Primitive Archer
Information and Resources => Trading Post => Topic started by: HickoryBill on May 30, 2013, 11:26:38 pm
I'm looking for a solid fiberglass bow( preferably green) in 45-50# @28...preferably a Bear or a Pearson...This is the style bow I learned to shoot with when I was just starting out..I would like to get one to hunt with this year...Maybe take a doe...Kind of a sentimental deal...if ya know what I mean...
I believe they were made by Pearson. I saw one a few years ago it was 55#, clear glass. I can kick my butt for not buying it. It would be a perfect bow for water sports.
I have 2 or 3 of them,Person's I think 1 green and a couple white. Not sure on the weight,I have one rigged for bow fishing. I will check. :)
Thanks Pappy
I'll be glad to take leftovers :).
I finally found one,just like the one I learned to shoot with! It's an old Pearson 48#@28..Whip tillered just like the old one,solid green glass,and shoots nice..I cleaned her up,added a set of zebrawod tip overlays,and added some dark drown ebony stain(bag stained),gonna add a new grip wrap and strike plate/ arrow rest when done..Oh yeah only paid 15$ for it!!!!
Cool,didn't really want to get rid of mine anyway. ;) Sorry Eddie, ;) :) Cool bows and indestructible :)