Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: bubby on October 16, 2013, 02:46:34 pm
I cut this out hunting down by a creek, leaves looked like maple, question is mountain maple or vine maple, i'm crappy on tree id, bub( (
By looking at the bark Bub, maple yes, but need the leaves if any and/or the seed pods for proper id.
Here is the link for TRee ID hope this helps.......
Don't look like Vine Maple. Ed
this was some smaller stuff, i'll see if I have any pics of the leaves in the first pic, I cut a pc for a walking stick from this , thanks for the link bow101, first pic was mountain maple( (
Keep in mind Ive only seen pics, but I say vine maple by looking at the color of those trunks.
bark is completely identical to the moutain Maple I have cut... I mean identical
That's big-leaf maple. Not particularly great bow wood.
UserNameTaken has this one right for sure, based on the leaves. Wood I've seen is very light-weight, does grow nice and straight though!
the pic of the leaves was a different leave than the leaves on the trunks, i'll dry it and see what the heck I can get
Big leaf maple has(surprisingly) big leaves. 8" and larger.
Rocky Mtn Maple(Douglas maple) has 3-4" leaves that are the same shape as BL but have raggy edges.
Vine maple leaves are about the same size as Doug maple but they have more lobes.
for the size those trunks are fairly heavy
Some links
Doug Maple
Vine maple
Big leaf
It looks like the mountain maple I cut in Or. And no, I didn't ID it. As most of you know, tree ID is not a strong suit for me. I haven't tried it yet, so I'm not gonna be much help. Josh
for the size those trunks are fairly heavy
They hold lots of water
thank's Don, from the three choices the leaves mostly resembled mountain maple, i'll make with these and see what I can get
That sir is big leaf's worthless :-\
well worthless of not its cut, heck if you can make a bow out of poplar ::) :laugh:
well worthless of not its cut, heck if you can make a bow out of poplar ::) :laugh:
Lol good point
Lumberize it. Good core material
That sir is big leaf's worthless :-\
Well..there you go Bub, straight from the guy that id'd my mountain maple. Lol! Josh
I made a bow out of big leaf maple once. It was huge :o And still didn't draw over 30# :D :D
But the bark is some pretty dang cool stuff. You can case-skin it and make sweet quivers from it.
That's a strong statement Bryce, bigleaf maple in a pyramid flat bow makes a good bow.
not sure either way, but I have made a big leaf maple bow that was super over-stressed, chrysals everywhere, wrong design and it's still shooting. I'm confident if I would have made it longer it would have made a fine bow, probably not top shelf, but maybe middle
Good idea Gabe I might try that, vmb that would have been my style of choice, Bub
68-72 long is what I would go for... ;)
+1 VMB.
It'll make a bow, just probably not your best. Keep looking and you'll fine another, better tree while you're working on this one and have a project to move on to when it's done.