Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: hedgeapple on May 19, 2011, 09:42:27 pm

Title: Green Jute Cord Chemical reaction to SuperGlue
Post by: hedgeapple on May 19, 2011, 09:42:27 pm
What do you guys use to seal green jute cord when you use it as a handle wrap?  I just tried super glue and there was a nasty chemical reaction, smoke and burning of the cord.
Title: Re: Green Jute Cord Chemical reaction to SuperGlue
Post by: Hrothgar on May 19, 2011, 09:45:57 pm
 Titebond ll works for me, wonder what jute has been treated with?
Title: Re: Green Jute Cord Chemical reaction to SuperGlue
Post by: jthompson1995 on May 19, 2011, 10:14:06 pm
Super glue reacts with heat, moisture and cellulose. The reaction you saw was just the normal reaction to the cellulose in the jute. I use super glue to finish pens I turn and have glued bits of paper towel (lots of cellulose) to the skin on my palm (warmth and moisture). Imagine that smoking and burning coming from your skin!

I haven't used it yet but PatB has mentioned using "Massey finish" before, which is epoxy thinned with acetone, I believe.
Title: Re: Green Jute Cord Chemical reaction to SuperGlue
Post by: Lee Slikkers on May 19, 2011, 11:17:10 pm
Yup, had the same thing happen this week when I SG'd para-cord on my boy's bow as a handle started smokin' and he started to look at me a bit strange  ;D  Smells pretty nasty too.
Title: Re: Green Jute Cord Chemical reaction to SuperGlue
Post by: hedgeapple on May 19, 2011, 11:26:52 pm
Thanks guys,  I might give the "masey finish" a try; on a test piece.  ;)
Title: Re: Green Jute Cord Chemical reaction to SuperGlue
Post by: mullet on May 19, 2011, 11:31:23 pm
Tightbond 2 works for me.
Title: Re: Green Jute Cord Chemical reaction to SuperGlue
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on May 19, 2011, 11:46:17 pm
Another vote for TB II
Title: Re: Green Jute Cord Chemical reaction to SuperGlue
Post by: hedgeapple on May 20, 2011, 02:13:32 am
I've never used TBII onlyTBIII.  TBIII is brown when dried.  Does TBII dry clear?  The whole reason for using green jute cord is because I want a green handle wrap.  Maybe I should explain my process.  I wrap the jute then glued over it to adhere it to the wood and to give something of a moisture bearier.  I suppose I could apply glue to the wood then wrap the jute around it, which in saying it out loud probably makes more sense.  haha
Title: Re: Green Jute Cord Chemical reaction to SuperGlue
Post by: nathan elliot on May 20, 2011, 04:10:33 am
S/G and leather also has a bad reaction! The smell is really nasty and really bad for you. I usualy cant breath out my nose for a few days if I get one wiff, im trying to give it up but it is just so good for cracks and knots.
Title: Re: Green Jute Cord Chemical reaction to SuperGlue
Post by: bubby on May 20, 2011, 07:23:06 am
try spray varathane if ya just want to seal it
Title: Re: Green Jute Cord Chemical reaction to SuperGlue
Post by: Hrothgar on May 21, 2011, 09:38:21 am
Straight Titebond ll dries a little yellow--kind of like faded old varnish. I usually "water" it down a little so that the handle (or cloth, if used for applying a backing) appears natural and not too thick or "plasticee". You can add a second watered down coat if the handle doesn't seem tight.
Title: Re: Green Jute Cord Chemical reaction to SuperGlue
Post by: johnston on May 21, 2011, 09:55:12 am
For wrapping handle cordage the easiest glue would be plain old Elmers. It dries clear and seems to be pretty tough. Not the wood glue but the white stuff.

Title: Re: Green Jute Cord Chemical reaction to SuperGlue
Post by: Pat B on May 21, 2011, 02:28:31 pm
I used to use Elmer's and TB glues to seal cordage handle wraps but found it got tacky after my sweaty hands were on it for a while. Now I use Massey finish to seal cordage handle wraps.
  I have had the same reaction with superglue when filling knots with saw dust. I do it in layers and in a well ventelated area and try my best not to breath the fumes.
Title: Re: Green Jute Cord Chemical reaction to SuperGlue
Post by: hedgeapple on May 21, 2011, 04:38:34 pm
Thanks everyone.  All the suggestion are very helpful.  I just remember that I bought some Krazy Glue designed for leather and wood.  I might give that a test run.  I'll probably glue the cord to the handle with TB III to hold down a bit then use Masey finish to seal it.
Title: Re: Green Jute Cord Chemical reaction to SuperGlue
Post by: SEMO_HUNTER on July 08, 2011, 10:28:34 pm
I know this is an old post, but just found it while looking for info on Massey finish.

I used super glue on black paracord 500lb. I believe and didn't have any of the adverse reactions you mentioned. Maybe it has something to do with the dye that was used to make it green?
I soaked the edges of my paracord a little at a time as I was wrapping around the handle, then soaked it a bit more to make it all stick real good after the wrap was done. I really like the feel of a paracord wrap, feels very nice in the hand and doesn't have that slippery feeling that finished wood does, makes a nice firm grip.