’m not sure. It could be more honey locust.  It has a few thorns on the trunk and lots of thorns on all of the branches. I did not have leaves or fruit to help ID the trees. We have three feet of snow at the moment.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: stuckinthemud on March 02, 2019, 10:44:21 am
I don't think British hawthorn has thorns on the trunk but its been a while since I looked up close, Id wait for leaves to help with the ID, though I believe most thorn trees seem to make good bows.

Inspiration struck, I have a half dozen Scotch Broom staves put away for something a bit special.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: M2A on March 03, 2019, 08:49:55 am
That's a bunch of interesting wood Stuckinthemud. Don't think I've even seen a bow made from Broom(only read about it).

I have a piece of osage on my bench right now. Been working on chasing the right ring on it. Just taking my time right now until things get started. And who knows that may turn into a backup if I think something else would fit the bill better. Going to try and clean shop today and sort out staves I have there. I know I have black locust, black walnut, red elm, bitternut hickory, and maybe a few others.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: stuckinthemud on March 05, 2019, 09:39:23 am
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Swampman on March 05, 2019, 07:26:28 pm
10 days left to sign up!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: bushboy on March 05, 2019, 10:17:42 pm
Im in if you will have me.bush.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: jeffp51 on March 05, 2019, 10:36:42 pm
Here is a preview of one I am already working on--it may end up as my trade bow, depending on the recipient.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: bushboy on March 05, 2019, 10:42:05 pm
Nice!this is the last one I made.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Swampman on March 06, 2019, 05:52:23 am
That is a nice sneak peak Jeff!  Looking forward to seeing the rest of that one.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: doulosparachristos on March 06, 2019, 06:48:05 pm
Cleaning up a possible trade bow stave with my supervisor, Steve. He’s running a tight ship.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: hoosierf on March 07, 2019, 08:58:58 am
Real task master that Steve guy.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Mafort on March 08, 2019, 09:10:25 am
Got two very nice Osage staves. My person might be getting a backed bow if I’m feeling froggy enough. Hopefully they’re ok with that
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: High-Desert on March 08, 2019, 09:14:48 am
I missed last years, so I think I should do it this year. I was waiting because there isn’t a lot of participants. I guess holding out wasn’t helping that.

26” - 28” draw length
40# to 400# draw weight.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Stickhead on March 08, 2019, 09:56:16 am
Count me in, please!

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Bayou Ben on March 08, 2019, 10:16:53 am
I'm on the fence.  I have a couple bows that I have obligations for though that will have to come first. 
I'll make my decision by next week.  But man I have been really wanting to build a 400# bow...   :)
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: High-Desert on March 08, 2019, 10:42:45 am
400# is just an option in case you come in a bit high on draw weight.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: stuckinthemud on March 08, 2019, 10:44:59 am
That's a build I'd love to watch!  Here's my supervisor

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: jeffp51 on March 08, 2019, 12:53:58 pm
come join us Ben, it will be fun!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Swampman on March 08, 2019, 02:36:32 pm
Looking forward to seeing a 400 pound bow!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: doulosparachristos on March 08, 2019, 02:47:47 pm
Tillering be like...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Russ on March 08, 2019, 03:15:47 pm
stickinthemud dont let him push you around too much and if he does stun him with a belly rub or a scratch behind the ear!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: M2A on March 08, 2019, 10:21:47 pm
Great to see more joining in the fun! Might need a new scale for building a 400#er, maybe a new shoulder, elbow….too :)

Got a ring chased on a pretty nice piece of osage. May lay it out and rough out this weekend so I can keep in the house for a week or 2 just so I know its dry. My shop isn't heated and sometimes humidity is too high and dry staves gain some weight. Got several other ideas as well and im sure that'll change when things get rolling.

Think my cord for my phone is bad and cant upload photos to computer right now but will be looking into that this weekend.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Swampman on March 09, 2019, 05:55:01 pm
6 days left to sign up!  :BB
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: High-Desert on March 09, 2019, 07:23:52 pm
Got the stave pulled out, center line marked and narrowed to 2”.
A vine maple stave I cut last year, and baked in my stave drier, Toyota Tacoma model. Right now it’s 64” right now, but we’ll see who I draw and decide the details from there.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Swampman on March 10, 2019, 09:32:43 am
Oooh, a vine maple build.  Liking forward to watching that.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: M2A on March 11, 2019, 04:45:51 pm
Hey Folks,

Not sure what my son did, but I can get pictures onto the computer again:) Nothing special so far but figured i'd show 1 or2  direction I could go in.

Like I said before, got a good ring chased on an osage stave. If I use it i'll use the natural deflex through the handle and then match reflex to the tips. Looks like more in the pictures than it really is but it would give a nice side profile.If I Do that i'd have about 62"ntn, a little shorter than I usually do but things should be good. Also have a piece of locust in a few pics that I cut after I signed onto the swap. Thought it would be a good long term project during the swap, when I have down time from the main piece.  Always a risk for me to say that before I got the bark off but may make for a nice bendy.

Got some other ideas bouncing around my head as well.


( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr     
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: hoosierf on March 11, 2019, 05:42:21 pm
I’m starting with the HL stave but don’t be surprised if my pard ends up with Osage. I like to start with a challenge and if doesn’t meet the standard, I’ll go to my familiar place. Seems more fun to challenge oneself.  Hope it works out. This stave is pretty cool and it’s from my deer stand so I think that might bring its new owner some mojo.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: silent sniper on March 12, 2019, 05:01:30 am
Im in,

27-28" draw
50-65# draw
Looking forward to it,
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: hoosierf on March 12, 2019, 03:04:19 pm
I gotta up my game. Lots of really good bowyers in this year. I’m kinda nervous.  I’ll give er all I’ve got.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: stuckinthemud on March 12, 2019, 03:16:50 pm
Its gonna be a great Trade, that's for sure
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Mafort on March 12, 2019, 04:02:32 pm
Its gonna be a great Trade, that's for sure

Heck yea it is. All I want is for the person making mine to sign it.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Bayou Ben on March 13, 2019, 09:32:34 am
I'm in. 
I have no idea what I'm going to build.  I'll wait and see what victim I get.  It may be a couple months before I can really get after this but I'll have no problem if I have till October.   

Draw weight: 50 - 500  ;) ;)  ( unless you want to build a war bow, realistically 50-70 lbs)
Draw length: 28"
RH, split finger shooter

I have a question about the variable draws that some have posted.  Is it that you draw different bows differently or that have different styles of shooting?  And also if you can specify your style of shooting that would help. 
Not sure everyone does it this way, but I tiller my bows differently for split shooting vs 3 under.  And the bow I build for a 26" draw won't be the same bow that I build for a 28" draw. 

This should be fun.   :) 

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Swampman on March 13, 2019, 01:45:31 pm
Glad you are in Ben.  Don't forget to send me a pm with your information.

As for the variable draw lengths, typically the person's normal draw length would fall right in the middle.  Say some days 26 to 28 inch draw length.  Their normal draw length would be 27 inches.

Once to get your victim, I can help you get more specific information regarding split finger, 3 under or specific draw length.  You will just need to pm me and I will get the info you need.

Also, you are right, this should be fun!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Swampman on March 13, 2019, 06:48:52 pm
Only 2 days left to sign up!!!

The last 3 nights I roughed out a few options.  Getting ready!


Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Russ on March 13, 2019, 08:07:55 pm
Is the far right a molly? It really caught my eye!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: jeffp51 on March 13, 2019, 11:32:33 pm
what kinds of wood you have going there, Mike?
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Swampman on March 14, 2019, 03:49:41 am
From left to right are: red elm, black locust, black locust, black locust and iron wood.  The iron wood is roughed out as a Molle with recurves.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on March 14, 2019, 05:35:11 am
I’m loving the look of the far left with all those knots, same with the molle on the right. I’m a fan of the character they have going on.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here
Post by: Swampman on March 14, 2019, 02:54:20 pm
The elm is my favorite too and what I plan to work on first. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here, last day to sign up
Post by: Swampman on March 15, 2019, 04:26:55 am
Anyone that still wants to join the 2019 bow trade?  Today is the last day to sign up.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here, last day to sign up
Post by: jeffp51 on March 15, 2019, 06:48:26 pm
those of you not signed up will miss out. . .

When are you going to draw names?
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here, last day to sign up
Post by: Swampman on March 15, 2019, 07:24:38 pm
I will names drawn this weekend.  I have a pretty busy weekend so I will say everyone should have their victims information by Monday.  I hope for sooner than that but I can't make any promises.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up Here, last day to sign up
Post by: Rākau on March 16, 2019, 02:11:40 am
 I wish I had the guts to sign up! but I need to get at least another year worth of bows under the belt to do the trade any sort of justice. lookin forward to seeing all these awesome projects develop!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on March 16, 2019, 09:26:37 am
Just to let everyone know, I took care of the drawing this morning but have a busy weekend.  I should be able to get pms sent to everyone over the weekend, but I won't be able to get started until tonight.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on March 16, 2019, 07:29:46 pm
Alright, everyone should have a pm from me with their victim information.  Let me know if any of you have questions. Let's see what you all are getting started on!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on March 16, 2019, 08:09:57 pm
I have a five curve yellow heart core ready to glue up a bamboo back on to start.chances are my guy will end up with a elm Molly or a modified Sudbury self bow though.hope to get some pics of the bbyh up soon!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on March 17, 2019, 05:38:38 am
Got my name and did some snooping on my guy. I’m not sure what I want to build yet. Right now I have the idea of a short, wide Osage paddle bow type with recurves. As I have a short wide stave in the barn I’ve been sittin on for a little bit now. I’ll have to check the dimensions of it and see what I have to work with. If I remember correctly it is about 50” long and 3” wide. I Think I can convince it to take a 27” draw. But we’ll see what strikes me when I check out what I have in the barn. I may go with a persimmon flat bow. I’ll just see what peice jumps at me.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on March 17, 2019, 06:39:38 am
What do you think. bit too much character, maybe?
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on March 17, 2019, 11:34:22 am
What do you think. bit too much character, maybe?

That certainly looks like a challenging piece of wood.  What kind of wood is that?
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on March 17, 2019, 11:39:37 am
Nice!!! Got some 3 year old Osage orange and it’s nice and filled with character
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on March 17, 2019, 03:32:28 pm
Its Scotch Broom, I've got a half dozen pieces but these are the largest.  Some of the others are less knotty but also much narrower; I may end up breaking these but learn enough of how the wood behaves to make a really good bow out of another pair of  SB billets - I haven't found that many completed SB bows out there, so I guess I'll be learning for everyone.  I'm thinking a three piece glue-up with a Turkish type handle and v-splices, slightly deflexed at the handle to keep the stresses on the wood low.  Not over worried at this stage, I have a plan b and plan c waiting in the wings.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on March 17, 2019, 08:57:05 pm
That's some serious character in those broom billets. Cant say I know a thing about broom but I'd be concerned that everyone of those knots runs straight to the pith, making the layout even more important.  If you can get a bow out of them it will be a dandy so I'm looking forward to seeing that build.

Spent a good bit of time working the osage stave today. It threw me a few curves so still getting it roughed out. Hope to post some pics late this week.

Did some digging for info on my victim. No fool proof game plan yet. I'll keep working on the osage while I think on things.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on March 17, 2019, 10:29:06 pm
I have also been doing a little stalking, but not finding a ton.  I am going for an osage self bow and a laminated handle--at least as a plan A
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bjrogg on March 18, 2019, 04:06:56 am
Looks like you all are off to a good start. I'm looking forward to seeing a good trade. I'll be watching. Bjrogg (-P
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on March 18, 2019, 07:11:33 am
Found some 7 year old iron wood with minimum twist and long enough to make a bow of.... tried using my axe on it and it laughed at me. Like beating on granite with a twig
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: doulosparachristos on March 18, 2019, 10:40:56 am
Well I started working up an Oregon Ash stave I cut a few years back. It looks like there is a bit of character I’ll need to work with and a bit of steam at the handle; im hoping I can keep most of the reflex.I’m pretty excited!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on March 18, 2019, 11:31:14 am
That piece of wood has some nice potential!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on March 18, 2019, 11:43:43 am
Worked down the HL over the weekend. Pear tip overlays are glued and roughed out. Letting it dry some more today. Got it on the long string at just 25#’s for a little peek.  It has an almost five curve profile so it’s kinda cool.  It’s keeping all of its reflex so far. I’m out of town for the rest of the week so I’d like to heat treat and get the first layer of sinew down tonight. Pics later when I get home.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on March 19, 2019, 07:12:36 am
I grabbed a few staves from the barn this morning. A 48” long by 3” wide Osage, a black cherry to mess around with, and a persimmon for a fall back. I’m gonna start roughing them out this afternoon once I get done playing at the gym.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on March 19, 2019, 08:16:19 am
Super wide super thin Osage will be pretty darn cool if you can make it work.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on March 19, 2019, 12:16:52 pm
 It the paddle bow roughed out. It’s gonna get THIN. I roughed it out to about 2 5/8” wide from fades to mid limb and about 1 5/8” at the handle. It’s 48” long from top to tip and is about 1/2” thick. I can hardly flex the thing on the floor.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on March 19, 2019, 07:29:34 pm
That Looks like a small bow! how do you make sure it can handle a 28" draw?
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on March 20, 2019, 06:20:46 am
It does feel very short for what I would normally like and am used to. I’m going to flip the tips to make sure the string can’t slip off and leave it wide and thin so it can bend in a tighter radius without damage. Now how far it’ll let me go, I havnt a clue until I start flexing it. If I end up sinew backing it, I won’t have a single question about it handling 27”. But I want to see what it’ll take as a self bow first. I’m pretty confident in it Atleast making 25”, who knows past that.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on March 20, 2019, 08:27:35 am
I’m trying to get an early start on this, because it’s a risky stave.  For a few years, I’ve had this Z-shaped ERC branch I split in half.  Been working up the guts to attempt it.  I’ve been envisioning it as a couple of naturally recurved billets.  It also has an S-shape when the billets are joined, but I think I can make it so the string crosses the handle near center.  Maybe, just maybe, all the weird bends will be symmetrical enough to make this a good shooter, if it survives tillering.  Figure I’ll back it with sinew, rawhide or tough fish skins.


Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on March 20, 2019, 09:19:39 am
That's a shorty you got there Kyle.

Liking the curves of those ERC billets Tom. 

Looking good fellas. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: DC on March 20, 2019, 09:34:06 am
I like the bends on that ERC. I found that when the limb bends sideways enough so you can see the string from the front that the limb has a tendency to twist as it's drawn. Especially with big hooks. If you break the rules and tiller it with one side thicker than the other you can counter that twist to an extent. But you probably knew that :)
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on March 20, 2019, 07:17:26 pm
Looks like you all got some great looking projects started. Cant wait to see them throwing arrows.

I got my piece of Osage just starting to bend(5 inches or so on the long string). Had some hickups along the way but feeling pretty good about things now. After I had a ring chased and started roughing it out, noticed a wind check on the belly side that was going to run right out my fade. Things were plenty wide at that point so no biggie just had to adjust things over and still have a little more I'd like to take off the width maybe. The good thing is I'm down to solid wood everywhere and I've been studying this piece hard. Just for entertainment purposes I'm including a few picks of the main offender.

Think I'll work on it one more evening then bring it in for a week to make sure it's dry(it is but just want to make darn sure). Provided it is, then it will be time to even up the limbs with some heat. Its unfortunate but ring thickness changes from side to side so the flames on the belly will be offset, but if that's the worst that happens I'll be living large.

I have a couple other pieces I'd like to rough out while this one is idle. Going to see how they work down before I say too much but just as excited to work on them as I am with this Osage :BB
Enjoy, Mike

Sorry for oversized pics, I'll try to start to make them smaller. And not sure why my phone thinks the lower limb is so much shorter, limbs are even. I really need to work on my computer skills :)
   ( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on March 21, 2019, 06:57:09 pm
I did some more shaping and wood removal on the red elm tonight.  Got both limbs bending a bit but I need to do some more work on the inner thirds. I also did some heat work on in of my black locusts staves. Both limbs on that bow deflex so I moved the top out a bit.  I may need to do some more work on that.  I didn't take any pictures tonight but I will get some next time I work on them.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on March 23, 2019, 06:57:09 am
I did some work on my red elm stave this morning.  One limb is looking really good but the other limb is giving me troubles.  That limb has a lot of knots and doesn't seem to like to bend.  Experience tells me to stop and get back to it later.  I have run across this issue before and not set it aside.  Before I knew it  had a limb bending too much. 

Here are a couple pictures.  The stave is 66 inches long.


Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on March 23, 2019, 10:50:17 am
Looking good!  :BB
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: doulosparachristos on March 23, 2019, 01:07:37 pm
Did a bit more shaping and scraping this morning. I’m keeping it a bit wide to deal with a few small knots that showed up. I think next I’ll straighten it at the handle and see where I’m at.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on March 23, 2019, 03:30:09 pm
Got out in shop and got some work done on this vine maple bow. I haven’t done too many character bows so this has been a little challenge. I have tried only relying on the measurements and feel and not the look. This may not be a lot of character for some out there, but it’s a challenge for me.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on March 23, 2019, 03:34:20 pm
Right limb looks good. Left limb is hinging out the fade at that bumb which is playing tricks on your eyes. You need to tiller on the left limb out past that to get it aroumd, its not bending at all.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Woodely on March 23, 2019, 04:07:59 pm
Those hinges can be nasty Gremlins.   Just go slow you'll get 'er
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on March 23, 2019, 06:43:05 pm
It’s definitly not a hinge, I’ve been slowly taking it down, and right now it’s thicker than everything else. The left limb is the one that’s kicking my butt, since it is slightly reflexing, so looks so stiff, but it’s tapered nicely. I’ve been using a dial caliper to take measurements every 2 inches to make sure it has a good taper.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on March 23, 2019, 07:16:43 pm
Took down the left limb a little more and got the outer limbs moving a bit more like you said sleek. It looks better. I second guessed myself about it being a hinge, so I took some close ups of the left bump unstrung , and at 3/4 draw, and it’s just barely bending. I place a flat stick on the back, and drew it in the tiller tree to see the projection, something DC had mentioned before,  and it bending the same as the rest of the limb
Almost to full draw. Shot some arrows through it and it shoots smooth with no hand shock, so I guess that’s a good sign.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on March 23, 2019, 07:18:10 pm
It’s definitly not a hinge, I’ve been slowly taking it down, and right now it’s thicker than everything else. The left limb is the one that’s kicking my butt, since it is slightly reflexing, so looks so stiff, but it’s tapered nicely. I’ve been using a dial caliper to take measurements every 2 inches to make sure it has a good taper.
You should know that kinks like that are at a disadvantage because the angle of leverage changes when the wood changes angle. So it may be thicker, but can still bend more. Basically, ny part of a limb that is a deflex will bend lots more. Just something to keep an eye on.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on March 23, 2019, 07:19:01 pm
Took down the left limb a little more and got the outer limbs moving a bit more like you said sleek. It looks better. I second guessed myself about it being a hinge, so I took some close ups of the left bump unstrung , and at 3/4 draw, and it’s just barely bending. I place a flat stick on the back, and drew it in the tiller tree to see the projection, something DC had mentioned before,  and it bending the same as the rest of the limb
Almost to full draw. Shot some arrows through it and it shoots smooth with no hand shock, so I guess that’s a good sign.

I have been wrong before however.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on March 23, 2019, 07:46:25 pm
Thanks for the input sleek, I’m new to character staves, and I knew from the beginning that those two bumps were going to get to me.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on March 24, 2019, 03:12:21 am
It’s looking ptettt good to me. If set is minimal and where it should be, it draws smooth and balanced and shoots quiet and soft in the hand. You did it right. A good trick I’ve been following with more characters stuff, is to trace the profile of the back before you start bending it. And refer back to it often to track the amount of set. And more importantly, where the set is occurring. Those deflex spots are great at hiding set they are taking without a reference point.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on March 24, 2019, 07:59:28 am
Guess I'm already on to plan B, I was cutting the second splice and lent sideways on the saw a little bit and split out a 4 " chunk off the end of the limb. Now the max draw will be about 24inches, perfect for me but 3" below my guy's draw...I'm going to keep working on plan A just for fun, but I'll be digging through my stash this afternoon,  will post some pics soon.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on March 24, 2019, 02:46:57 pm
How's this fpr a Plan B ? Slighrly characterful yew stave 80 inches long, 3inch diameter at centre
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on March 25, 2019, 12:59:20 pm
Got my sleeve on.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on March 25, 2019, 01:26:06 pm
That’s looking good stickhead. Someone will be very lucky to get a takedown
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on March 25, 2019, 07:17:52 pm
I am excited to see that takedown finished up.  It is looking good so far.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on March 25, 2019, 10:21:54 pm
Lots cool looking projects going on! I always enjoy seeing bows with some character. Many of the wood types you guys are working on I don't have access to or have not tried yet.

I'll weigh my Osage on Wendsday then again on Friday before I determine if its ready to continue on.
But I do expect it to be just fine.

Since I cant just do nothing I roughed out a red elm this weekend. Hope to build an eastern woodland style with it. 62 ntn. Thought it would be good but after getting it to low brace I determined the  MC is not low enough, so its sitting next to the Osage. I grabbed a black locust stave cut maybe 2-3 years ago and has been in my living room for the past 2 months so I know its good to go. My wife is a real saint for not giving me a hard time about leaving staves scattered around the house:)  I had been saving it for a Cherokee style bow. However, I'm going dream big on this one. Going to try a Shawnee style with it. Its risky and my last attempt at this style didn't work but this piece is wider, longer, and I gained some good experience from the last try. So throw caution to the wind and see what happens on this one. 

In the pic below from left to right. Failed red elm attempt at a Shawnee bow(just an example to show the profile style). Black locust, and red elm.

Will see how far I get on this locust by the weekend to see if I keep going or get back to the Osage.

( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on March 26, 2019, 05:26:16 am
               Looking forward to your Eastland Woodland style bow...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on March 26, 2019, 06:45:06 pm
Some really nice work guy!sorry for the lack of action shots but,I'm working at a bush camp by the 56th parallel in northern canada.i go for days off on April 1st and plan to take a stave or two with me when I return to work!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on March 28, 2019, 06:26:04 am
Welp, my idea for that bl stave just ain't going to happen. Just too much character in the wrong places for me make a specific design out of it so just going to work on it and the the style will be determined by what I can do with what it has to offer. Will try and get a pic or 2 up tonight to show where things are.

Don, I'll keep you up on that piece. It was cut over a year ago but still has lost .5 of an ounce from Sunday. Just from experience it'll be another 3 weeks before I feel good about continuing. But I got lots to work on ATM. And I'm slow as slow can be :)

Safe travels Mr Bush. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.



Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on March 28, 2019, 12:31:01 pm
I have some live oak staves that I'm gonna try.  It's a species I haven't worked with yet, and I don't have a bunch of experience with self bows, so if it doesn't work out I'll resort to a bamboo backed lam bow.  :OK
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on March 28, 2019, 06:12:36 pm
Here we go...I did say this morning I'd try and get a few pics up. Could not put in much time on this tonight but its coming along. Its 66"ttt, 1.5" at handle and 1"at tips right now. 1st picture shows it on a long string with about 6" of tip movement. I took the 2nd one thinking it would show the twist in the lower outer limb, but don't seem to show up as well as I thought, but you can see it on the tiller tree Limbs are both have natural reflex but are uneven by about an inch. I'd like to go just a few more inches then put some heat to it to even everything out and take that twist out best I can.

( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr

( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr       
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on March 29, 2019, 04:47:59 am
Little more progress on the HL. Sinew degreased with dish soap and steamed out a jog out of one of the fades. Tillered it to 26” at just below 40# and put my sinew in the fridge so it doesn’t rot. I’ll lay down the first course over the weekend.  I’ve been using Old Brown hide glue in a double boiler at 140 degrees with good success.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on March 30, 2019, 10:56:48 am
Two layers of sinew complete. Now we wait a few weeks.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on March 30, 2019, 04:13:56 pm
      Nice looking reflex and sinew job hoosierf...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on April 01, 2019, 06:23:12 am
Gained another inch of reflex in a few days. This thing’s gonna be a bugger to string.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on April 01, 2019, 06:45:44 am
Well just wanted to update y’all. Sorry I haven’t posted anything yet as far as my bow. Between the admirals coming into our secure area at work and a bunch of VIPs coming in daily I haven’t been able to do much work on anything. I love the progress I’m seeing though. Y’all are way ahead of me. I’ll have on done and sent out by the deadline though you can rest assured of that
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on April 03, 2019, 07:59:50 am
White elm log,seasoned 2years,just need gas for my chain saw.i don't split my elm logs,just guarter them down.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on April 03, 2019, 06:33:25 pm
I’ve made a bit of progress on the first couple I’m messing with. These two are more like experimental play things before I resort to a more known to me wood and design. If these two dont work I’ll start in either a persimmon or black locust stave.
I finally got the short paddle bow flexing, wow this little thing is stiff. Full pressure and it’s only moving an inch on the floor. The other is a white silk backed black cherry that is currently pulling 50# at 18” on the long string. One more rasping and I’ll brace it up and check the string alignment. I’ll work it back to a 24” draw at full brace. if it has still held up by then, I’ll narrow the tips down and try out the hollow limb thing. I like the look and want to try one myself.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on April 07, 2019, 07:24:52 am
Sorry I haven't been chipping in recently, trying to finish off one or two little things to clear the decks a bit, hoping to get the workshop cleaned out and make some good progress over Easter - only a week to go!!!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on April 07, 2019, 05:57:58 pm
No good pictures yet. But I got the cherry bow pulling 50# at 2” shy of full draw. So it’s about time to pull the pin on the grenade, and brace it up and shoot it a bit and see what happens.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on April 07, 2019, 06:42:54 pm
Been making shavings every chance I get. Got to spend most of today in my shop. Not sure I'll be sending this black locust out but have been working on it like I will be. I got it a few inches from the intended draw length at weight. Have to admit I'm not overly impressed with the pic I'm posting with it drawn, but I'm just out of steam to do any more today:) and I do like to try and show progress each week. Who need a gym membership when you can get a workout for free just tillering.

Back on topic....Looks to me like I got just a bit too much bend mid lower limb. Hope I have enough to even things up and stay at weight, I could also pike an inch from each limb if needed or heat treat again but think I can get what I need with fixing the tiller a bit. On the bright side, I still have 1" of reflex right after unstringing and it gains back more after resting....Think I started with 1.75 inches of reflex.

Going to study the picture for a few days and maybe get a video shooting it so I have a better idea of where to scrape. This is my 1st serious attempt at a bendy so any input is welcome.

( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr       
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on April 08, 2019, 08:08:34 am
Looks good Mike  :OK
I agree with your assessment of the inner/mid lower, but I don't think it will take all that much to even it out. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on April 08, 2019, 11:46:25 am
Well, my plan A is still intact, but mighty weird.  (Got a yew stave on deck just in case.)  All curves are natural.  Nobody in their right mind would bend a stave like this on purpose.  So far, it fits together nicely, it’s pretty symmetrical, and a long string lines up in the center.  It floor tillers okay so far, and I’m proceeding slowly to hopefully head off twisty bending.



Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on April 08, 2019, 12:17:41 pm
Cool 2 piece stick, Stick!  I like that one.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 08, 2019, 02:32:24 pm
Ohhh man, you are going to wish one of two things,  1: you had straightend thesideways bend, or 2: you hadnt recurved it...  There is no way that is going to live a long life.

Im being negative
Im being honest.
Im being blunt.

You got to fix one of those things.
Now im being helpful :)
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on April 08, 2019, 03:57:08 pm
Sleek - I didn’t recurve it.  It grew that way.  Actually, I’ve never had much luck bending ERC, I’m just trying to make this one work the way it grew.  It’s a long shot, but we’ll see.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 08, 2019, 05:40:20 pm
Sleek - I didn’t recurve it.  It grew that way.  Actually, I’ve never had much luck bending ERC, I’m just trying to make this one work the way it grew.  It’s a long shot, but we’ll see.

Those curves will torque the limb sideways so bad it will split radially. Is there absolutely NO WAY to straighten the limbs?
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on April 08, 2019, 06:32:18 pm
Well, I’m open for advice, but I don’t know how to bend ERC that much.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 09, 2019, 05:28:16 am
Never tried myself. Try making a different thread asking? My onlu idea is to bend it straight under force and glue a backing on to keep it straight.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on April 09, 2019, 06:30:10 am
It should bend like juniper. Wrap a small wet towel around it, then aluminum foil. Heat it with a heat gun and slowly tighten clamps until straight. Might take a couple sessions, but it should work at least some. I cut slots in a couple pieces of 2x4 to keep the limbs from twisting.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 09, 2019, 07:51:28 am
I don't believe you will ever get it straight, Tom. Id suggest leaving it be and just file in a top groove only on your over lays so the string loop can float around wherever it needs to. If I did anything I may flatten the tips out just a bit and get rid of some the torque, but that is something you can do later if it gives you fits with a string on it.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: maitus on April 09, 2019, 07:54:15 am
As much Your bow looks crazy, i give You a crazy advice too :D. Bandsaw this bow for three even parts from tip to the handle. Like a chicken leg, steem bend them together to stright, leave in form to dry and then glue them back together and add a backing :D :D. I just have no idea does the glue line can bend in that way or not. But why it shouldnt.... 8)
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on April 09, 2019, 09:15:09 am
I think I’m with Pearly.  I’ve got a plan to line up the tips with overlays, and I’m hoping to tiller it thicker on the inside arcs to fight twist.  This stuff really hates to heat-bend.  I’m still pessimistic, but at least this’ll be an interesting experiment.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on April 10, 2019, 08:17:04 am
And we’re on to Plan B.  Looks like I shaved too much of the back off fitting it into the copper sleeve.  But it may have been doomed from the start.  Time to get to work on my yew stave.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: DC on April 10, 2019, 08:30:41 am
I've seen so many pictures like that. It makes me wonder why people make take downs.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 10, 2019, 08:47:41 am
Sorry to see that happened to you.  As an aside, am i the only one who saw that and could smell the cedar?
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: PatM on April 10, 2019, 09:09:17 am
Sorry to see that happened to you.  As an aside, am i the only one who saw that and could smell the cedar?

 I once read that the smell of cedar is the only smell that people can truly imagine they are smelling.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on April 10, 2019, 10:24:51 am
Yeah, the up side is that my shop still smells great.  And to have a totally “glass half full” attitude, the shavings can be used to make a great smoked Old Fashioned.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on April 10, 2019, 11:07:52 am
Uh, we're going to need that smoked old fashioned recipe please.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on April 10, 2019, 06:36:12 pm
Dang Stickhead, I was hoping you were going to be able to pull that one off. At least you got some use for the wood after all  :)

I found some time the last few evenings to make some corrections to my piece of locust. Think I'm back on track. You were right Ben, I didn't take much off and only lost 2 pounds from the draw weight. It was about 2 hours of checking-rechecking-working the limbs-checking....a few scrapes, repeat. Feels good and balanced to draw so we will see. Getting a bit ahead of myself, but have a good idea on how to pretty it up but gonna need to do a test piece first. Hope to get a string made, recheck string alignment and get a few arrows through it and see how it feels. Mike
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on April 11, 2019, 04:33:01 am
That bend on that black locust is looking real nice Mike.  Looking forward to see how you pretty it up.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on April 11, 2019, 07:34:59 am
That’s a bummer on that takedown stickhead. That’s exactly how my first at a takedown ended up, the exact same break.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on April 11, 2019, 07:36:03 am
That’s looking good M2A.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on April 11, 2019, 07:39:07 am
I’m at a standstill on this VM bow. She’s shooting, just have to do a few final touches to bring it to draw length, but I’m not sure what to do for finishing. Some people don’t like dye jobs, but VM looks awesome wth a dye job, and without dye, it’s as white as white can be. I want my guy to get a bow he really likes.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: doulosparachristos on April 11, 2019, 08:22:25 am
I’ll try and post pictures tonight but I got plan A and B (Oregon ash and vine maple) floor tillered and ready for strings. I have a ton of sinew laying around so I just might get some sinew on them this weekend. I just might start plan C while they cure for a while. I haven’t broke anything so I’m feeling good.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on April 11, 2019, 11:16:13 am
I’m at a standstill on this VM bow. She’s shooting, just have to do a few final touches to bring it to draw length, but I’m not sure what to do for finishing. Some people don’t like dye jobs, but VM looks awesome wth a dye job, and without dye, it’s as white as white can be. I want my guy to get a bow he really likes.

If you were going to send it to me, I would say dye away.  I have seen some beautifully dyed vine maple, and I have always felt the bow trade should be about work that shows off the character and skills of the maker--while also trying to please the receiver
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: DC on April 11, 2019, 12:23:41 pm
It all depends on your artistic skills. I have absolutely no colour sense so the victim would definitely not want me to dye it. Stark white would be way better. If you can mix dyes and paints and not have it look like a dog did it, then fly at it.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on April 11, 2019, 12:50:36 pm
It all depends on your artistic skills. I have absolutely no colour sense so the victim would definitely not want me to dye it. Stark white would be way better. If you can mix dyes and paints and not have it look like a dog did it, then fly at it.

I usually use Helen Keller as an example, but the dog comment made me laugh.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: DC on April 11, 2019, 01:13:43 pm
Colour sense is a gift. I'm not colour blind or anything. If I take a bow that I've stained and a sample of what I really wanted and show my wife, she'll say,"It needs a little red, or green." That's what I mean by colour sense. She just assumes everyone can do it. Tain't so ;D ;D
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on April 12, 2019, 05:55:31 am
Dye it I say.  Show of those skills. Your work is cool.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: doulosparachristos on April 12, 2019, 11:14:34 am
Well I got the vine maple on the (left) tillered to 40# @ 26 but I think I’m going to put on a couple layers of sinew this weekend. The Ash on the right might get the same treatment after I take a real good look on the tillering tree. I’ll try to take some pictures with some bend on the next round.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on April 12, 2019, 04:45:30 pm
I'd say dye that v-maple High Desert.

Can't wait to see some of these sinew bows Doulosparachristo and Hoosierf are working on bending. Might motivate me to try one some day. Mike 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on April 13, 2019, 01:44:35 am
I'd say to dye the VM bow too, it shows off you're full skill set, makes the bow a bit different and a bit more special.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on April 13, 2019, 08:27:39 am
Alright then, dye it is....the hard part, deciding on color, and mixing combos to find the right proportion.

Doulosparachristos, have you sinewed VM before? I’ve always wanted to try it with a short VM bow and wondered how the combo was.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on April 14, 2019, 06:40:50 am
Plan B is well underway.  It’s from a yew stave I picked up at the classic last year.  Gotta tame it a bit more with heat, and I’ll probably back it due to a couple of problem spots on the back.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on April 15, 2019, 02:02:00 pm
I did a little straightening on that short, wide Osage. It had a bit of prop twist and a side bend. Hopefully I pulled most of it out. Once it’s cool, I’m going to flip the tips and probably remove the reflex in the handle area and tweak any alignment and twist that may be left. And here is a simple way to bring a stave into alignment just a simple 2x4 as your form.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on April 19, 2019, 12:05:18 pm
I made some progress on my trade bow. I glued up a bamboo backing to a heat treated black locust belly. I added a little more reflex to this one compared to my past american style longbows.

( (

After the glue up I added a shedua riser and drew out my handle profile.

( (

Next I will cut out the fades and start to get the limbs bending.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on April 21, 2019, 05:14:44 am
Apilogies for not chipping in recently but I wrenched my back 2nd day of Easter Break so am out of action for a few weeks :(
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on April 21, 2019, 05:56:04 am
Sinew is doing its work. About time to put it back on the tree. It’s not tacky at all now after sitting in the sun so I’ll start at it again this week.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on April 21, 2019, 10:03:05 pm
A lot of good looking builds going on guys! Cant wait to see how they come along.

I still been working at that piece of black locust. I been shooting some and chasing a few areas I'm not totally happy with, with sand paper. Also, almost have nocks at final shape. Going to keep tinkering with it and just take my time. Unstrung pic below is right after shooting for an hour or so, looked to have an inch of reflex still so pretty happy about that. Full draw pic below is about 2 inches short but have been drawing it farther last few days. Also, figured I'd throw in an action pic for the entertainment factor :). I think it helps me to see if limbs return even. Had to do some digging around for my staining supplies but that's all ready to go. Did a sample run of it today on a piece from my corner of shame and think it turned out well, might do one more test run of it. Think I'll hold off on more pics of this one until its finished up in a few weeks if all goes well.

On a side note, the red elm is dry and almost ready to brace. So going to be doing some work on that just in case.

 ( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on April 22, 2019, 02:09:18 am
     Absolutely gorgeous bend Mike...That is one well balanced bendy! Can't wait to see it all finished up man...That left over reflex shows you took great care and patience in your tillering...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on April 22, 2019, 06:37:15 am
I sealed the sinew with TBII Dark. I find that is makes the sinew much smoother to the touch by filling small voids and holding down any small sinew fibers. I like the dark because it turns the sinew a reddish brown hue. You can see that starting in the last pic near the tip.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on April 22, 2019, 05:23:13 pm
Looking good gents!spring is finally showing up here in the north,should have some chips flinging soon!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on April 26, 2019, 12:17:35 pm
Hey everyone, I wanted to apologize for my general absence from this thread.  I have just had an extremely busy time at my job and am just now getting caught up but it looks like things aren't slowing down anytime soon.  On top of that, my wife just got sone bad news that we need to deal with.  I may not be able to follow along with this trade as closely as I did last year but I will do my best.  I just want everyone to be aware of this and to keep up the good bow building.  It looks like many of you are making great progress! 

FYI, I did find some time last night to start some heat corrections on a couple of staves.  I will have the reserve bow built eventually.  I will try and snap some photos next time I do some work.  Last night was just much needed therapy and I didn't feel like taking pictures.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on April 27, 2019, 10:11:29 pm
Hope everything starts to go your way soon Mike. Bow building sure is a great way to blow off some steam.

Just a quick update on my projects...worked on the locust bow a bit more and raised the brace height by 3/4  of an inch and then put another 50 arrows through it. Think I have it where I want it and I think its gonna be right at the draw weight I was trying for. Need to check for tool marks and ready my staining materials. Not sure what to do for the grip area yet...was thinking of some kinda raw hide wrap...idk yet. Don't think I want too formal of a look to it. Its always exciting when I get a bow to this point.

Now for the elm. I braced it today for the 1st time. I need to even things up just a bit before I continue. With any luck I can get some pictures up in the next few days. really starting to like how this one is turning out so far. Sure hope I can get a shooter out of it. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on April 28, 2019, 06:28:43 am
Well it sounds like your black locust bow is coming together Mike.  Can't wait to see pictures of it. 

I got back in my shop yesterday.  I have 3 bows ready to start tillering but I wasn't in the mood for that.  I grabbed a straight stave of hackberry that needed a ring chased on it instead.  The reason it needed a ring chased was because a friend helped me move about a year and a half ago and he treated a couple of my staves like firewood and just tossed them in the back of his truck.  I managed to stop this behavior but not until a couple of staves were damaged.

Here is a picture of the ring chasing.  I am down to a good ring now.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on April 28, 2019, 11:14:00 am
Well I’m sorry I haven’t been on much. Works been crazy busy. Finally got to sit down and work on 2 Osage staves and a short cherry stave. I’m goin to sinew back the cherry but due to where my recipient is I don’t think a sinew backed bow is practical.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on April 29, 2019, 08:58:41 am
I got a white silk backed black cherry looking pretty good. But is pulling about 5 pounds under the lower weight. So it’ll be held back as a secondary bow. It shot pretty good and is low mass for being 2” wide. I made it in a hollow limb wide a ridged fade. It aughta finish out real pretty. Just don’t know what I want to put on a tip overlays. Some cot horn might look good.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on April 29, 2019, 10:28:24 am
Hey Kyle, I'd love to see a photo of it  ;)
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on April 29, 2019, 05:12:33 pm
I’ll try to get some pictures of it braced and on the tree tomorrow. But this should get a rough idea of it.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on April 30, 2019, 02:06:01 pm
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on April 30, 2019, 08:06:17 pm
That 2 tone cherry is gonna look sharp  (-P
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on May 01, 2019, 06:52:34 am
I like the look of that cherry Kyle. 

Here's plan A.  Live oak with swirly grain.  Never made a bow from it yet, so this should be a nice challenge  :OK.  This stuff is tough as nails. 

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on May 01, 2019, 08:42:16 am
Ben, I have heard that live oak is very tough stuff.  Hope your tools are sharp!  Good luck.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on May 01, 2019, 08:47:29 am
Well I had some time to go through this entire thread to kind of do an audit and verify participation.  I am very happy to report that everyone signed up has been contributing to the thread and posting some progress on their bows. There are even some bows mostly completed already.  Keep up the great work everyone!

FYI, I am keeping a few statistics that will result in some giveaways.  I am not telling anyone what these categories are so make sure and keep posting all of your progress so you have a chance at these giveaways! 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bjrogg on May 01, 2019, 09:54:15 am
Glad to hear that Swampman. I keep looking from time to time. Good idea with the rewards give always.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on May 01, 2019, 08:27:39 pm
I started tillering one of my black locust staves tonight.  I got both limbs mostly even.  The picture below distorted the bend a bit so it doesn't look even.  The limbs are much closer than they appear in the photo.  After this picture was taken I gave the stave a heat treatment and took some twist out of one limb.

The next step will be to put tip overlays and then final tillering.


Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on May 02, 2019, 08:04:50 pm
Wanted to hold off till i got a bit more done on what i been working on but I got time now so here goes. Got stain on the black locust bow. Boiled walnut hulls and a bloodroot/alcohol  stain make up the colors. The picture doesn't show the bloodroot well, would show up better if the sun was out but been planting a new orchard at work so if the suns shining and the ground is dry enough we been sticking trees in the ground. Really liking how this one is turning out. Going to hold of on the last few details on it while I work on the red elm bow. Got the elm braced at 5 inches and evened things out a bit last weekend. Thought i'd have more time to work on it this week but didn't. Have it back to about 20 inches in the picture. Looks like I'm too high on the string....Was just a "see how things look pic". Hope to put a small amount of reflex in the outer 6 inches then I can narrow up the nocks and get them outters working better. It's a work in progress. 

( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr

 ( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr   
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on May 03, 2019, 12:41:55 pm
    Ben, are you making a bendy out of that Live Oak? We have a ton of that here in S.C. It is bullet proof and nearly indestructible...
    Mike, I'm liking that paint on the Black Locust man!
    Swampman nice looking start...

    Enjoying this thread fella's, a bunch of fine work from everyone...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on May 03, 2019, 12:57:10 pm
Swampman, from what I can see it looks fairly balanced in the pic. 

Cool natural stain job Mike  :OK

Don, you are the only one I've seen who has made a bow from Live Oak.  I'll take any and all advice you have to offer. 
I'm going to try and let the stave tell me what it wants to be, but my gut is leaning towards a bendy. 
It's all around me too, but most of it is either prized in someone's front yard, or it's twisted up like a barber's pole in the woods.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on May 03, 2019, 01:31:35 pm
     Ben, A good heat tempering on the belly will help reduce string follow on Live Oak...Your stave shows some twist but you can heat that out later...Do you have a caul?
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on May 03, 2019, 01:36:32 pm
Yeah I do.  So although it has interlocking grain and is much denser, do you find it behaves like white oak?

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on May 03, 2019, 01:56:46 pm
           I prefer Live Oak over White Oak when it comes to string follow...Seemed the Live Oak was more stubborn to bend or correct...It's density was probably the culprit, but I think that's why it has less string follow...Makes one of the toughest bendy's around...You won't break it...My opinion is they are different
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on May 03, 2019, 02:04:03 pm
You won't break it...

I wouldn't be 100% sure about that.   ;D 
Hopefully I can bend that twist out. 
Thanks for the advice. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on May 04, 2019, 12:36:54 pm
Here is my black locust getting closer to a bow.  It is fresh off a heat treatment and I put tip overlays on it.  The tip overlays are keys from an early 1900s piano.  I haven't cut string grooves in yet and I think I will take a little more mass off before I do that. 

I won't be able to do any more work on anything for at least the next week as I will be away for work for awhile.


Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on May 04, 2019, 12:40:14 pm
Really envious of the progress you guys are making, reckon it will be another week before I 'm match fit  >:(
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on May 06, 2019, 11:35:45 am
So digging through my stash
I've shortlisted these 3 staves, all about 66" long. Left to right  a snaky piece of privet,
A nearly perfect length of blackthorn
And a hawthorn stave with a 90 degree heli twist .
I'm leaning toward the blackthorn but it could be  a little boring to work on. What do you all think?(
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on May 06, 2019, 07:43:39 pm
That BL is coming along nice Mike. like the contrast of those overlays also.

Looking forward to see what you do with that live oak Ben.

I don't think that blackthorn is boring at all. Can't say I know anything about that wood but from what I can see in the picture it looks like that wood has some nice character to it. I think some very fine sanding and oil finish would make for a pretty piece.

Slow going for me right now. Hope to be back at it soon.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on May 09, 2019, 12:10:30 am
Honey Locust still in the hunt. Starting tillering and it’s out to 26” and holding its reflex at 45# at 26”.  Plenty more work to do on it. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on May 09, 2019, 12:34:28 am
Love it! How thick are the limbs?
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on May 09, 2019, 06:13:24 am
1/2” thick for most of its length including sinew and 1-7/8” wide for as long as the stave allowed. It will easily draw to 28” and it’s about 58” long. I’m liking it for a hunting bow which is about all I’ve been building lately. I like more the rugged style and my trade pard builds a more refined bow so I’m going for something I doubt he has on his rack...I hope.  He’s in a dry climate so I think the sinew is a good choice.  This trade is fun. I look forward to it. Good way to get motivated in spring.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on May 09, 2019, 01:04:47 pm
Outer limbs still look really stiff
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on May 09, 2019, 04:57:46 pm
  Yea, I winced when I looked but than remembered it was sinew backed and calmed down...Looks like a real speedster! Looks fast hoosierf...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on May 09, 2019, 06:16:16 pm
Speed with semi-levers is the objective.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on May 15, 2019, 07:34:57 pm
Good to see that sinew job doing well Hoosierf. Never used the stuff yet but have some in the shop for when inspiration strikes. Like watching your build progress.

Got some work done on a piece of red elm over the weekend. This piece has had its ups and downs for me. Got it to brace and adjusted the tiller and had things nice then added reflex to the tips then the other limb was too heavy. In hind sight, think I scraped through the original heat treatment on the limb and that made things flip flop on me. Unbraced, it still holds a small amount of reflex not counting the tips. Going to heat treat the limbs again and then try and to tiller out to full draw. I am no pro but seems to me heat treating changes elm more so than any other wood I have  worked with. Heat treating should put me in good shape as far as draw weight provided tiller stays close and that's my big question right now. Don't want to say anything too good or bad about it yet. Going to work this piece to a final outcome one way or another. The locust is done except for some cosmetics and writing so taking some chances to try and one up myself. 

( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: doulosparachristos on May 15, 2019, 08:40:48 pm
Well it’s been a few weeks so I decided to take the Oregon Ash off the form; the sinew looks okay so I’ll give it a bit longer then retiller. It was pulling right at #53 @ 26 so I’m hoping to gain a bit of weight.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on May 16, 2019, 05:07:52 am
  Looking good guy's !  I'm joining bow trade next time, seems I'm missing out on all the fun...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on May 16, 2019, 07:27:01 am
Pics later but i have now sent about 50 arrows down range.  Speed is decent but not super.  I put 3 more intact steer back tendons over the middle of the bow Sunday ending them about 12”’ from the tips to add some zip. I remember John Strunk talking about moving sinew out further from the neutral plain (i think over cotton) which increases leverage as i understand the physics. I’ve been experimenting with some minor attempts at that and the results seem encouraging. I have an Osage shorty with sinew over linen set in PVA and its a rocket so i did that here but this one is just more sinew over sinew.   More to come but preliminary floor bending looks pretty encouraging. I’ll see how  cast and draw weight has changed in a few days.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on May 16, 2019, 12:19:46 pm
Here’s where I ended up with the black cherry. It’s pulling 45# at draw length. I’m pretty sure the lower limb is a bit too stiff. But it shoots pretty well, a buddy and I spent a few hours one evening shooting and put about 100-150 arrows through it. What do you all think? It’s 2” to mid limb, then has double angles leading into 1/2” nocks. Initial angle lead straight to 1” tips then I recut from 10” from the nocks to angle into 1/2”.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: doulosparachristos on May 16, 2019, 12:40:37 pm
Dang! Looking good.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on May 16, 2019, 01:07:02 pm
I like it.

 I’d heat treat that top limb only and I bet it will be perfect. It’s good as is but agree with your observation and I’m guessing you don’t want to give up any draw weight.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on May 16, 2019, 01:32:20 pm
I like it.

 I’d heat treat that top limb only and I bet it will be perfect. It’s good as is but agree with your observation and I’m guessing you don’t want to give up any draw weight.

Good suggestion hoosierf.  I was going to suggest taking some off the bottom, but that would reduce the weight. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on May 16, 2019, 05:58:33 pm
      I think Kyle's bow is silk backed, heat may not be a good idea...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on May 16, 2019, 06:17:21 pm
It is silk backed. I’d thought about just heating the upper limb as well. But had that idea and that it’s blackcherry, so typically fails in tension anyway. I may have to drop it to a 40# draw to get things right with it. Good thing ive got a back up and a pile of staves ready to go.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on May 16, 2019, 06:21:31 pm
My phone will not post pictures no matter how much I edit or try so I am working on a couple different ones. Osage and a hickory shorty that I plan on either sinew backing ( yea I know I know not a smart thing to do but hey) or flax backing. The Osage is long enough that I should be ok with it and I’m hoping I did a good enough job with the growth ring.... I guess I’ll know when I get it on the filleting tree.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on May 16, 2019, 06:37:56 pm
Looks like some great progress is being made.  There are some nice looking bows being built.  I have my black locust tillered out and need to shoot it in.  I am dealing with a shoulder problem so I can only shoot about 10 shots a day right now.  It will take me a while to shoot it in.  I have several other projects i am working on in the meantime.  I will snap some pictures soon.

Mafort, if you want to send me pictures to my phone, I could post them for you.  Just send me a pm if you want me too and I will give you my number.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on May 17, 2019, 04:49:43 am
I bet that cherry would pretty up real well Kyle. From what I can see I'd have to agree about the tiller. I think 2 lbs off that bottom limb would make things look even in a f/d pic, if thats the right thing to do or not.....If it shoots well maybe its where it needs to be. I dont mind a slightly stiffer lower limb, makes for a nice release imo. You could always pike limbs  maybe .5" each to bring weight back up. If it was me I would not do that, instead I'd be pleased with say a  43-45# bow that shoots well.               
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on May 17, 2019, 09:54:53 am
Looks like some great progress is being made.  There are some nice looking bows being built.  I have my black locust tillered out and need to shoot it in.  I am dealing with a shoulder problem so I can only shoot about 10 shots a day right now.  It will take me a while to shoot it in.  I have several other projects i am working on in the meantime.  I will snap some pictures soon.

Mafort, if you want to send me pictures to my phone, I could post them for you.  Just send me a pm if you want me too and I will give you my number.


I would like that if it’s no issue with ya. My phone is just down right weird sometimes
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on May 20, 2019, 07:02:57 am
I got a little time to reduce this live oak closer to rough out.  I did my best to chase a ring but it's almost impossible as there's no defined early and late growth with this diffuse porous wood.  Hopefully it can handle some violations.  I'm assuming it can with the interlocking grain.
A little snakey and it has some propeller twist. 
I'm going start plan B too, just in case this doesn't go as planned. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on May 20, 2019, 06:33:41 pm
Finally getting my butt in gear.plan A ,bamboo backed yellow heart 5 curve.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on May 20, 2019, 08:27:00 pm
           That's about as nice of a stave as you can get with Live Oak around here...That one is slightly twisted, most should come out...I like it so far buddy, nice character...That interlocking grain in one tough customer...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on May 20, 2019, 10:09:24 pm elm piece went down over the weekend. Thought I'd heat treat handle area then put to the cull just to get a bit of reflex to the that area. Did it in hand to keep heat from wrapping and getting trapped against the back, though that would be a good conservative  move on my part. Guessing I over dried the wood then added stress to it? Pulled fibers apart with little pressure, should have reflexed it on the cull. Regardless that piece is toast. Not too happy about that but moving on.

Been eyeing up my original plan A. If I recall its 64"ttt Osage. Its got a few issues but think I can make it work. Its already at floor tiller stage. More to come on that piece in next few weeks.

Also been rounding up some more supplies for that locust bow. Think I have a real good plan my victim would really like. Just hope I can pull it off. That's all I got for now.


Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on May 21, 2019, 04:49:16 am
Mike, I did the exact same thing with my black locust bow over the weekend.  I had been fighting the tiller on this bow and I finally had it mostly evened out.  I was giving one final light heat treat and was simply putting light pressure on the limb with my hand to add a little reflex and it popped.  The crack is on the belly and in my experience it will still make a bow but not one I would give to anyone else.  I set that one aside and started working on a sliver of osage.  I will have to see what I can do with that.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on May 21, 2019, 06:40:12 am
Finally getting my butt in gear.plan A ,bamboo backed yellow heart 5 curve.

This should be interesting.... :OK
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on May 22, 2019, 04:55:07 am
My back is nearly fixed, hoping to make some chips fly by middle of next week
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on May 22, 2019, 05:11:37 am
 Mike, I think that locust is a jewel...NA all the way...Love the paint, can't wait to see it posted up...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on May 22, 2019, 05:14:25 am
 Bush, looking forward to a 5 curve here...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on May 22, 2019, 07:01:12 pm
I'm at  a remote work camp,so not really set up for lam bows
.anyways glued it up this evening,may have lost the 5 curve profile .we will see?my rubber bands where limited.however I used good 2 part epoxy.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on May 23, 2019, 12:36:07 pm
Letting my sinew cure and the honey locust draw weight may not hit my target. It’s at about 39# at the moment. We’ll see in a week.  So, I started on the white ash stave which was on my list next anyway. Bark removed and stave split, but cambium remains. Long way to go yet.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on May 24, 2019, 05:00:35 am
  I like that judicious bark removal...Nothing wrong with a bit of cambium, sanding finish will be beautiful...Nice looking back hoosierf...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on May 24, 2019, 06:38:08 am
Good to know.  Never left it on except for birch and I always expected it to pop off which it did. I’ll try to keep it.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on May 24, 2019, 01:57:18 pm
               It probably will pop off, I meant to "compliment" your taking the bark off with no violations, you done a great job...I have left some cambium before in the deep grooves of wood such as a Hickory back but usually it will eventually feather up in areas...I think on the Ash I would try and remove it if it were mine...Looking good man
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on May 25, 2019, 07:05:15 am
 Thanks very much for the advice Don.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on May 25, 2019, 07:24:34 pm
Posting some pictures for Mafort.  Osage and hickory.





Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on May 26, 2019, 11:08:25 am
It’s so awesome seeing these bows come along.

I finally got the tip overlays glued on and shaped. A little piece of African Black wood to contrast the white VM. Now to sanding and a little tiller touch up.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on May 26, 2019, 12:15:15 pm
That’s going to be a beautiful bow high desert. I’d love to see pictures of it
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on May 31, 2019, 12:57:33 pm
Well heres a look at plan B,white elm stave,zigzag handle,Molly thingy .

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on June 01, 2019, 09:43:42 am
Finally made a start on plan B - got the bark stripped and started shaping. This blackthorn is tough stuff, and the stave is narrower than I'd like at 5cm width at centre, its gonnna be really high crowned. I did want a leaf-shaped hollow limb but might end up with a D-bow, we'll have to see what happens
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on June 02, 2019, 03:36:12 pm
Things seem to have been going slow for me as of late but making some progress on some stuff.

1st things first. A few weeks ago after thinking about the locust bow I determined that it needed to be in a set and anything short of that just wasn't going to be proper. Sorry but sometimes I go off in a different direction like this. Was debating on sharing that now or wait till the end but in the "spirit" of the trade figure I'd share a little about that now. So, locust bendy....I figured a nice basket quiver would be just the thing. Lots of good examples out there and some good build alongs. Cane would make things easier and will need to try sometime but I wanted a different look for this. Things were not working well for me, for one reason or another until I came across a weeping willow branch that came down in a recent storm. The stuff bends well and is a nice fit for what I was looking for. Almost have the weaving done. Not sure what i can get or come up with for the sling but will start thinking on that next. Pretty darn pleased with this bow/quiver project. Its not what I had in mind when I started but coming together well. That said any criticism is welcome. Still have to dress this set up a bit just gonna take my time and tinker at it.

Also got back to work on the Osage piece. It was a large stave but some problem areas left me with what i got. Plenty to make a good bow if I can do it is another question lol. It has natural deflex in the handle. I was not pleased with my 1st attempt at reflexing limbs and just set it aside. Seeing the Simson's most recent bow made me rethink things and he was kind enough to answer some questions. So i steamed limbs to put reflex in tips. Dont' think its too dramatic but it will be a challenge for sure. My steam tube is a piece of old irrigation pipe so the wood got dirty but does give the appearance of being over done with dry heat. I'll need to clean that up.

That's what I got for now.

( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr

( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr     

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on June 02, 2019, 04:38:44 pm
           The Weeping Willow was a brilliant idea, they are so flexible...My aunt had one in Ohio and I would break them off and crack them like a whip...I think it is better than cane when it comes to weaving a basket...That basket quiver and locust bow kit is going to be sweet when you finish buddy...Kind'a stuff I like to see on PA...
          That piece of Osage looks really nice...

           I dug a couple hides out, Otter and a Coon which both could be cut into quarters along the length and make a beautiful strap for that basket...If your interested PM me your address and I will ship them...Won't cost you a thing Mike...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on June 02, 2019, 08:18:00 pm
Thanks Don.  Thought I had some local elm bark lined up for that quiver but have not been able to make that happen yet. Some of the local  willow i tested was to brittle(black willow maybe??). I really lucked out to find that on a burn pile, could not have been better timing. I took all that was good.

Those skins look great. I'll send you a Pm if not tonight, in the next day or 2. Thanks!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on June 11, 2019, 08:58:19 am
These short, wide Osage sticks sure don’t like to lose weight. It’s just creeping it’s way down. 46” between the nocks and 2 5/8” wide. Just now hitting a 20” draw, with a hopeful goal of 25-26”. I may need to flip the tips a smidge more to keep the string on by that point. Btw that flat looking spot in the outer third of the right limb is a reflex spot in the stave.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on June 11, 2019, 01:29:12 pm
 That is looking good Kyle.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on June 11, 2019, 02:34:23 pm
My main Osage bow broke. turns out I cut into the ring a bit and went to draw it on the filleting board and it blew up. Sooo on to my next bow. 66in long smooth leaf elm. Wide and thin flat bow. Swampman I’ll send you some pictures if you still don’t mind posting them on here.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on June 12, 2019, 04:25:24 am
Mafort, you can go ahead and send me your pictures. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on June 13, 2019, 06:57:27 am
Off and on I've been working the live oak stave down to floor tiller.  Last night I used the heat gun to straighten out the propeller twist and add a little reflex.  To my surprise it responded well to dry heat and I was able to take almost all of the twist out in this one session. 
This morning I pulled it off the form and it retained almost all of the corrections, but when I flipped it over I saw these deep cracks that developed on the back.  I'm not sure if there was excess moisture in this piece, but I think I need to get working on plan B  :-\
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on June 13, 2019, 09:19:26 am
start on plan B for sure, but also fill those cracks with CA glue, and see what happens--it looks like the cracks are longitudinal, and might be fine.

For my part, I am in Germany right now, and haven't been able to work on my bow, but I am still alive and should still be in good shape.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on June 14, 2019, 09:28:18 am
       That looks like a moisture problem...When was it cut? I seen a couple small separations on the "belly" of one of my Live Oak bows, but not to that degree...This may be a characteristic of Live Oak? Mine were 2 years old sitting in the corner before I tried them...They were kept inside also, so moisture was very low...Your second picture looks like moisture stains as it escaped? I'm only guessing here...I get those stains when I steam sometimes also...I was looking forward to your build and hate this has happened...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on June 14, 2019, 12:49:43 pm
It was more than likely a moisture problem Don, I agree.  This was cut 1.5 years ago and it has sat in my unconditioned workshop since then.  The humidity gets pretty high here, averaging 70% in the summer months.
I haven't checked the MC on this piece as I normally don't worry about that until I am ready to start bending it.  I bet it was high. 
The stains were where I initially boiled the end.  It was a test to see if it responded better to boiling.  I found it responded better to dry heat though (maybe because the MC was high). 
It's not a big deal.  I have a couple staves like this one and now I have a better understanding of the wood and at what dimensions it starts to bend, so I'll get started on another one.  I'll just make sure it's dry before I heat it. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on June 14, 2019, 03:53:43 pm
       We can learn together about this wood...Glad you posted your findings...As said, it may be a characteristic of this wood...On a side note, if it were mine, I would size that back 2 times with some hide glue allowing it to gel and fill the gaps and lay some sinew down...You done a fine job following the grain...Real hide glue is some super stuff, I use it for cracks instead of super glue...It will pull the wood fibers away before breaking under tension...I found knox to be a little brittle because it is so refined...Don't want to start an argument here about hide glue vs knox, some will say it's the same, but it's not...Please keep me posted on your findings with this Live Oak...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on June 14, 2019, 07:37:42 pm
That's too bad Ben. 

Still been working on my victims set. Mr. Burchett was kind enough to send me out the hides above. Thanks a ton Don! Had a good bit of time to think about things and come up with a game plan. Had things lined up and ready so when I got home from work was able to get right on it. Cut some raw hide lacing and laced up the coon hide into a tube shape. The hide was a few inches too short to do what I wanted so I stitched a raw hide flap on the bottom and have that tied to the bottom of the quiver with a piece of dogbane I already had laying around. The extra rawhide should better protect the bottom of the quiver. All the visable rwhide is stained with walnut hulls and used a little of that stain around the eyes on the hide to darken the very edges of the leather.  Hope to start on the strap this weekend. Know how I want that to look just will need to problem solve as i go. I will be sending out the locust bow and this quiver to my guy. Still going to work on the osage piece but think he's really going to like this set. Still work to do tho.   

( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on June 15, 2019, 04:35:04 am
Mike, that quiver is looking great.  It is going to be a great companion to the black locust bow. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on June 15, 2019, 06:47:31 am
  Looks awesome Mike !   Can't wait to see this primitive kit complete....I'm jealous of the recipient
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on June 15, 2019, 09:21:47 am
That quiver is looking awesome!!

Got that little paddle bow pulling a bit above weight at 23”. As expected it’s stacking pretty good gaining about 5# per inch of pull at this point.  So I’m flipping the tips a bit more. Partially to keep the string on, and to see if it’ll smooth out the draw cycle the last couple inches. Once flipped, I’ll put the overlays in and shape out the nocks.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on June 17, 2019, 07:30:23 am
Stole some time for more work on my white ash plan B. Working on drying some more on a form and getting the outer third moving. She’s 50# at 24” right now. Still feels pretty heavy in the hand so I’m getting her some fresh air for a week, if the rain will ever stop.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on June 17, 2019, 09:47:10 pm
Looking good hoosierf...See the tips moving nicely
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on June 18, 2019, 01:35:42 pm
I’m thinking this may be the one I send. I got that little 46” Osage bow pulling 55-60# at 26”. It shoots pretty good too. It took a little set, but not much? About 1/2” or so. Less stacky than I expected, and quick. Plus you can sit on you butt on the ground and shot it like normal. Now to make it pretty. I wanted it a bit lighter, but it just plain didn’t want to lose weight. Oh well, I like how it shoots and handles.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on June 19, 2019, 08:20:54 am
Wow, you really got some bend out of that one Kyle.  That looks good.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on June 20, 2019, 07:12:16 pm
That's coming along nice Hoosierf.  Can't tell you the last time I saw a healthy live ash tree around home.

Some bend you got going on there Kyle. Cool little bow.

Still plugging away with some little details that seem to be taking me long time. :)
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on June 22, 2019, 04:04:46 pm
Decorative inking is done. Wouldve put my other markings, but can’t remember which side is up until I draw it back again. But all it needs it my main markings and some more truoil. Maybe a handle wrap.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on June 24, 2019, 11:25:36 am
My other project is nearly done so I've managed to get a move on with the blackthorn bow, its got a little bit of a naturally set back handle going on, think I'll run with its character and flip the tips coupled with a hollow limb.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on June 27, 2019, 06:27:37 pm
Hollow limb? Cool! That design is beyond my skills set. Hope you post lots of pictures :)  (-P
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on June 29, 2019, 03:43:41 pm
Well folks this is what I'm bringing to the table. 64" ntn black locust bend through the handle. Just under 1.5 inches at handle and 3/4"+ at nocks. Limbs have a little reflex that remains after being unstrung and it's a bit heavier weight and longer draw lenght then I am use to but not by much. My goal was a dependable hunting bow with good cast and I feel I have that in this bow. Minimal hand shock and I sure enjoy shooting it so I hope the the new owner will feel the same.

This build just kinda evolved as I worked on it, kinda like I was just along for the ride. Back of the bow is stained with walnut hulls and bloodroot. Handle is wrapped with stained rawhide that I did in a manner to provide a good non slip grip. Limb wraps made with dogbane cordage that also holds the windfeather and other feathers at handle on.

Along with the bow comes a willow basket quiver lined with raccoon and an otter fur sling. All binding was done with rawhide or dogbane except where the sling attaches to the quiver. For that, I used hand cut leather from the Seneca Iroquois museum when I was there a few years ago. Used some whitetail antler to prevent cordage from damaging sling hide, I just tell folks there buttons. A few turkey feathers decorate the quiver as well. I struggled a bit at first on this but just like that things started to fall into place. And when Don sent me the hides, it was different ballgame, they make this whole set complete. You what they say about paybacks Mr. Burchett, I'll be skimming of an evil plan soon. >:D ;D

Pretty much as natural of a build as I can do, minus string and maybe a few drops of superglue. Oh yeah....finish is Pine Hollow natural bow finish applied with a little heat. One of these days I'll get into making pitch and glues but just not there yet.

In a week I'll be out with my youngest boys scout unit for their summer camp. This set will be a great form of motivation about what they can do with some of the skills I help teach the youngest ones. So hope it helps to spark some intrest in some "primitive skills".

Think that all. Hope you all approve.  As always, if you see something that don't look good lemme know. 1st pic will be pre-strung while very last will be right after unstrung(50-60 shots and 90min or so). Enjoy the pics. Mike

( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
( ( (2) ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr               
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on June 29, 2019, 04:34:35 pm
          That's one of the finest bends I have seen on a bendy...Ever so slightly stiff handle with a sexy circle dead nuts, you got all of that Black Locust buddy...The Quiver and bow look like a museum artifact, you got that in spades...That has the real look of primitive and is what I like to see on PA!...   Tiller?, I wouldn't have expected anything less from you after seeing your past work on here...Thank you for sharing with us
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on June 29, 2019, 07:10:03 pm
Mike, you knocked this one out of the park.  That is one beautiful bow and quiver!  Excellent work.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on June 29, 2019, 09:42:07 pm
I approve. It looks fantastic
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on June 30, 2019, 06:11:55 am
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on June 30, 2019, 06:36:51 am
Mike, that set is plain awesome. Well done.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on June 30, 2019, 12:58:16 pm
WOW that is amazing!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on June 30, 2019, 09:10:27 pm
Thanks guys, so glad ya'll like it. Looking forward to seeing all the other bows in the swap.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: leonwood on July 01, 2019, 04:39:19 am
Wow! Been following this thread a bit and these kind of bows are what this trade is all about. Really awesome job Mike. That set is pure primitive bow porn!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on July 01, 2019, 12:39:38 pm
That's awesome Mike! Tiller looks perfect and I love the complete set.  Someone is going to be very happy. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on July 01, 2019, 01:40:15 pm
That is looking good hoosierf, and Kyle that small amount of set is impressive from such a short bow.  How wide is it again? 

As for me I'm working on another live oak but will have to let it sit in my dry box for a couple weeks.  In the meantime I'm looking to start another, let's call it plan C.  I have this really clean ERC and I was able to get a belly split from it.  I'm thinking boo backed bendy with the belly split.  But I’m open to suggestions or ideas?
I've never sinew backed a bow, and although I plan to, I don't want my 1st time to be with a trade bow. 

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on July 01, 2019, 08:51:48 pm
Thanks Leon and Ben!

Ben, that's a killer looking piece of ERC. Never tried it for a bow before or boo backing for that matter. But I think that kinda build is right down you alley. Looking forward to see what you make from it. If it was me, I'd keep it simple with slight reflex, maybe add buffalo arrow pass or overlays and a naked handle.  Gonna be a pretty bow regardless and your shops going to smell great :)
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on July 02, 2019, 05:57:22 am
Kyle and Mike, awesome job to the both of you! Those are some fine looking bows!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on July 02, 2019, 12:05:42 pm
Erc is actually a juniper. It works really well with sinew. Also responds well to steam bending but you’ve got to be really careful with the moisture content
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on July 07, 2019, 04:28:16 pm
Well, I’m on to Plan C also.  Plan B is a yew backed with rawhide.  I lifted a splinter on the belly during heat-bending, and tillering out the resulting hinge made it underweight.  I’ll finish it later for somebody else.

Plan C is a hickory self bow from a recent harvest.  Since it was quite green, I reduced the stave and dried it in the attic.  With this heat wave, it stopped losing weight after 2 weeks.  In the meantime, I found a use for the hickory bark from the same tree, and made my recipient a quiver.  Got my bow shaped, straightened, untwisted, and flipped the tips.  So far it looks promising.


Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on July 07, 2019, 04:33:48 pm
  Hickory quiver and bow looking really nice...That will hide in the woods for sure...Is the bark on a frame?
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on July 07, 2019, 04:36:47 pm
Great use of the bark.  That quiver looks really nice. The Hickory bow has a very nice start too.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on July 07, 2019, 07:27:07 pm
Thanks, guys.

  Hickory quiver and bow looking really nice...That will hide in the woods for sure...Is the bark on a frame?

Don - There’s no frame.  The bark came off the quartered logs in big slabs. As they dry, they naturally curl up.  I just clean up the edges with a circular saw and train it to dry into a cylinder using clamps.  Then I glue the seam, fit in a bottom, add some fur and an old belt.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on July 07, 2019, 09:54:54 pm
Nice job making use of that bark Tom! Great quiver. Bows looking good. Going to make a dandy set!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on July 14, 2019, 12:46:35 pm
I'm still doing a bit of work on mine when I get chance, but am off work for the whole of August so should make some real progress real soon
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on July 14, 2019, 04:02:29 pm
            Great work man, wonder how many NA done the same thing...That should be durable, silent with the hide and definitely camouflaged...I'm really liking these kits you guys are posting...
           Stuck, looking forward to your work also man...August is one hot month here! Waiting for that cool weather myself...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on July 15, 2019, 04:04:11 am
Just an update. I have been working literally 12 hours a for weeks on end and I haven’t had a lot of time to post pictures or updates. I have one bow ready it’s an elm flat bow. About 50@28”. It’s like 6ft long. The other is a hickory flat bow the same length. Except I idiotically cut through a few rings on the back while removing the varnish I had on the back so I think what I’m going to do is put a VERY thin layer of raw flax on the back of it and then continue to tiller it out. So hopefully my recipient will get to have his choice between the two or he can have both or I can donate one or something like that. I’ll try my best to get pictures up as soon as possible. I really am sorry about not uploading pictures or being real active in the thread. I don’t know why we are so busy here. You guys be safe.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on July 15, 2019, 03:13:47 pm
July is usually our hottest month, temps up to as much as 75F, RH of 80, nothing compared to what you guys get but uncomfortable if you're not used to it. August is usually cooler and wetter so not too bad for roughing out a bow or two.  Main advantage is my better half is in work for most of it so once I tick off the items on the list I get some good sessions in the workshop  ;D
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: ohma2 on July 17, 2019, 09:22:20 am
Whoever gets a bow from Bayou Ben will think they won the lottery the man is drippin with wood working skills.cact wait to see how that one comes out Ben.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on July 17, 2019, 12:37:17 pm
Wow Steve.  You are too kind.  I hope I can live up to the expectation.

I have a defined path for my builds.  I've been working #2 live oak off and on it's going well for the most part.  I like the natural snaky profile.  I plan to leave it as natural as I can, maybe a little reflex.  I'll update soon with pictures. 

I want to complete the ERC/bamboo too and see which one comes out best, similar to Mafort's approach.  I have an interesting idea for this one that I hope works out.... -C-

The hickory bow and quiver are looking good stick  :OK :OK

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: ohma2 on July 18, 2019, 10:33:04 am
Cant wait to see the bamboo cedar bow .
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on July 20, 2019, 09:08:49 pm
Wow, these bows are looking great! I haven't been on in awhile, so need to do an update. It took more set than I like, nothing major, i seem to have this issue with ever VM bow. They seem to loose all the reflex that they start with. But I got the VM dyed. I let my wife choose the color of dye. She chose a dark walnut dye. I didn't cover the whole bow, I left the tips that bright VM white. Also got a few coats of Tru oil on and the it's signed.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on July 22, 2019, 07:06:19 am
Looking forward to seeing pics of that bow Eric. 

Here's the pics of my live oak.  I'm gonna give it a little more time to dry before I put heat to it since I'm still nervous from the heat cracks on the last one.  There's some propeller twist that needs to be fixed. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on July 22, 2019, 07:35:37 am
I’ve been busy getting this grouse getter (Finley) from pic one to pic two but she’s going to school in 3 weeks for a month and a half so I’ll have the chips flying while she’s away. Meanwhile I’ve got the honey locust shooting and the white ash drying outside. The ash is not losing weight anymore but the humidity has been ridiculous so I brought it into the AC for a week then I’ll finish tillering it and see what it’ll give me.  Cheers for now.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on July 22, 2019, 12:37:56 pm
      Beautiful stave Ben, love that character!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on July 22, 2019, 01:37:36 pm
Loving those snaky wiggles. It’s gonna look great all finished up. If you don’t put skins on it, it’ll need a reticulated pattern painted on. Something like on this large wiggly critter would look awesome.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on July 23, 2019, 06:57:45 am
That is a cool pattern....Thanks for the idea Kyle
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on July 23, 2019, 09:39:34 am
Got a 4 coatings of tru oil on now. Just a couple quick pictures.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on July 23, 2019, 10:28:55 am
Just checking in,I have a couple irons on the fire,looking good gents!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on July 24, 2019, 04:29:18 am
  Can't wait to see your work bush, it's always top shelf...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on July 27, 2019, 01:53:24 am
Thats a crazy nice piece of oak Ben. H-D, Liking what I can see of that vine maple looking forward to see some more pics of that. Looking forward to seeing some of the other projects in the works as well.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on July 27, 2019, 04:35:02 pm
Just checking in. I did some heat adjustments yesterday. I am always amazed at how well that works with Osage. I took out some twist and whoop de doos so that I can tiller better.  I am at a decent floor tiller right now
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on July 29, 2019, 08:38:50 am
So I found a very old piece of dogwood (not 100% sure it’s dogwood) that was long enough to make a bow from. The thing is the rings were damaged on the back. So I made the bow out to be 40lbs@28” bend in the handle style and then stiffened the grip with raw flax roving fibers. This stiffened the handle enough to make it bend less that mid limb. The tips were bent back by cutting a v shaped kerf and steaming for an hour to reflex them. After that was dry I put in some hide glue to close them and made tie on knocks from some commercial bamboo string I found at this natural hobby store bear the house. Also Since the rings were cut through and I have an abundance of elk leg sinew, thanks to my grandpa in Colorado, I sinew backed it with a single layer of sinew fibers last night. The bow had 2.5” of reflex to begin with and am hoping to back once more with really long back sinew fibers and then it’ll cure out till everyone is ready to start shipping out. I’ll send some pictures to swampman or I’ll try to post them myself.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on July 31, 2019, 01:21:17 pm
Made a good start, lateral bend might be a challenge ;)(
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hunterbob on July 31, 2019, 04:56:40 pm
I use to love these bow trades . I like the anticipation of giving and recieving.  I should get in the next one.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on August 02, 2019, 02:54:26 pm
Spent a few hours straightening the blackthorn, got the string a 1/4 " off centre, should get it centred next session
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on August 03, 2019, 09:55:49 am
I use to love these bow trades . I like the anticipation of giving and recieving.  I should get in the next one.

We’d love to have ya hunterbob! These things are really fun and good experience. It’s fun to see how another bowyer solves problems in a piece of wood.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on August 05, 2019, 10:08:14 am
Got the string running through the centre of the handle   :) :BB
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on August 06, 2019, 04:16:36 am
Checked the string alignment and its relaxed a bit off centre (1/4 inch towards the arrow side).  Ho hum.  I'm going to reduce the thickness at the tips and fades and have one more go with the heat gun but if the stave has reached its limits I guess I'm going to have to live with it.  I know this type of string alignment can benefit a stiff-spined arrow but........
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on August 06, 2019, 06:42:46 am
  Looking good...I think 1/4 towards your side is perfect, after it is at brace height...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on August 06, 2019, 09:54:03 pm
I use to love these bow trades . I like the anticipation of giving and recieving.  I should get in the next one.

I keep thinking about getting back into them, but I take so darn long to make something that I'm happy with sending out, its stressful,  on both me and the recipient. I dont think I have been on time yet :p
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on August 07, 2019, 08:04:55 am
Update on the sinew honey locust. Well, I talked to landowner where I hunt and what I have is
Cockspur Hawthorn not Cockspur has intimidating thorns on the trunk similar to HL.  So here are a few picks of early stages finishing. I’ll probably take the tips a bit thinner yet as I think I left some speed on the table.  I’ve shot it about 75 times now and it’s a nice mid 150fps bow with no hand shock. 55” and 45# at 28” and can easily be pulled to 29”. 3 layers of sinew. Whitetail overlays. It’s headed to a really dry climate so I am confident it’s draw weight in its new home will settle right around 50# based on past experience. It maintains an inch of reflex beforehand shooting and neutral immediately after shooting.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on August 07, 2019, 08:17:25 am
Nice job straightening that piece out Stuck. Not sure I could get that much dogleg out of a stave. But got lots of pieces to practice on lol.

I keep thinking about getting back into them, but I take so darn long to make something that I'm happy with sending out, its stressful,  on both me and the recipient. I dont think I have been on time yet :p

After messing up 3 staves in last years swap I can relate to the stressful aspect of things. I made sure I had several options back in December in case I Joined again this year. Only messed up 1 this year :) But started working on things right away putting all other projects aside. Getting a fast start helps me to better keep it fun.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on August 07, 2019, 09:35:48 am
Money shot. The tiller is a bit wild/wonky for my taste but it shoots really good. I definitely have the sinew working and there’s no fretting on the belly so I’ll keep shooting it and see how she looks and holds up. It’s not nearly shot in yet so I will have some tiller adjustments to make which I’ll do by side tapering or heat from here. I have the bow canted in the pic so that’s part of the wonky look.  I still have the ash stave drying in case this one stays weird.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on August 07, 2019, 09:37:49 am
Ahh!  That pic is all stretched out. I’ll work on it and repost.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on August 07, 2019, 11:10:35 am
Here we go. Sorry for the click thru but I’m on an iPhone.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on August 10, 2019, 08:41:05 am
Almost there, liking it more and more. Little heat treatment on that mid left hinge spot (it’s a knot) and we've got her. I think it’s a shipper.

I do heat carefully with the sinew cured but would not if it’s not completely dry.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on August 10, 2019, 08:44:04 am
Id caution you  on heat treating around a knot that is hinging. Not saying dont do it, just saying go slow and dont scorch it at all. How bad is the knot?
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on August 10, 2019, 09:08:27 am
Small but wide not all the way thru to the belly.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on August 10, 2019, 11:13:09 am
 Now I’m preparing a wrap around the small knot. Here’s how I prep my sinew. I scrape it and in the photos you’ll see starting point after an hour soak, half way done scraping and a finished tendon ready to wrap.   The pile of junk that comes off is there as well. Some of that can still be used. The other scraps I keep until I feel like making glue.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on August 11, 2019, 10:10:24 am
My bow came out light. So I racked on some horn left overs I had to see if I can get the weight up to a decent draw. My garage is hot and it should be cured out in two weeksif I can get a fan to constantly move the air around. So hopefully I’ll be able to get the weight up. I’ve got a finished longbow in the finished range so if this fails or I feel like it’s not up to par I’ll send that
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on August 11, 2019, 05:55:28 pm
Did try toasting the belly again?  I’ve brought them up 5 or 6 lbs that way.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on August 11, 2019, 08:13:18 pm
I did and I didn’t get much out of it. It was already backed so I didn’t wanna thin the sinew on it.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on August 12, 2019, 05:56:35 pm
Here are some pictures for Mafort.  I will let him tell about the pictures.  Sorry about the links but imgur changed some things.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on August 12, 2019, 10:04:13 pm
Like I said my weight was light so I attached horn to the limbs. If for some reason this doesn’t work at all then my last and final resort is to like the limbs about an inch or so. And if the bow fails then I will get my long bow I made Incase of failure and get it ready to ship out
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on August 13, 2019, 02:12:20 pm
Well looks like it’s on to the longbow. Dog decided he wanted to use my bow that was on my desk as a chew toy so now it’s messed up beyond repair.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on August 13, 2019, 02:56:08 pm
The process in the trade bow has been slow. The finish process for me takes forever. I’ve been putting coating of truoil on for about a month now. Waiting a few days between each coat. I’m always afraid of rubbing out the finish too far and hitting the dye. I’ve done it too many times. It should be ready to go by ship least I hope. Either way, a bow will be on its way to a new owner.
 Pretty stoked about all these bows, they all look so cool. I really like seeing everyone’s style.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on August 14, 2019, 08:30:29 pm
That's too bad Mafort, I was looking forward to see how that was gonna turn out with the horn and all.

Can't wait to see it all dressed up H-D!

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on August 14, 2019, 09:39:20 pm
That's too bad Mafort, I was looking forward to see how that was gonna turn out with the horn and all.

Can't wait to see it all dressed up H-D!


Oh you’ll see it. It just won’t be in a trade. I don’t want to pass of anything I wouldn’t use myself to put food on the table. I tried to salvage what was good which was most of the inner section. I’m thinking maybe me and the epoxy get close again and splice on some limbs belly side and sinew back it and see where I’m at.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on August 15, 2019, 10:20:16 am
Alright everyone, we are now 2 months away from the deadline.  I have seen a lot of great progress from most of you.  They are a couple in the trade that haven't posted much progress.  If you do not feel you will be able to complete a bow, please get in touch with me so we can move things around a bit. 

I realize things happen and really understand that.  I have been largely absent from bow building this summer as my wife was diagnosed with cancer.  She is doing well and the prognosis is good but, it has been a summer filled with medical appointments, not bow building.  I have made little progress on the reserve bow, so like I said I understand things happen.

So, if anyone wants to work on a reserve for the reserve, let me know.  I do hope to have a reserve bow finished but just am not sure at this point.  I

I have kept up on statistics for the trade and have a couple of prizes ready to go for the end of the trade.  The best way to be in the running for these is to keep on posting your progress! 

Again, if anyone feels they won't get a bow compketed, please let me know!  Keep up the great work everyone.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on August 15, 2019, 11:12:02 am
I am so sorry to hear about your wife swampman. I sincerely hope she gets better. I have a bamboo backed English longbow with arrows I can put up as the reserve bow. You and her focus on getting her back to her normal self. As for me I have two elm bows and 3 hickory staves that I have to knock out. I’ve also got a bamboo backing that I’m going to try a perry reflexed type of bow with one of the hickory staves. So elm or hickory will be heading out soon. Maybe some arrows too if I can get these dogwood shoots to cooperate with me a bit. They’re totally seasoned so it’s not an easy process.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on August 15, 2019, 02:09:21 pm
Thanks Mafort.  It is nice to know there is a backup in place in case it is needed.  I appreciate that!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on August 15, 2019, 02:53:54 pm
I just heated hooks into my offering this week.  I will try to get some pictures up, but I think I am still on target, barring any disasters.

I am glad to hear your wife is doing better.  Please keep us updated.  Cancer is such an ugly thing, and no one should have to deal with it alone.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on August 15, 2019, 05:46:55 pm
That sucks. Good to hear things are looking towards a good outcome Mike.Will keep you guys in prayer.

I been sitting on a 64"ntn black locust. If i recall correct it weighed in at 52lbs @28". Maple added to handle, underlays and ebony/maple overlays. Nothing fancy, typical flat bow i can make.  Still need to get a bunch of arrows through it and give it a critical look over. But feels real smooth to me. I got 20 arrows through it and set it aside to work on a different project  >:D. Provided nothing goes wrong its here if needed.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on August 15, 2019, 07:23:54 pm
That sounds great Mike.  Hopefully I will still get one built too.  I just haven't had much time and when I have had time, I just wasn't feeling it. 

I went through the entire thread today and that put me in the mood to work on a bow.  I floor tillered a nice black locust stave tonight.  That one is looking promising (the other staves I had been working on this year didn't work out).
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on August 16, 2019, 08:42:05 am
Yeah sorry to hear about that swampman.  Hopefully it was caught early and she gets good care and support, which seems to be the case.

The summer has been busy for me as well.  Work on the bow has been slow.  I fully expect to have a finished bow before the deadline and will communicate if ever I feel that may change.

Here's where I'm at:
- I sanded the back and applied 2 coats of shellac
-I laid a wet rag on my form and bent some of the twist out of one limb.  This method was suggest by Don Burchette as he's been working with me on the best way to handle live oak.  The thought was that it would keep the back cool and minimize the chances of the back splitting like the 1st one did. 
-it bent really well and held its shape, but it did develop some cracks on the back.  At this point I think I will continue with the build as I believe them to be mostly cosmetic. 

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on August 16, 2019, 06:24:51 pm
           That is a really nice piece of Live Oak! I love all the character...Those tiny lineal cracks wont be a problem...You probably remember me telling you I had a few in one of mine...They didn't cause a problem and seemed to have closed up some after the RH leveled out...I think this is a characteristic of Live Oak under dry heat, and I have seen Osage do the same thing...My idea of the shellac plus the wet rags was to possibly keep any moisture from escaping the back causing cracks...I must say this stave has much, much less than the last one you posted...And I agree with you on the moisture problem before...You also judiciously followed the grain, excellent work! Snake skin backing would be off the chain on that one...Thanks for the info buddy,
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on August 18, 2019, 02:24:31 pm
Loving all the wiggles in that live oak. Can’t wait to see how it turns out.

It took me a bit to figure out what to do about a handle wrap on the paddle bow, and settled in this. Birchbark with squirrel rawhide lace wraps.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on August 19, 2019, 12:23:34 am
    Like that handle wrap and paint Kyle...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on August 19, 2019, 10:54:44 am
Awesome wide little bow Kyle!  Got that west coast style  8)
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on August 20, 2019, 08:13:18 am
Scraped the cambium off the white ash last night. Still have some tillering to do and a final heat treat then shine her up. Looks like it will be 50# at 28” and I think it’s 72” long.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on August 21, 2019, 07:15:37 am
That's some good stuff you guys got going on! Sure do enjoy following along on all the builds!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on August 24, 2019, 11:34:43 am
i'm tillered out to 20 inches and a low brace. . . so far, so good. Things are coming along-
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on August 24, 2019, 09:21:38 pm
                      Nice painstaking job on that cambium...Bend looks just as good
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on August 25, 2019, 08:18:55 pm
Finally got going on  a modified Molly type elm bow.verh sorry to here of your wife's illness swampman.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on August 25, 2019, 08:54:22 pm
  Looks awesome Bush...Those levers look like they will scream an arrow...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on August 28, 2019, 06:18:49 am
Here is my progress. After building the first trade bow I decided to start another one. I built a new form specifically for it to see if I could make some design improvements.  These are the first two blanks off the new form. They were supposed to be a R/D profile, but they look a lot more like a semi-working recurve. The bow blanks are bamboo/maple/osage tri-lam with a cherry handle. I think they are going to be good shooters. I will start tillering it out and see what happens.

The parts laid out before glue up
( (

The blanks off the form

[url=]( (
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on September 02, 2019, 07:45:42 pm
Update from the tundra. Sinew Backed Cockspur Hawthorn is done. Here’s the specs.

49” knock to knock
43# @ 28”
FF 97 string
Rabbit hide wraps and silencers
Wisconsin whitetail tip overlays
3 layers of elk back sinew in Old Brown hide glue
Cured 3-4 months in the AC
Tips are a bit stiff for speed and it’s quick but definitely a highly stressed effort.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on September 03, 2019, 07:46:26 am
real cool Hoosierf. I like it.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on September 07, 2019, 10:56:38 am
And the white ash is now complete.  I cut this healthy tree In the spring of ‘16 in Taylor County, Wisconsin on the edge of a lowland swamp. Took it forever to dry.

67” overall
Buffalo tips and rest
Buckskin wrap
B97 string
Beaver silencers
Feather telltales for wind direction
Cork set in superglue arrow pass
Finished in many coats or real rung oil and Minwax paste wax.

I like this one very much. It’s a fine shooter and has taken no set.  I’m ready to ship. Nobody’s home for the money shot at the moment.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on September 07, 2019, 01:41:49 pm
very nice.  I would love to see a full draw too.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on September 07, 2019, 03:31:47 pm
Got mine to low brace, character is really starting to show but is making it tricky to balance the limbs, will try and post photos tomorrow
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on September 07, 2019, 11:29:45 pm
almost done tillering.  the left limb was stiffer until right at the very end, and now it is bending more than the right.  I have left the area around the knot in the right limb a little stiff on purpose.  it is 60# @28" right now, but will probably come down a bit if I tweak the right limb.  Gonna sleep on it and see how I feel.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on September 08, 2019, 06:47:18 pm
Looking great guy!today,went from floor tiller straight brace ,got lucky and the tiller is good.judt gotta reduce it a bit in weight.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on September 09, 2019, 08:47:23 am
Bows look great hoosierf!
Very nice bend Jeff!

Got mine to 18" on the long string.  I'm waiting for it to cool after re-heating out some twist that returned.  I should know soon if this will bow will make it to the finish line. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on September 09, 2019, 09:20:41 am
starting to struggle with this, any thoughts?


low brace

10" draw

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on September 09, 2019, 09:29:50 am
I would work the right limb, particularly the inner 1/3rd mud.  The left limb does bend up after the fade but the right still needs to bend more to balance it out imo.   
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on September 09, 2019, 03:31:38 pm
I would have to heat out all that wonkiness.  I have to get the limb a little straighter before I feel confident tillering to an even bend. I am not good enough to read the bend otherwise.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on September 09, 2019, 09:22:31 pm
That's some real impressive work going on there fellas. Lots of nice stuff going on.

Stuck, something you could try would be to mark your limbs every 6 inches, check distance at each mark from a straight line with stave unbraced, then brace it and measure again to see if limbs are moving an equal distance at different spots on the limbs. Hope that makes sense, that has helped me before when limbs don't come out of the fade at the same angle. But I tend to agree with Jeff.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on September 15, 2019, 01:25:23 pm
This is my Plan E bow (I don't wanna talk about it).  Whew!  I'm calling this one finished, I just want to shoot it in a bit more.  It's a 71" osage ELB, 54# @ 29" last I checked, with traditional tips made from buffalo horn, and a zebra hide handle wrap.  I got a cheap tattered hide from an antique dealer friend. 

It had quite a challenging bottom limb, full of knots and twists, but I was happy enough with the final tiller, all things considered.  I kept it a little stiff around the worst knot to be on the safe side, and I put the handle in the middle for a positive tiller profile.  I'll probably post this one on the main board with more pics & details soon.


MOVED PICS TO NEW POST:,66469.0.html
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on September 15, 2019, 02:05:12 pm
Very cool and very creative stickhead. That’s a great looking bow.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on September 15, 2019, 02:48:33 pm
The Molly is coming along.just heat treated it.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on September 15, 2019, 11:46:09 pm
            excellent bend on that character laden stick! You done a really nice job with that...

            Looks like a rocket launcher!

               Nice work guys..........
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on September 16, 2019, 12:02:11 am
Tom that bow looks great!  I love the tips especially, and Zebra skin is really unusual and interesting for a grip.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on September 16, 2019, 02:56:38 pm
Very nice bend Stick! The bow came out great. 

I agree with Don, that molly will be fast!  Takes some skill to pull that off.  Nice Bush. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on September 16, 2019, 03:03:23 pm
I didn't realize the ship date is in one month! 

Here's mine braced.
If everything works out I will be able to add a unique touch to cover the cracks on the back.  I'm going to attempt a heat treat before I tiller to final draw length. 

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on September 16, 2019, 07:52:17 pm
           That looks absolutely gorgeous, love that character! I'm already jealous of the recipient...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on September 16, 2019, 09:04:56 pm
Dang guys. You are doing some impressive work.

I like that Osage bow a lot Tom, its got some great character. Nice job.

Ben and bushboy, cant wait to see those bows all dressed up, good looking brace profiles.


Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on September 22, 2019, 10:51:42 am
I think im happy enough for a Molly profile.critique welcome.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on September 22, 2019, 10:53:11 am
I’m jealous that’s amazon
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on September 22, 2019, 12:32:39 pm
Love that molly Bushy
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on September 22, 2019, 01:22:43 pm
I’m jealous that’s amazon

Love the accent lol...

dang auto correct
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on September 22, 2019, 02:59:11 pm
Nice profile, bushboy!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on September 23, 2019, 09:19:54 am
I think im happy enough for a Molly profile.critique welcome.

Outer limbs look stiff  :D,....looks sweet!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on September 23, 2019, 08:35:20 pm
That looks great Bushboy.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on September 25, 2019, 12:18:25 pm
Hey I hate to be that guy but if my bow is finished can I go ahead and ship?   I’ve got maybe 2 or three things to do to mine but I wanted to check and ask first to make sure it was ok?
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on September 25, 2019, 02:11:22 pm
Hey I hate to be that guy but if my bow is finished can I go ahead and ship?   I’ve got maybe 2 or three things to do to mine but I wanted to check and ask first to make sure it was ok?

PM Swampman when you are ready and he'll let you know if you should ship. 
Do you have some teaser pics?
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on September 26, 2019, 05:28:38 pm
Mafort, go ahead and ship. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on September 26, 2019, 07:19:29 pm
October 15th is just around the corner.  According to my records most everyone is on track to be completed by then.  If any of you have hit any snags  or have questions about shipping, please get in touch with me.  There are some great bows and I am excited to see them get into the hands of their new owners!

On another note, my wife is doing well and done with all treatments, etc.  Our life is starting to get back to normal.  Definitely not our favorite summer but we got through it.  I appreciate the support from all of you. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on September 27, 2019, 07:49:07 am
Been plugging away, looking more like a bow now, I've run a gizmo down both limbs and their bending the same, so I think I need to soften the left fade a bit, maybe soften the tips as well.  I've pulled it to 16 inches, a little bit of string follow and about an inch of set, which is disappointing considering how slow I'm taking it. It's starting to look a bit holey now a few of the pin-knots have fallen out, I'll glue in fillers for the ones on the edges but I'm leaving the ones in the centre of the limbs, blackthorn doesn't mind a few holes here and there.  Be glad of any advice on the tiller before I pull back any further.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on September 27, 2019, 07:52:03 am
Really glad you're better half is recovering well. hope you all have a beautiful Fall, I reckon you deserve it.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on September 27, 2019, 01:50:38 pm
October 15th is just around the corner.  According to my records most everyone is on track to be completed by then.  If any of you have hit any snags  or have questions about shipping, please get in touch with me.  There are some great bows and I am excited to see them get into the hands of their new owners!

On another note, my wife is doing well and done with all treatments, etc.  Our life is starting to get back to normal.  Definitely not our favorite summer but we got through it.  I appreciate the support from all of you.

That’s awesome to hear swampman!!! I’m glad she’s pulling through.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on September 28, 2019, 05:51:57 pm
                 I agree, work the fades and the center of each limb...Get that working part circular...I like the primitive/natural look you have going also...Love a character bow, their one of a kind...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on September 30, 2019, 05:56:58 am
I got the tillering on my Bamboo/Maple/Osage tri-lam finished up. I haven't shot it through the chrony yet but this bow feels like it should be plenty fast.  All that's left is to stain/finish and add a leather grip before I can ship it out.

( The white line on the bottom limb is a piece of wire sticking out of the wall behind the bow, it ended up in a weird position in the photo)

( (

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on September 30, 2019, 07:37:02 am
That one looks fast. Very nice Mr Sniper
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on September 30, 2019, 08:31:24 am
Glad to hear your wife is doing better Swampman. 

I agree that one looks fast Sniper. 

I almost have the tiller wrapped up.  2" more to go and a few lbs.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on September 30, 2019, 10:28:19 am
That bow looks great Sniper.  Looks like a great shooter.

Ben your bow is looking real good too. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on September 30, 2019, 10:46:14 am
Taylor & Ben - those bows are both looking great!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on October 01, 2019, 07:40:45 am
That looks great SS. Someone is going to be very happy with that bow.

Ben, Very nice tiller work there. Even with the snakey grain that tiller looks spot on.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on October 03, 2019, 11:35:34 pm
I have a bit of a dilemma, and I am hoping to get some opinions--maybe my victim will even chime in with personal preferences:

My trade bow has a laminated handle area, and as I have put the finish on, I have been really happy with the way the grain has popped.  It looks really nice, in my opinion--hence my dilemma.  My own personal preferences for a bow are to have a arrow rest and a leather grip--I just like the feel and the consistency with that setup.  But it almost feels like a shame to cover this handle up.  So I have a few options:

1. Leave the grip bare, as a shoot-off-the-hand bow.
2. Add a full leather grip, strike plate and shelf (using a small wedge of leather under the grip)
3.  Leather grip with a floppy rest--in such a way that it could be removed if the new owner prefers the bare bow.  If you soak the grip in water before it's sewn on, it shrinks tight and doesn't require glue to stay in place.

What would you do?
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on October 04, 2019, 05:40:25 am
IF it was coming my way, then I reckon it'd be a real shame to cover that up
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on October 04, 2019, 06:04:57 am
+1 dont cover it. Its too pretty. I think hed like that more than a leather grip
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: sleek on October 04, 2019, 06:16:38 am
That's too pretty to cover. That would be like putting clothes on Aphrodite.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on October 04, 2019, 06:30:36 am
I guess I will be the odd man out, I would still cover it and add an arrow shelf if that's your goal.

A leather grip only takes up a few inches of the grip and the beautiful wood still looks great on the fades. I think the contrast of leather against the wood will make for an even nicer looking bow. 

That's just my .02!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on October 04, 2019, 06:58:55 am
I would not cover over that work. Pretty grain, perfect looking glue lines.....I would burn a line or 3 in for a guide for arrow placement but no shelf. That's what i'd do. Regardless it will be nice.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on October 04, 2019, 07:59:08 am
I’d leave it naked and beautiful.  Anybody receiving that bow is capable of adding a wrap and/or shelf if they prefer.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on October 04, 2019, 08:30:10 am
I would be in the same dilemma as you Jeff.  It's a beautiful lamination that you wouldn't want to cover but then again I believe these builds should be in your own style not necessarily what you think your victim would want.   
I'm leaning more towards sniper's view.  A leather wrap doesn't cover it all and adds another level of contrast.   Plus I would be more inclined to pick up and shoot a bow with a comfortable grip.  One with a beautiful handle and not so comfortable grip would probably sit more. 
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on October 04, 2019, 09:11:58 am
 Nekid is my vote. Just might want to put in an arrow pass to protect that beauty.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on October 04, 2019, 09:14:12 am
now that I think about it, the leather could be cool if it dosn't cover up the whole handle! maybe put a pattern on the leather!!!!! that would look awesome and amp up the coolness!!!!!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on October 04, 2019, 09:58:57 am
if I did a handle, it would be similar to this one, maybe a little more minimalistic. . .,66281.0.html

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on October 07, 2019, 02:16:19 pm
Finished the tiller.

Sneak peak of the finish work....
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on October 07, 2019, 02:20:02 pm
Ben, that bow looks great!  Tiller looks great. Nice job with that wavy piece of wood.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: burchett.donald on October 07, 2019, 11:15:05 pm
         Looks awesome buddy...That tiller is money, nice an even and completely balanced...That's what I call a bendy...
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: PaSteve on October 08, 2019, 07:00:29 am
Beautiful bow Ben. I really like that one.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: DC on October 08, 2019, 08:15:22 am
Very nice Ben :)
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on October 09, 2019, 07:23:13 am
Nice bend on that snakey live oak Ben. That turned out great.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on October 09, 2019, 08:18:15 am
It’s getting so close! All the bows are looking great. Just have to get the finish rubbed out and grip put in.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on October 09, 2019, 10:38:24 am
Got the ok a bit over a week ago and just got a short green pipe dropped off at the post office. I should make more short bows, they ship cheaper.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on October 13, 2019, 06:08:36 pm
So anyone that hasn't shipped yet, go ahead and do that.  According to my notes, everyone involved is at least very close to finished with their bow.

Please remember to post pictures of yourself and your new bow when you receive it in the mail!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on October 13, 2019, 06:23:27 pm
Of you all remember, I had said I would be shipping out a couple of prizes based on some statistics I have been keeping.  I was a lucky recipient of a block of sitka spruce in a giveaway that TSA did quite a while ago.  I will be sharing some of this wood with two people involved in this trade.  At the beginning of the trade i decided I would keep track of who participated the most.  The answer to that is M2A.  Mike, please let me know if you want your shafts in 3/8 inch squares or if you want them planed down already.  They would still need to be sanded down and spined.

The other prize goes to the person who posted the first broken bow.  Stickhead posted the first broken bow.  Tom, please let me know your preference too. 

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on October 13, 2019, 08:16:43 pm
Im up in northern Canada close to the Hudson Bay and where I built the bow .I didn't shoot it as much as I would have liked ,but I did let it sweat for many wife will ship it out on Oct 15 and I will hint that it's heading south .lol!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on October 14, 2019, 06:37:24 am
Nice! Thanks a bunch Mike. That's a good incentive to work on arrow making again. I think I can work with the 3/8 square stock. That's very generous of you to do so. Congrats Tom.

I will be shipped out this week, the sooner the better. Things get just a bit busy this time of the year for me. Looking like Wednesday is a rain day, so figuring it will happen then.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on October 14, 2019, 07:16:30 am
Ill pack it up tonight and ship Tues a.m.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on October 14, 2019, 09:32:22 am
Guys - I sure would like to see some or all of these bows posted and entered for Oct Bows of the Month!!

Let me know.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on October 14, 2019, 11:50:10 am
I came home Friday night to find a package from Kyle sitting on my porch.  Kyle blew it out of the park with his osage paddle bow, this thing is awesome!

I will have pictures and more info soon!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on October 15, 2019, 06:33:56 pm
Shipped out today. ETA later afternoon Thursday they tell me.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on October 15, 2019, 06:59:19 pm
Glad you like it SS. Honest opinion, how does it seem to shoot for you? I’ll let you know what my thoughts are, just don’t want to influence your answer. But It was a fun one to build and am tempted to do another one at some point. I love how short it is.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on October 15, 2019, 08:27:32 pm
So sorry ,wife and I are are pretty scrappy right now,may have to wait till I get home from work on Oct 25 to ship,hopefully I can talk her into doing me a solid because on 600 miles north of home.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on October 16, 2019, 08:18:57 pm
Mine will be out Friday. Hopefully my guy doesn’t mind that I kept it simple with this one. I had something elaborate planned but my dog decided to ruin the bow. Hope all is well with everyone.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on October 17, 2019, 08:52:12 am
Mine will be shipped out today or tomorrow.  It's been crazy the past couple weeks.  Had our baby girl on Sunday night :OK :OK
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Russ on October 17, 2019, 12:52:46 pm
Congrats ben!!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on October 17, 2019, 05:49:25 pm
Soo I came home to two boxes from M2A.... good lord guys this bow and quiver is masterfully done. I love it. And the arrows fit right into the quiver and the bow just shoots full length arrows. Send them screaming across into my target. This is extremely well done and I will post pictures as soon as I can of this beautiful bow and quiver.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on October 17, 2019, 07:12:01 pm
Grats Ben! That's some big news there.

Sure am glad things made it there Mafort. Was a lot of fun to work on and turned out better than I would have thought starting in on it. Hope it servers you well for a long time.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: silent sniper on October 17, 2019, 09:31:17 pm
My trade bow went out today, recipient should have it in the next few days!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on October 17, 2019, 09:44:02 pm
I finally had a day to finish my trade bow.  I hope my guy likes it.  I will get it in the mail no later than Saturday.  Here it is:,66681.0.html
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: stuckinthemud on October 19, 2019, 05:02:25 am
Oh boy, your bows are looking fantastic!

I've had a few delays with work but I think the tiller is getting close. Maybe the mids and outers need to come round a teeny bit more

20" draw



Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on October 19, 2019, 07:49:14 am
Man, you guys are showing some top notch stuff, hope to comment on the other threads tonight.

Stuck, I think you come a long way with that piece. I think you should have added an unbraced photo as well. Don't think I could tackle a piece like that but your getting close. 20 inches is when I usually know if a bow will do well or not. You may want to draw a side profile of the bow, take picture, now to compare later(to avoid set as much as you can). Good luck
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on October 19, 2019, 02:39:55 pm
Mark me as shipped.  It should find its new home some time next week.  It's coming priority mail.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on October 21, 2019, 09:51:10 pm
I’m shipped. Headed a few thousand miles so it will probably be five days via UPS.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on October 21, 2019, 09:57:11 pm
Today I won the lottery. I received the Silent Snipers trade bow. Woot woot. It’s fantastic. Shot it in the garage a few times and it’s a rocket launcher.  Pics in the day light. I’m just thrilled with it. Well done Taylor. You have talent too spare.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on October 22, 2019, 06:36:50 am
Pics - more to come once we finish the arc!  Raining biblical proportions here.

This bow is world class. Thank you Taylor!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on October 23, 2019, 07:27:00 am
Congrats Gary, you and Ben got some fantastic bows this week. Jeff and Taylor got the mojo to making some top notch stuff.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on October 23, 2019, 02:42:23 pm
I got some time to shoot my bow from Jeff and man I'm impressed!  To be honest I thought there would be some shock considering the mass of this bow, but I was wrong.  It's a smooth shooter and has some pop to it.  I'm used to my bows being borderline underbuilt, and this bow has proven to me that I need to beef up my designs.  And what I like most about it, I feel very comfortable pulling this bow to full draw.  I short draw and squint my eyes when drawing some of my bows. 
The tiller didn't change one bit either after a couple dozen shots and being drawn to 28"+. 
I really like the character of the stave, the recurves, and the blue chips that filled the knot holes. 
Excellent job Jeff! Like I said it's a beauty and a beast, and I'm lucky to have it! 

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on October 23, 2019, 03:07:48 pm
Oh and mine was shipped last Friday.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on October 23, 2019, 05:24:19 pm
Ben, the wood on this bow was interesting--I usually let the wood tell me what it wants to be--that sounds kinda mystical, but what I mean is I don't start out with a predetermined thickness.  I start tillering pretty early in the process, before the limbs move very much.  This stave started bending early and felt "soft" from the start.  So when I bent in the tips, I added a lot of extra heat to the entire bow.  That made a HUGE difference in how it reacted.  the limbs went from feeling almost soggy to being quite snappy and firm.  Even so, the overall thickness is more than most bows at that draw weight--at least that I have made.  I was also pretty conservative around that big knot.  I think it shoots with authority and I believe it will hold up.  I guess we will see.  I think it will really like some arrows tuned to it perfectly before it really shines--I think matching arrows is often underrated.

I am glad you like it.  I hope it brings you hours of pleasure.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on October 23, 2019, 08:12:14 pm
I still haven’t shipped yet. Works been kicking my behind. Hopefully will get it tomorrow or Friday.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Bayou Ben on October 24, 2019, 10:13:58 am
Jeff, I believe the bow will hold up for a long time.  It has a good tiller that didn't move at all after I shot it in. 
I have some bamboo shafts that are waiting to be matched to this bow.  Hopefully I can stick a hog with it   (-_) )P(
Thanks again.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: jeffp51 on October 24, 2019, 11:30:37 am
If you do stick a hog, I totally want pictures!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on October 25, 2019, 08:27:30 am
My bow is on route and should arrive early next wee. Maybe even Saturday.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: hoosierf on October 28, 2019, 11:01:56 am
I’m not sure I posted my finished trade bow. Here are the specs.

48” OAL
Cockspur Hawthorn from Taylor County Wisconsin. Cut Nov 2018
Backed with deer back sinew in hide glue
Whitetail tip overlays
D97 fast flight string
Rabbit fur details
43# at 28”
Finished in walnut stain and sealed in paste wax

I also made an ash longbow but this one was selected because my victim didn’t seem to have a shortbow in his arsenal. Also it’s headed to an arid climate and i think it will become even more snappy as the Bow climatizes and finally I took an informal poll and everyone thought this was the more interesting bow. I included a few arrow so my victim knows what it likes to shoot and he can sling arrows with it as soon as it arrives.  This bow is very typical of what I like to use to hunt whitetail from a tree stand here in the Midwest.

Thanks for looking.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on October 29, 2019, 03:53:26 pm
Shipped today,albeit a bit late.never the less,headed to the USA.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on October 29, 2019, 05:17:08 pm
Ben,I received the bow ,so awesome,more to follow!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on October 30, 2019, 02:20:06 pm
Last call for Bow of the Month entries (if I haven’t already heard from you)!  Sure have seen some great bows come out of this trade!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on November 01, 2019, 07:41:40 am
Should have then bow shipped out today if I can make it to the post office before it closes. If not tomorrow.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on November 04, 2019, 08:59:34 pm
Been out of town for the last few days. Just got home to find a package waiting for me from way up north. Thanks Bush! This molly bow looks fantastic! Very narrow tips and about 60"ntn looks mighty fast. I hope to be able to get some arrows through it and some pics by the weekend.
I also received a dozen arrow shaft blanks from Swampman. Going to do some practicing then hope to use those and make a set for this bow over the winter.
So...more coming from me over then next few weeks.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on November 07, 2019, 10:45:23 am
So high desert should’ve gotten my bow by now. I tried sending a message but his inbox is full. The bow I sent was not what I usually make. That one is terrible in comparison. However with the amount of mandatory overtime and life issues that I’ve been facing it was what I could put out reliably. Now that I’m off mandatory overtime for an indefinite period I’m going to make something that’s actually worth it to use. Hopefully till then that bow serves him well. So hopefully he’s keeping a close eye on his mail soon 😊
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: M2A on November 08, 2019, 09:01:35 pm
Blew off some work for a few hours this morning to run a few arrows through the bow Bushboy sent me. Dang man, you can build um! No hand shock, great cast, and hits what your looking at  . Thank you! Lookin forward to fixing up some arrows from the shafts Mike sent me for this bow.

I'll put some pics here and make another thread to show it off.

( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr

( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr

( ( ( by Mike Allridge (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: High-Desert on November 10, 2019, 12:38:03 pm
I received my bow from Mafort a couple days ago. It’s a very cool and primitive looking bow. I like the style. Thank you Mafort. I will get pictures up soon.
The bow I made should be at the recipients home soon. I went to get it all packaged up and realized I hadn’t put in the strike plate yet! So I was a bit late. But it should be there soon.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mafort on November 11, 2019, 05:43:55 am
I received my bow from Mafort a couple days ago. It’s a very cool and primitive looking bow. I like the style. Thank you Mafort. I will get pictures up soon.
The bow I made should be at the recipients home soon. I went to get it all packaged up and realized I hadn’t put in the strike plate yet! So I was a bit late. But it should be there soon.

I’m my own worst critic when it comes to my bows.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on November 21, 2019, 11:11:47 am
Just got my new vine maple bow from Eric (High-Desert) today.  He sent it a while back, but I’ve been traveling, so it sat in the Post Office for a while.  It’s a beauty, with cool character and nice finishing touches.  He even added silencers, and it’s quiet as can be.  I’ve had arrows through it already — it shoots great, and with authority.  This sucker’s going hunting with me!
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Drawknife on November 22, 2019, 03:31:09 pm
This thread is the most amazing thing I think I have ever seen and I cannot wait till I am of the skill level to join.
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on November 22, 2019, 06:14:08 pm
Realizing that the lead guy on this is dealing with personal things.hope all works out for the best swampman and thank you very much!!.im just wondering if we are near completion?
Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Swampman on November 22, 2019, 08:39:25 pm
Everyone that built a bow should have received a bow according to my records.  There a few recipients that have not yet posted pictures of the bow they received though.  It would be great if everyone that received a bow could post a picture with the bow. 

I did not keep on top of everything in this trade as much as I had planned so if someone has not received a bow that built one, please pm me.  However, I do think this trade is completed.  Everyone should start looking for that perfect stave to build for next year's trade! 

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Stickhead on November 25, 2019, 09:36:14 am
Here’s the awesome bow I got from Eric (High-Desert).

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: Mo_coon-catcher on November 26, 2019, 04:40:13 pm
Sorry I havnt posted pictures yet. But I havnt had the time to even get off any shots with it yet. But I received a great looking bow from Mike Allridge (M2A) a bit over a week ago. Now that my freezer is full of deer meat I can turn my attention back to shooting and building. On my next day off or Atleast free time I’ll string er up and shoot a bunch and send a bunch of pictures with my thoughts. I can say already, I love how it looks and feels.

Title: Re: 2019 Bow Trade - Sign up closed
Post by: bushboy on November 26, 2019, 05:17:40 pm
Wicked character vine maple!gotta love the ones that stand out in a collection!