Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: wizardgoat on February 10, 2016, 02:28:30 pm
This is a bow I made for loefflerchuck. Chuck has been a huge inspiration for me, and has helped me on many builds, (thanks bud!).
This stave came from a 2.5" diameter branch, was very clean except for some very slight roller coasters that I left in.
I actually started building this bow at last years classic for the self bow challenge, but it needed some heat corrections on the recurves so I set it aside.
It has just 1.5 layers of sinew, not sure how much performance it added but it sure helps to keep the profile.
Its 52" long, 55# at 25", and about 1 1/4" at the widest.
I believe the WDB skins are from Bruce. The snake was a monster, and I think I'll be able to back another 2 narrow bows with it.
The handle is cork and deer hide. I just put about 100 arrows through it yesterday and I really like how it shoots.
I know brace and full draw is not perfect, the top limb leaves the handle at a different angle than the bottom,
the top limb has a small deflex near the hook, and the bottom limb has a small reflex near the hook.
A couple more small deflex bits that really seem amplified on these short bows.
It feels well balanced on the draw, and feels very light in the hand. It weighs 12.8 oz with the handle wrap, which might have something to do with it.
Pictures were taken on Quadra island BC, Cheers!
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Perfect in my eyes
Wow Ryan, simply gorgeous
very nice, like it.
Beautiful bow! Great pics in some awesome country. That bow just fits there!
- got those yew recurves dialed down to perfection. :)
Another fantastic looking bow wizard. I've got a question for you on layout and will send a PM.
Sweet!!!!!!! Man that yew sure makes a nice looking bow.
Killer bow.. That bends beautifully... Quadra island hoping to get back there next year been a couple
Thanks Leroy
Another GREAT yew bow Wizardgoat. Perfect like always.
Very nice Ryan! Looks perfect!
Another wicked one! 8)!skins are awesome and. The drawn pic is perfect to my eyes!
What can b said that hasnt , just know when the wizard posts a bow its gonna b amazing. Thanx for sharing.
Really beautiful bow! That tiller profile is just gorgeous. The background is also stunning. Would love to spend some time out in those parts.
wow Ryan ...that's another stunning recurve from you...
That full draw sure looks like it's more than 25" darn good job on that one.
The full draw bend looks exceptional to me and it holds a real nice unbraced profile, especially for its length and draw weight . I think you hit it dead on with that one, very nice all around Ryan.
I knew by the title of the post that this was a wizardgoat bow :)
Someday this design will be known as the wizardgoat.
That is sweet.
I'm one lucky guy! Cant wait to shoot that beauty.
Nice one WG. Definitely has your signature on it.
Fine little wiggles and beautiful curves......just like any provocative lady. Very nice WG.
Beautiful bow Goat. I'm glad I got to see that one in the early stages of the build.
I really like everything about that bow. Great job!
Well done Ryan. Very clean lines on that recurve and gorgeous finish work!
+1 on no shelf. Looks like a turkish bow handle. Really like.
Very nice bow man. I love thoes curves
That came out great goatman, a real s.a.b. (sweet assed bow)
Jeepers that is terrific! :D
Awsome ! Nicely done - Bob.
Sweet, that is one beautiful bow. :)
WOW! Great looking bow and really nice photos.
Very sexy, Goatster! Nicely done.
Great bow wizard, You also present your bow amazingly! The background and photos are stunning
Excellent bow and great pics in a beautiful landscape.
A pleasure to look at!
Another gorgeous bow Ryan! But the scenery? Ah, just looks like home. Nothin special. Can't see it today though. Too foggy ;D ;D ;D
That's pretty. I don't know how to pull and shoot a 25" draw bow.
Looks great! The bend is super pretty. I have a quick question about handle design: is there a reason to build the handle up on the back of the bow like that rather than the belly? I'd think adding material to the belly side would put that little bit of additional distance between the working limb and the string when at full draw, adding a tad more zip to the shot.
Nice addition to Rebecca Spit:) Gorgeous bow, as always!
Thanks for the kind words guys :)
No doubt I make alot of yew recurves, its my favourite style to make with the wood I have at my disposal ;)
Academonicon- I like to build up cork on the back for how it feels in the hand. On some flatter handle bendys I'll build up the belly a bit too.
I measure draw length to the back of the bow, and that measurement doesnt really change no matter how I pad the handle.
Cool bow goat. That looks like it will be right up Chucks alley.
as all the above says...good looking bow...
Very nice as always, goat. 8)
Having shot this bow I think it should be moved to the flight bow page. I'll post results when I get it out to the salt flats
Haha, awesome!
Cheers Chuck! Please do
very nice,, I bet it shoots great, congrats
Everytime I see your pics of the NW coast makes me wanna visit ....
Oh, and the bow is classy as we are used to see from you.
Sweet looking shorty there wizard.Very nice work.
very nice looking bow....well made!!!
Thanks again guys. Simson your welcome here anytime. Bring an empty golf club bag and we'll fill it with yew billets! 😉
Lovely bow indeed
Still need that yew stave.