Author Topic: Help-Tiny very simple spine tester  (Read 12464 times)

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Offline wolfsire

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Re: Help-Tiny very simple spine tester
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2008, 01:45:58 am »
thank you all, and Jackcrafty in particuar ...

I understand why you are saying, but eyeballing is going to have to do ... and my shoots are not 100% straight.  I will have to work on making them straighter and eyeballing to 1/64 the best that I can ... maybe a tiny level ... If I feel comfortable with 2lbs after some tests, I will go to that for more accuacy.

Ultimately my goal is to have arrows I can have confidence in, so that I can spot errors in my perfomance.  This will get me in better range than the unspined unweighed floating (read inconsistant at 24 inche arrows) anchor that I have been working with.  If I have a set that are the same at 20 or 21 inches (all the same, Im still debating length) of 350 grain and 30-35 lbs (again the same as much as possible), Ill have a basis to judge my ability with minimization of arrow related errors.

I am sure they will not be 100% the same, but if I get consistancy, then maybe I can copy the best of the lot to tune.
Steve in LV, NV

Offline Pat B

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Re: Help-Tiny very simple spine tester
« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2008, 11:32:49 am »
The spine tester and chart we are dealing with follows industry standards. We, as primitive archer, are not dealing with industry standards or materials that are standardized. For each of us it is either guess or figure out what will work for me.
   Somehow, primitive man figured out how to do it!...well, they did it because they had to. ;) Sometimes it is hard for me(personally) to come up with solutions because my brain is cluttered with modern stuff and I'm not hungry enough to have to figure things like this out. Eventually I can but my life doesn't depend on it. (I'm having the same trouble with the survival bow) 
   I think, having a known distance to bridge and a known weight to suspend from that bridge, the resulting deflection is the best way to figure spine if you have a known value to work with...but also, I think that sometimes we try to make too much of a relatively simple matter. That is just the nature of modern man.      Pat
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC


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Re: Help-Tiny very simple spine tester
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2008, 11:40:29 am »
for a bow of that weight and draw just pick up some 1/4" dowels . i recommend plastic nocks for em. those little suckers will fly like lightning out of the bow. my kids shoot em out of 20-30 pound bows and they are great. peace