Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Primitive Skills => Topic started by: Dane on September 06, 2007, 08:49:00 pm
I wasn't sure where to put this thread, so if it needs to be moved, cool with me.
Dana and I did a trade (don't let him fool you now, I got the far better deal, for some obsidian and other knapping stuff, a book and CD, and a grab bag of cool materials). In return, I wove him a bow sock, such as I did for the community projects. This one is made from wool thread, the warp (long threads) a dark blue, with alternating white and blue blocks I created just by weaving in another color of thread on the weft (the across threads). In the center, I created a larger block of red. The tie cord was made by reverse twisting natural and yellow linen threads, and the whole thing is stitched together with linen thread. The tie ends are made from bone. Dana insisted I sign it, so there was the only place I could think of to do that.
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Good lookin sock Dane! I realized I need a few of those, or build a rack of some sort in the pickup :) maybe deer hide.
What can I say beautiful, superb, outstanding and its mine,mine,mine ;D ;D ;D
Hope everyone is totally jealous of my new sock,
Please don't drool all over your keyboards ;) ;D
I love it.Mighty fine job.
Thanks, you guys. Means a lot.
I recieved the bow sock today and its awesome, the wife thought it was for her. ya right.
now she is jealous ;D It also doubles as a nice scarf ;D
You do incredible work. Thanks again eh.
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excellent work man.
you shure won't be getting a cold with that on :)
Looks like a dandy! What kind of fishin ya do up there, you got as many canoes and cayaks as I do.
whatever is biting cowboy, right now the steelheads and salon are in da river
BTW Thats a 1969 Panther under the blue tarp its up for trade ;D
Dane is one hell of a craftsman, it was like Christmas today ;D
Thanks, you guys. Dana, glad you like it...really, was a bit worried I didn't come through for you. It was a pleasure making it.
Oh man, that is so cool!!!!!!!! :o. Some people are so lucky. How long did it take you to make it? Love it!!!!!
makete you can always come see it in person. And Dane is quite the craftsman and a pleasure to trade with.
Oh man, that is so cool!!!!!!!! :o. Some people are so lucky. How long did it take you to make it? Love it!!!!!
I never keep track of exact time to make a piece, but about 20 minutes to measure the warp threads, 2 hours to set up the loom, 1.5 hours to weave it, washing for fulling the fabric, then maybe 4 hours to sew and make the tie string out of linen. Under a half hour maybe to make the bone tie ends. And all of it fun.
You just made me real tired ;D. That alot of work. But it is worth it to produce such a beautiful piece of art.
Lol. The secret, Grasshopper, is to space out the work, not all at once.
hey nice bowsock!
got my old mother to sew me bowsocks from canvas and i dyed these black - hm, nice but nothing compared to this!
dane i might offer you a trade one day, too...
Thanks, Frank, very kind words, and appreciated. Sure, trading is totally fun. Contact me if you have something in mind. A case of good German bier would be perfect, but shipping might be a bit difficult, :)