Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: sourdough on January 17, 2009, 11:03:55 pm
im just getting started and am in need of a tillering tree. id like a pully tillering tree but will settle for normal one also. if any of you have designs or know of anyone who does PLEASE tall me. thanks guys!
im just getting started and am in need of a tillering tree. id like a pully tillering tree but will settle for normal one also. if any of you have designs or know of anyone who does PLEASE tall me. thanks guys!
have you been to george's website as of yet?
hes got everything you need to know and probably a few things ya dont lol
seriously check it out, i think hes among the best.
THANK YOU!!!! i have a stave waiting on me in the garage. i will definetly check out that site.
you seem a little impatient to get a bow finished. :-\
take a deep breath,relax and chant this to yourself 10 times " patience is my greatest tool "
when you start on your stave,take pics,post said pics and ask a lot of questions,be patient for answers and do what the great ones on here suggest
and it is very very likely that that first bow will be a shooter.these guys on here know there stuff,they are some of the greatest wood bowyers in the world :-*
good luck
There was one posted a couple days ago with pictures that looked like a good one to follow. it should be still on this page or maybe the next
thanks for the advice. your right i was over eager to make a bow. again thanks for the advice. you sound like an experenced bowyer. ill pm you some pics as i go along.
:D ;D roflmoa ;D :D
me experienced,heck no
everything i have learned in the last year(thats how long i have been doing this) i learned from all the kind and knowledgable folk on here
as far as pm me pics,no ,please place them on the forum then you will have the input of everyone, 2 eyes are good 3650 eyes are even better
but hey,thanks for the compliment ;)
Here is the reading you want. There are other posts on tillering trees if you want to read them, try the search option. On the note of patience, it is absolutely the most important part. Without patience you will have toothpicks not a bow. One more thing, posting the same question 4 times on the boards will not get you the answear any faster. ;)
OOPS, my bad you posted it a 5th time while I was typing. ::)
Sounds like an impatient Young Pup....posted this in almost all categories....I can tell you this much...if you post it once will be found by all Who look at the Unread Posts Listing....
Do what Sailordad said....take a deep breath,relax and chant this to yourself 10 times " patience is my greatest tool "....and read....there is so much usefull information on should take you a Month to digest it all....then start the chips a flying....this way your chances of Failure are that much less....and remember Will fail....maybe not the first...but there will be failures...learn from them
I believe George has one on his site.
i think i got it all thanks ;D.
Sourdough do a search for "Tillering Tree" and no need to post this 3 times ;) :)
grab some wood, look at a picture and dive in. this is hands on learning.
Here is a couple of pictures that might help you. The stick is about 33" long and is screwed to a base
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sourdough, I merged all of these posts together so that all the info was in one place. Makes it a little easier to read all the answears. Justin