Author Topic: front back?  (Read 2785 times)

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front back?
« on: October 19, 2008, 10:50:50 am »
hi all just got in from getting some wood for a new bow its long thick and straitish has a natural bow in it very slight.
the question is some one said remove the bark and thats yer back um its surrounded by bark as its like 3.5 inch thick young tree i cut down so can i choose any as the back or the one with leats pins in it? there are no real knots these hazels are striving for light so r huge. i also read the back is actually the front. now is that because what yer looking at whils holding the bow is the front or just some weired way of naming a bow. well i am makinga  flat bow i think id like to keed the arms ovalwith a slight pointing towards the back will that make a good looking bow that will fire well the over all lenth is 7ft at the mo il post a pic of it from diffrent angles all help much appretiated

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Offline El Destructo

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Re: front back?
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2008, 11:20:57 am »
OK since you don't understand the BACK.....think of it as a Person....when you bend to pick up bend at the form a curve....same thing with a Bow....understand??? So when you Hold a Bow..the Belly faces you....the Back faces away...When the Bow is drawn the Belly bends towards you.....simple enough??

You are going to need to Peel the Bark off....then lay out the best part of the Sapling for the Back.... now you are going to have to reduce the log down to near Bow do this so that it don't split up on you.....once this is done....seal the Wood with either Urethane or Wood Glue....something to slow the evaporation of Moisture down so it won't split also....Let it dry for a few months till it has lost at least 1/2 it's weight (moisture)....then you can start to work it down into a Floor Tillered Stave....and move on to the Tiller Tree stage....don't rush the Wood....take you time and let it dry properly and you should be able to get a Nice Bow from that Hazel Sapling....looks nice and straight....good Luck
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Re: front back?
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2008, 02:52:50 pm »
cool ty well that makes alot more sense now thanks so its going to take a while after i rough cut it for i can make a full bow lol patience anint my virtue guess ill have to do that and make several other bows in mean tome like  i last made then ill be more patient ty

Offline El Destructo

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Re: front back?
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2008, 03:29:17 pm »
Let this Stave dry and go and buy you a Board and practice on it....they make great Bows....and while you are at it....go and visit Jawges Page....he has all you will need to know about building a Board Bow.....

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