Author Topic: Where's my stand?  (Read 10752 times)

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salad days

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Re: Where's my stand?
« Reply #30 on: November 20, 2008, 09:35:23 am »
Yeah Rick we do still have a late archery season and a muzzleloader season. I still have a pocket full of private and state land tags to fill and I love to let the smoke pole do it's work. Last night I had three deer come in just after dark and trap me in my stand for more than an hour they hung around the area. I didn't want to get down and blow my spot so I just sat there and froze till they mozy off. Man I was cold. Still allot of good hunting to do.
Hawk, That sucks when you think your alone in big country and find out the hard way that your not. Anybody out there that is bringing up their kids to be hunters and outdoors people, we really haven't been emphasizing ethics and sportsmanship enough. There are way too many idiots around here that value game in hand more than the hunt and camaraderie. It is up to all of us to turn this around before its lost.

Offline ricktrojanowski

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Re: Where's my stand?
« Reply #31 on: November 20, 2008, 08:38:05 pm »
Hawk- Out of staters is just what I was thinking.  That is a really crappy thing to do.  Just remember, that when people do stuff like that to someone it comes back on them tenfold.
Aaron.  It was super cold here yesterday as well. I called in that 4pt that I missed a few weeks ago with a bleat can and some scent.  I couldn't get a good shot at him though.  It was still a good time just watching him responding to the bleat and smell.  I still got 6 wks left to make something happen.
Traverse City, MI