Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: blackhawk on February 04, 2013, 07:20:33 pm
This past weekend oldtimberbows(marty) hosted the second annual martyjam up at his place. Both Marty and I took off work Friday and I came up after work Thursday evening. I left with a slight irritated eye,and by the time I got up there my eye was swollen shut and leaking some serious puss. We headed straight to the clinic to get me checked out,and it turned out to be a nasty eye infection. We went back to his place and I took the meds they gave me. My eye was throbbing so hard it gave me a serious headache and I wasn't feeing so hot. I told him I need to go lay down. I stood up and walked out of the shop and bam it hit me like a ton of bricks and I threw up a couple times. Not a good start to the weekend festivities for me at all. A good nights sleep and up at 5 the next morning and I surprisingly felt much better,and like I was able to work on some wood. By 6 we were in the shop and I was chasing a ring ;D This first pic was right after we got started with just marty and I.
Marty and I were tearing up the wood and in walks ryoon just before noon I think with some wood and bows. He brought his osage warbow that he hadn't shot yet,and we said well hell,lets shoot that sucka in >:D heres ryan shooting it
I tried pulling it and in my condition I could only get 28" and that's my excuse cus of what happened the night before ;) Marty had to have a go as he his shooting it.
During the waiting of the heat shaping of the stave I chased earlier that morning(a r/d with flipped tips) I grabbed another stave to play with and start on. I got this stave from Lee Slikkers a couple years ago in a trade and it was time to bust into her. I first pulled a belly split off her and what a lovely thing that happened,look closely. Heres marty and ryan holding each piece. I later gave that belly split to ryan to play with,and he came up with a pretty wild way to make a bow from :laugh:
While bouncing back and forth from heat shaping and this stave,and helping marty lay out a couple of my style short r/d bendy mollys I got this staves ring chased and shaped up to some lines. >:D
Around sometime in the eve Guy(buckeye guy) pulls in to join the fun. And soon after him Cody(misslemaster) walks in with a bunch of buckthorn goodies for all of us to play with ;D Heres cody tillering a soon to be drop dead gorgeous bamboo backed buckthorn 8) Marty and Guy are to the right of him,and ryan is sitting on the left shaping up a European buckthorn warbow >:D
By just past midnight we all had enough and decided to retire for the night. 18 hours of play for the day 8)
Next morning rolls around and we are back at it by 6 in the morn on Saturday. By mid morning it was a full house with 13 guys. Chris(pearl drums),matt(mwirwicki),DQ(Daryl) and his friend Jeremy(first timer making his first bow),Bob(chamookman),and Larry(martys friend) and hope I didn't forget anybody?
Heres an action shot of the bs,i mean hard work that was going on all day...I mean just look at how hard Matt is :laugh: Marty and bob are talking over martys stave,and ryan and larry chatting it up while ryans working his European buckthorn warbow.
Heres s while being tillered shot to help ryan assess his tiller on the buckthorn he was making....just look at all those hinges and flats spots...I thought he knew how to tiller :laugh: just kidding ..that thang had some character and side profile kinks. You can se r/d bow ryan sinewed the previous night before,and you can see codys boo backed buckthorn up on the table.
Time for some 100 pound buckthorn bow shooting >:D
Pearl was helping out Daryls friend Jeremy with his first time making a bow and when he had some time he grabbed a snakey osage and ran a ring...geez buddy and at least look like your having fun...why so grumpy :laugh:
Heres cody chasing a ring on a mulberry stave. Guy is playing with some string and wrapping it around his neck...must be into that asphyxiation fetish :laugh: You can see my character hole bow getting overlays in the vice,and one of three molly shortys marty laid and shaped out,and a black locust stave I gave guy to his left.
Ryan cutting out a hackberry that he ended up rushing on and bending too far before tempering it. He said screw hackberry,im never using it :laugh:
heres daryls buddy Jeremy shotting his first bow...turned out at 67@28...and a damn fine first tillered bow....good job Jeremy ...congrats
Heres a close up shot of my character hole bow (1 3/8" wide hole) right before I shot the first shots out of her
Cody shooting a glass bow marty made a couple years ago..TRAITORS...sorry guys for showing that...but I had to expose the false :laugh:
By just after midnight it was time to close shop. another 18 hour day of fun >:D
By sunday morning it was just marty,guy,cody,and myself for some morning bowmaking fun. and heres cody shooting in his boo backed buckthorn
killer bow cody ;)
What a grand weekend,and another great martyjam(and that's an understatement)......thanks for hosting all of us...and all the great grub we ate too. cant wait for next years already. ill see some of yins guys down in tenneresee...and feel free to post anymore pics you guys took. ;) :)
Man that looks like a great time you guys! Great bunch of bows being worked, LOVE that hole bow! And that BBB looks nice as well, can't wait to see all slicked up ;) Thanks for sharing with us blackhawk :) :) :)
Dang! Thanks for posting the pics but you didn't have to tell everyone how bad I actually am at making bows! ;) This was such a blast. I wish gatherings like this happened more often. Hope to see all you guys very soon!
Good stuff, looks like you guys had a good time except for the eye was swollen shut.
That looks like a mini indoor classic. Sure looks like a lot of fun working on all those bows.
So the only thing Pearly got done all weekend was chase a ring? >:D
Looks like a fun time, is Pearly always grumpy?
That looks like a mini indoor classic. Sure looks like a lot of fun working on all those bows.
So the only thing Pearly got done all weekend was chase a ring? >:D
Watch it pal! I helped Jeremy get that sweet bow shooting, ripped a ring (the FIRST ring) on a seriously nasty osage stave and the rest is a SECRET.....ssshhhh....
Thanks for the story time and pics hawkey-poo. Marty is a super duper mega monstrous chumba wumba host! There was bow knowledge leaking out the windows all weekend! Or maybe that was BS leaking? Either way Im fired up for next year and fired up to get with all my friends again soon at the Classic and to add to my friend list.
Looks like a fun time, is Pearly always grumpy?
What do you think you old buzzard??!?!?!?!?!?!?!
wish i could have been there.gonna have to grab Clint and make a trip up that guys can't have all the fun.
What a fun looking weekend. Man what a good group of mentors. Some serious talent in that room!
I'll second or should I say 6 or 7th the "good time had by all" statement. It was fun and Marty is as usual, quite the host. I was going to post these pics in "What did you do today" but, well at least I did more than talk on the phone. By the way, I was helping a guy tiller his bow on the phone. Yep, he'd describe what he had so far, and I did my best to walk him through the rest of the process. It was good to see all the bow guys. Sure enjoyed the fun and conversation.
I've never been so jealous in my life. Looks like the most fun anyone could ever have. Glad you guys had some fun.
HUGE thanks to Mrs Marty for keeping our bellies full. That girl can cook!!
That looks so fun. You guys were busy :) thanks for sharing, I wish i had more bowyers near me.
Big thanks to Marty for hosting Martyjam and thanks to all who had bow knowledge to share. Thanks to PEARLY for helping my friend,Jeremy, get his bow bending in the right direction. I think He's hooked!
I had a great time, met a few new friends and learned a bit about bow making too.
Another vote for "good time was had by all"L
Looks like you guys had lots of fun! Thanks for sharing!
Looks like a blast! I'd love to do more of that. Maybe this summer when i have more free time. Until then it'll be an hour here and an hour there.
Great post & pics Blackhawk ! Sure was fun meeting all You Guys + seeing Old Friends - Bob.
We had a lot fun I want to thank every one there we had a good time you guys are some of the best bow makers I have worked with I cant wait untill next year blackhack great pic you guys are a bunch of bow freaks I love it take care God bless.
Looks like grand fun! Ryoon that warbow looked cool! And Cody's bow looked like what I would imagine an early age Elven bow would look like from Tolkien's Silmarillion. Not trying to categorize or stereotype your work Cody, the bow you crafted just fit the image I had created in my head!
Thanks for sharing Chris,looks like a great time had by all and some nice stuff turned out. :)
Nice! Good to see and thanks for sharing. Jawge
Glad to see Pearly Boy wearing safety glasses and smiling:)
Man I'm jealous guys. I wish I had HALF that many bowyers around me to have fun with like that :'(
Man that looks like fun. Nice to get a group of guys like that together. I only know of one thai guy that makes black palm selfbows in all of thailand. Thank God for the Internet and Skype
Thanks for sharin that Chris..Looked like a blast.Just shows what can happen when like enthusiasts get together.Having a great host like Marty and his wife makes it all happen.I'm surprised nobody stepped outside to do some target shooting....Ha Ha Ha.
The green-eyed monster rearing its ugly head!! I'm so jealous >:(
Looks like tons of fun :)
Man does that look like some fun... cool post!
I'd have liked to be a fly on the wall in that room ..... Bet a guy could have learned a few things :)
It always amazes me how 8-10 people can end up with the same exact end result, yet have totally different ways to get there. Thats one of the cool parts about gatherings like these.
thanks for sharing,
That looks like a lot of fun. I would love to participate in something like that.
lOOKS LIKE YOU GUYS HAD WAY TO MUCH FUN. I was with you guys all weekend (in my mind) I put alot of hours in the bowroom.I was the one bugging Blackhawk with the texts all weelend.LOL.
Love that kind of stuff. That new guy sure found the right place to learn how to make a bow!