Author Topic: Short hickory selfbows? Also question about hickory knots  (Read 4787 times)

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Offline nonamesleft47

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Short hickory selfbows? Also question about hickory knots
« on: October 15, 2008, 09:26:49 pm »
Hey guys, got a couple of questions for you that I'm hoping you can help with.  I split a fairly straight hickory and have a couple of staves worked down to about 4" across and 1" thick.  I cut them 70" to be safe on the length.  I hogged the bark off of the back trimmed them up a little and now I've run into a problem on each of them. 

On stave #1 about 10 inches from one end it has a knot that I gouged out on belly.  It's a good sized knot, about dime sized that I managed to rip most of the inside out of.  I'm thinking that the best thing to do is to chop the stave to 60" and make it at least 2" wide.  Is that doable?  Would it be best to back this short bow with something?  Anybody have any bow width recommendations for a self bow 55-60 inches? 

On stave #2 I was going to make it 64-68 inches but right in what would be the handle is half a dozen knots that I'm kind of scared to cut through.  From my experience making a few osage bows a few years ago I know that I should leave some extra width around the knot when it is in the limb, but in a non working handle can I just trim the handle to size and not worry about the knots? 

These are my first attempts at hickory bows and my first bow I've tried to make for 10 or 12 years so any help would be great.  Thanks, Ted

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Re: Short hickory selfbows? Also question about hickory knots
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2008, 09:49:36 pm »
Pictures would sure make answering your Questions easier and more is hard to answer these without seeing the damage
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Offline JackCrafty

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Re: Short hickory selfbows? Also question about hickory knots
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2008, 10:51:36 pm »
I think hickory is more tolerant of knots than osage.

A short hickory bow (60") that is 2" wide and 1" thick is very possible....unless your draw length is 30" or more.  If you don't violate any rings on the back, you will have no problems.  Even if you are a little careless with the back, hickory is very forgiving.

Knots in a non-bending handle shouldn't be a problem.  I'm sure others will chime in.
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Offline benjamin

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Re: Short hickory selfbows? Also question about hickory knots
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2008, 10:51:54 pm »
Depends on your draw length and what weight. Hickory is amazingly hard to break. Amazing stuff. And pretillering reflex is important. I've made good shooting 50lb. 1 1/4'' wide short hickory selfbows and many more horrible 2'' or wider self bows. In my experience, pretiller reflex and method of tillering are more important than width. Wider is always safer. I love short bows. If youre going to pick a wood to push a little, Hickory isthe undisputed champion.

Offline Hillbilly

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Re: Short hickory selfbows? Also question about hickory knots
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2008, 05:19:24 pm »
What Patrick said.
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Re: Short hickory selfbows? Also question about hickory knots
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2008, 05:32:59 pm »
I agree with Patrick, Hillbilly, and Benjamin. Whack it off, make the bow 2 inches wide, and don't worry.

~~Papa Matt

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Re: Short hickory selfbows? Also question about hickory knots
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2008, 09:08:50 am »
On the first one if it is on the belly it shouldn't cause a problem,also 60 in. is plenty long for say
26/27 draw. Make it 1 7/8 to 2 inches to mid limb and then tapper to the tips.On # 2 if the knots are in the handle as you said [nonbending area ] it shouldn't give any trouble at all. :) Did you
cut into the back when you took the bark off ? If so you may want to back it with rawhide or something. :)
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