Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: osage outlaw on July 15, 2016, 08:57:38 pm
Last night I stayed at a local state park with the RRII because there was a tiny camper gathering going on there. I pulled in right at dark and set up camp. This morning I made the rounds looking at all the cool campers and visiting with the owners. I had a blast. Everyone there was super friendly and enjoyed showing off their campers. They pretty much all knew each other from previous events. I was the new guy and they all wanted to check out the RRII. I got a lot of compliments and some suggestions for improvements. One guy used to build them as a side business. He gave me an idea on how to install a low cost AC unit that won't take up any cabin space or be an eyesore on the outside. I'm going to start working on that soon. They invited me to a large gathering in July of next year. They had 144 campers there last summer. They have that event every other year.
I took a lot of pictures. This was a sweet outfit. The enclosed trailer was converted into a very cool camper inside.
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With creations like this walker grill I knew I would fit right in with this crowd.
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The coating on this camper was interesting. The owner called it ghetto glass or poor mans fiberglass. He took bed sheets and soaked them in a mixture of TB3 and water. He stretched them over the plywood shell. It felt just like a fiberglass coating on it. I've got to find a project to try that on.
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Very cool Clint i have always liked the teardrop campers and you are right it looks like you fit right in
Really cool Clint I'm sure you got a lot of good ideas there. How long till RR3? I just hope we don't lose you to the mini camper gang. Nice pictures I think yours is my favorite though.
I love these. However i lean more towards the tiny house crowd which some of these arent far from. Right now i live in tje backof my pickup truck and have for the last 3 months. I may do it for another year still yet so these interest me deeply. The art of making do with as little as possible. I love it. Thanks for sharing.
I like my Teardrop :) But I look at different ones everyday to modify mine. I was suprised to see some of the real small ones had canopies but with no walls so you could step out and get dressed with a little privacy.
You are right Mullet. There were no privacy walls on any of the awnings. I'm not sure how they got dressed.
Seeing all of those small teardrops did get me my thinking about making one.
One of the owners told me about an older guy that used to come to their gatherings. He was a metal worker and made an aluminum teardrop camper for him and his wife. Apparently she had a lot of junk in the trunk if you know what I mean. He flared out the wall on her side of the bed in the shape of her backside. It gave them more sleeping room inside. Now that is a custom built camper ;D I would have loved to see that.
Thanks for sharing Clint - way cool ! Bob
Some pretty cool rigs there. I'm still chuckling about the booty bubble tear drop story. That ghetto glass is pretty much the method I use to cloth back bows. The mulberry bow I made for otter is done that way with fake copperhead skins. Thanks for sharing! Josh
That ghetto glass is used a lot in older boats construction. They would lay down a lead based paint and lay thick canvas over it, then paimt over the canvas . This was done over decking and was great for water proofing.
Tear Jerkers...heck of a name for folks that pull teardrop campers.
Cool pics. Clint, looks like a good time. I love looking at these as they are kind of a novelty compared to the majority of campers you see being used today. The smaller ones each seem to have a individual personality you don't find in the bigger rigs. Just like how the Redneck Ramada has its own style and personality. Also being small camper owners ourselves the wife and I are drawn to them. Sharon is always looking at pics. of small and restored vintage campers online and showing them to me. Have you visited the RV Hall of Fame in your home state? I haven't been there but Sharon has and says it is worth seeing.
A couple f months ago I saw an old aluminum tear drop camper from the 40's early 50's at the place I bought my new one from. Well, the wife said I didn't need two so I wasn't in the mood to argue, I'd just buy it and bring it home and listen to the crap for a few days :D. By the time I got back it was gone. Then I saw it a couple of months later in front of an Antique store and the guy told me they bought it for less then $150 and it wasn't for sale. I almost broke down and cried. :'(
Greg, I'm going to try to go to that huge gathering near Indianapolis next July. You guys should haul yours down for the weekend.
Mullet, for that price I would have drove down and picked that one up myself. Next time don't listen to your wife. Just don't tell her I said that ;)
Remind me next year Clint, we might be up for that if your going too.
They start taking reservations 6 months in advance. They said the campground fills up very quickly. I'll let you know.
I saw a sweet one today in Olathe,KS.Right across the road from Garmin.. Yellow rig being towed by souped up Hummer. Looked like it had a pop up deal on the front of the teardrop.
Looks like a blast Clint!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Tear Jerkers...heck of a name for folks that pull teardrop campers.
JW, I'm officially a Tear Jerker now. I just joined up. My tear is just a little bigger and rustier than than most ;D
What type of car is the one in the first picture? It looks so beautiful!
Always been a fan of vintage cars 😏
It's a nash metropolitan. The owner said when he bought the car he was haggling back and forth with the seller over the price. They were $500 apart. The seller offered to throw in that teardrop camper for the extra $500.
I'll take the Jeepster. I've had two. ;D
Now THAT, looks lie a great time!
What type of car is the one in the first picture? It looks so beautiful!
Always been a fan of vintage cars 😏
In my day that's one thing the Metropolitan was never accused of, being beautiful. ;D ;D ;D Funny little car was more common. ;D ;D ;D
Must have been ahead of its time hey DC
Ive always been interested in these tiny campers and teardrops.They are just so cool.
Does anybody know anything about the yellow domed sunshade?
That's a coleman 15' x 15' sun shade. It costs around 2 bills. I talked to them about it. It's nice. They can back their camper under it and stay out of the rain.
Ill look into it further.It looks a lot better than the one i have and in this country,sun shades are imperative.
Tear Jerkers...heck of a name for folks that pull teardrop campers.
JW, I'm officially a Tear Jerker now. I just joined up. My tear is just a little bigger and rustier than than most ;D
I can just about hear you singing about how there's a beer in your tear, and it's calling to you, dear!
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:! Bob
"rustier" . . . . :D
I feel myself being bitten by this bug again! Dang it all! I had just about convinced myself to be content with a lesser quality, higher priced, store bought ready made travel trailer... <sigh>
Onebow, i have always wanted to incorporate a camper and a boat in one unit. We should combine our brain power and build one.
Onebow, i have always wanted to incorporate a camper and a boat in one unit. We should combine our brain power and build one.
Funny you should say that, ...
...because my idea has long been to make an ultra-lite tear drop type camper using Skin-On-Frame methods. I don't really want a camper that is a boat at the same time per se, (scary idea! :o), but rather just to use the building methods that work well and are proven in making small boats to build a Travel Trailer/Tear-drop camper. You know like, heat shrink dacron fabric for the walls, rigid but light weight interlocking frames, roving strands of Kevlar fiber to reinforce the frame, etc.
Funny you should say that, ...
...because my idea has long been to make an ultra-lite tear drop type camper using Skin-On-Frame methods. I don't really want a camper that is a boat at the same time per se, (scary idea! :o), but rather just to use the building methods that work well and are proven in making small boats to build a Travel Trailer/Tear-drop camper. You know like, heat shrink dacron fabric for the walls, rigid but light weight interlocking frames, roving strands of Kevlar fiber to reinforce the frame, etc.
Go for it!
I like this idea! An ultralite camper....
I dont want one that is a boat either. I had in mind one that is a shell and a boat slides into, becoming the floor and fixtures. However when pulled out of the camper ( like docking ) there is still a deck on the trailer bottom you can easily sleep on and fold down counter space on the walls that fold down as the boat gets pulled out. Im thinking 14 foot long at most and flat bottom. Simple and effective.
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Basically a light weight box trailer that is configured to allow sleeping and sitting in the boat with the engine outside to avoid odors, and sealed off with a folding back window. With the boat out it reconfigutes to take advatage of the increased room. All with fold down wall stored tables counters and decking.
Kevin my friend, you have quite the imagination! :)
You like that? I can design and build a boat specifically to fit this application.
I think the boat would be better on the roof. There were some old campers with that design.
Glad it turned out good for you. Cool campers there, especially that last one with antler door handle.
Very cool Clint, thanks for sharing. I have always been a tent guy but after looking at some of them you got me to thinking. I have a 12 foot enclosed trailer that would convert nicely. :-\
Onebow, i have always wanted to incorporate a camper and a boat in one unit. We should combine our brain power and build one.
Funny you should say that, ...
...because my idea has long been to make an ultra-lite tear drop type camper using Skin-On-Frame methods. I don't really want a camper that is a boat at the same time per se, (scary idea! :o), but rather just to use the building methods that work well and are proven in making small boats to build a Travel Trailer/Tear-drop camper. You know like, heat shrink dacron fabric for the walls, rigid but light weight interlocking frames, roving strands of Kevlar fiber to reinforce the frame, etc.
There is a company that makes campers like that and they also sell the plans for it. I'll see if I can find the link when I get home from work.
Very cool Clint, thanks for sharing. I have always been a tent guy but after looking at some of them you got me to thinking. I have a 12 foot enclosed trailer that would convert nicely. :-\
Pappy, those enclosed trailers make great campers. There are lots of pictures of them online. You could make it look like a log cabin inside. That trailer in front of the green and white Nash camper was turned into a very cool camper. I had originally wanted to use an enclosed trailer on my project but they cost over $2000 for a used one in my area.
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That is some serious Red Green &*@# right there, lol!
If you are willin to donate over 500$ i will give you a free mug!
Onebow, i have always wanted to incorporate a camper and a boat in one unit. We should combine our brain power and build one.
Funny you should say that, ...
...because my idea has long been to make an ultra-lite tear drop type camper using Skin-On-Frame methods. I don't really want a camper that is a boat at the same time per se, (scary idea! :o), but rather just to use the building methods that work well and are proven in making small boats to build a Travel Trailer/Tear-drop camper. You know like, heat shrink dacron fabric for the walls, rigid but light weight interlocking frames, roving strands of Kevlar fiber to reinforce the frame, etc.
There is a company that makes campers like that and they also sell the plans for it. I'll see if I can find the link when I get home from work.
Dad always said, "There's no such thing as a new idea, ...just one you don't yet know someone else already thought of". I'd LOVE to have such a reference if you find that sir!!!
Here you go; Google Chesapeake Boat Builders.
Here is one they have plans for.
Thats way cool and hysterical,at the same time. :)
You're going to need a smaller boat... ???
I don't think that camper is big enough for Peter Dinklage, mullet!
Dang, but that is some fine woodworking, right there!
Go to the site and look at the ones with a stretched skin over a frame.
Google camper that turns into a boat. There's some cool ones. Sea lander makes a teardrop ready to go.. Also saw a full size luxury bus that went straight into the water. Crazy!