Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Primitive Skills => Topic started by: Justin Snyder on September 15, 2007, 10:24:37 pm
I decided I have been neglecting my knapping too much lately. I have been trying to make a knife. It seems I break everything over 2 inches. I managed to thin this rock down and still had about 9"X2". All of a sudden I got a hinge and couldn't get it out. I managed to drive an obsidian flake through my hand and break the blade. Well I reshaped it and put a handle on it. Here is what was left. Justin
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That's a fine knife Justin!! Is it servicable - that's all that really matters. In my opinion - anything like that you create with your own hands is a work of art - that dead deer don't care what it was that cut him up ;D
Yes, its quite serviceable, sharp little bugger. When I redesigned it, I rounded it up to make a little nicer skinning blade. I also changed the angle it sits in the handle to make it a little more comfortable to hold. Justin
Nice looking knife Justin, these stone knives give me the shivers just looking at the edge on em.
That is a nice knife Justin. Looks quite serviceable to me. Pat
Thanks Dana and Pat. Dana, once you have cut youself with a sharp serrated rock, they really give you the shivers. Justin
justin , me like.
Very nice justin,you show hidden talent. ;) ;)
Nice. Now get it red.
Looks great! Now give her a try on something you can fry up in a skillet! ;)
Thanks guys, it has been red once. But I don't suppose my blood counts. I almost took a fillet of my finger big enough to fry up though. :P :'( Justin
Nice save Justin.....Brian
Very cool knife Justin.If that ain't primitive I don't know what is.tradrick
Really nice job, I love it. Kenneth
Thanks guys, its the longest I have managed yet. The blade is about 3 1/2" long and the handle is mule deer antler. Justin