Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: John W. Cooper on September 01, 2013, 10:14:48 pm

Title: Nib and Calligraphy ink suggestions?
Post by: John W. Cooper on September 01, 2013, 10:14:48 pm
Hello!  I'd like to get better at the lettering and artwork on my bows and am wondering if anyone has a winning combination of ink and nib.  I've tried with my speedball nib set with several different inks, but after a single line, it just stops flowing down the nib.  Thanks in advance for your help.
Title: Re: Nib and Calligraphy ink suggestions?
Post by: Pat B on September 02, 2013, 12:19:03 am
I use India ink and either a store bought nib(not sure what size or style) or I make my own with a feather quill or small piece of cane. India ink now comes in many different colors although I've only used the black.
Title: Re: Nib and Calligraphy ink suggestions?
Post by: mikekeswick on September 02, 2013, 06:52:10 am
I also use only Indian ink now (or sometimes a pyrography pen). As Pat says you can get it in just about any colour and mix it if needed. Any nib should work, just buy a few different ones and experiment. White looks great on dark woods.
Title: Re: Nib and Calligraphy ink suggestions?
Post by: John W. Cooper on September 02, 2013, 10:18:00 am
Thanks for the quick answers.  I'll definitely try the inda ink.  I'm intrigued by your cane nib.  I have a lot of tonkin lying around.  Do you just cut a small piece of bamboo at an angle and dip it or do you split it, too?
Title: Re: Nib and Calligraphy ink suggestions?
Post by: Pat B on September 02, 2013, 10:40:08 am
John, Google "Quill Pens". You will get a step by step on making quill pens and I just adapted it for small diameter bamboo.
Title: Re: Nib and Calligraphy ink suggestions?
Post by: John W. Cooper on September 02, 2013, 11:01:47 am
Sorry...I suppose I could have done that, too.