Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Fred Arnold on August 13, 2014, 10:32:54 am
I'm finishing a nice little rawhide backed osage bow for a good friends 5 yr old grand daughter. This will be the 3rd kids bow trying to add some quail feathers to the back for decoration. The last 2 were acceptable but the feathers dealt me fits trying to get them to stay in place. Any suggestions?
Quail feathers compliments of Criverville. Thanks Cipriano!!!
"have you tried staples"? (bill murray-scrooged)
no help but ive always wanted to say that to
;D 4dog, you got any teeny weeny staples?
Do you mean actually submerging them under a coating? You are best off using epoxy for that. Fly-rod forums have lots of info on doing that neatly.
PatM, I got in a rush and added them with a water based super glue used in craft projects. It worked better than TB III that I used last time. I'm going to add multiple colors with a sponge to detract from the bright white background and then seal with tung oil or truoil.
I'm running late on the project, fell behind trying to get my trade bow done in time.
Fred get with Bill, "Danzbar". He has done it and Ive seen it first hand. See what he has to say.
Added some color. This should look good for a "Hailey" bow. She's only 5 so I don't think she'll be hunting yet.
looks good from here!! like the design.
Fred get with Bill, "Danzbar". He has done it and Ive seen it first hand. See what he has to say.
Bill would be a great resource for feathers as backing flair.
I ran into a guy at a small gathering in Richmond, KY that had done some feather backing that would knock your eyes out! What was his name. . . . . ? Gummy Bear?. . . Bear Bait?. . . .Bear Azz?. . .Anyway, his was excellent indeed. He is quite the arrow builder as well. >:D
Had to get this one done. Been up canning pickles since midnight. I'll definitely PM Danzbar before I start my next one. Biggest problem I ran into was feathers not sticking along the oil line close to the quill. Figure I need to start removing the oil from them with dawn and then rinsing. I ended up adding a small drop of sglue and pressing them down with a cue tip until they stuck.
Ok Greg, what's his name and is he available for lessons?
please try this in a scrap piece of wood,, but I think Heavy Gel MEdium,, made by golden would work, ,coat the back and they should stick to it,,, it drys clear,, then you could coat again over it,, but I think a spray finish would work better for the feather
go on primitive skills and ask Anthony for help he started that stuff
PM me any time, I'd be glad to provide you with my experience. I'm not good at describing what I do in print, but there are a few past post I've tried to described it. And I don't know how to add a link. The thing I have learned is.... don't glue down the feathers with a different finish than what you end up with. for example I glued down some feathers with a softer finish than what I added over it to provide a gloss finish. after some shooting in cold weather the finished cracked. The best way, I have found and I'm about to do it again on two bows I'm building for my daughter and son-in-law is.....I glue the feathers down with a product called flex coat. I used it on fishing rods when I built custom rods in the 80's. It's a two part epoxy. Then added a final coat after the first has cured of the same. Do a search on feather backing and on "Blackhawk inspired molly". Here are a few pic's of the molly. PM me when your ready, and I'll try to help.
By the way, Greg is a pretty good shot with a "pistol", >:D even though he has trouble with names ;D ;D Bear Azz???? that one really made me laugh. :laugh: :laugh:
Till next time,
DBar, that is some beautiful work there. I'll definitely be getting in touch. I've been under the weather last couple of days and just can't get motivated or remember much of anything right now.
Hopefully I'll kick whatever this is and get back on track in a day or two.
Man, that is gorgeous!
OK .... any time ....hope you kick that stuff...................
DBar, I did a little research on the epoxy you mentioned. Where's the best place to purchase it? I see it on the auction site. How much is needed and does it have a shelf life?
I use the flex coat "lite" it is thinner and lays down better. I haven't bought any in a long time maybe 5 years, I would get it at Cabelas or Bass Pro. I need to buy some now and noticed that they do not carry it anymore :( But, I just found out my wife purchased some for me at Amazon she got free shipping. My guess as far as amount would coat one avg. wide bow back would be about 1 oz. I only mix enough to do one coat at a time. The work time is about 1 hour so you have to flip the bow from belly to back about every ten minutes for and even cure. Make sure before you start that you have a way to do that. As far as shelf life I've had it over five years with no problems. I believe you can buy it in 2, 4 and 8oz amounts. I generally buy 4oz at a time except this time I did 8 do to availability and I'm wanting to do about 4 bows in the next year or so with it. I glue down the feathers with it using a very soft hair brush. Do not brush the feather much, if the vanes break apart they stay apart and let the back show through and not look as good IMO.
Good luck and post your results and any other questions, I'll do my best to answer.
Be cool to have one done that way DBear but I don't have that kinda patience !
Holy cow Bill, That looks stupendous! Is that the one you were working at Marshall?
Yep, Cody that is the one, I tried to take a cheaper route on it and glue down the feathers with a softer finish/glue than the two part epoxy. The flex coat (final finish) cracked after many shots but it was in below freezing weather when I shot it. At Marshall I ended up scraping off the old finish and feathers and added a real nice WDB skin I traded with Dan (DGF). Didn't put a real glossy finish on it and now it's my hunting bow for this year. I've done other bows with feathers and flex coat with no problems as long as you use the same material gluing and finishing.
I ran into a guy at a small gathering in Richmond, KY that had done some feather backing that would knock your eyes out! What was his name. . . . . ? Gummy Bear?. . . Bear Bait?. . . .Bear Azz?. . .Anyway, his was excellent indeed. He is quite the arrow builder as well. >:D
I like gummy bear! ;D hopefully Bill saw this after sending you some of his awesome arrows. Liable to get pieces ;D
Just trying to brighten someone's day at Bill's expense. Sorry Bill >:D