Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: hedgeapple on May 19, 2011, 09:42:27 pm
What do you guys use to seal green jute cord when you use it as a handle wrap? I just tried super glue and there was a nasty chemical reaction, smoke and burning of the cord.
Titebond ll works for me, wonder what jute has been treated with?
Super glue reacts with heat, moisture and cellulose. The reaction you saw was just the normal reaction to the cellulose in the jute. I use super glue to finish pens I turn and have glued bits of paper towel (lots of cellulose) to the skin on my palm (warmth and moisture). Imagine that smoking and burning coming from your skin!
I haven't used it yet but PatB has mentioned using "Massey finish" before, which is epoxy thinned with acetone, I believe.
Yup, had the same thing happen this week when I SG'd para-cord on my boy's bow as a handle started smokin' and he started to look at me a bit strange ;D Smells pretty nasty too.
Thanks guys, I might give the "masey finish" a try; on a test piece. ;)
Tightbond 2 works for me.
Another vote for TB II
I've never used TBII onlyTBIII. TBIII is brown when dried. Does TBII dry clear? The whole reason for using green jute cord is because I want a green handle wrap. Maybe I should explain my process. I wrap the jute then glued over it to adhere it to the wood and to give something of a moisture bearier. I suppose I could apply glue to the wood then wrap the jute around it, which in saying it out loud probably makes more sense. haha
S/G and leather also has a bad reaction! The smell is really nasty and really bad for you. I usualy cant breath out my nose for a few days if I get one wiff, im trying to give it up but it is just so good for cracks and knots.
try spray varathane if ya just want to seal it
Straight Titebond ll dries a little yellow--kind of like faded old varnish. I usually "water" it down a little so that the handle (or cloth, if used for applying a backing) appears natural and not too thick or "plasticee". You can add a second watered down coat if the handle doesn't seem tight.
For wrapping handle cordage the easiest glue would be plain old Elmers. It dries clear and seems to be pretty tough. Not the wood glue but the white stuff.
I used to use Elmer's and TB glues to seal cordage handle wraps but found it got tacky after my sweaty hands were on it for a while. Now I use Massey finish to seal cordage handle wraps.
I have had the same reaction with superglue when filling knots with saw dust. I do it in layers and in a well ventelated area and try my best not to breath the fumes.
Thanks everyone. All the suggestion are very helpful. I just remember that I bought some Krazy Glue designed for leather and wood. I might give that a test run. I'll probably glue the cord to the handle with TB III to hold down a bit then use Masey finish to seal it.
I know this is an old post, but just found it while looking for info on Massey finish.
I used super glue on black paracord 500lb. I believe and didn't have any of the adverse reactions you mentioned. Maybe it has something to do with the dye that was used to make it green?
I soaked the edges of my paracord a little at a time as I was wrapping around the handle, then soaked it a bit more to make it all stick real good after the wrap was done. I really like the feel of a paracord wrap, feels very nice in the hand and doesn't have that slippery feeling that finished wood does, makes a nice firm grip.