Author Topic: quick slide show for pitch...very easy.  (Read 3738 times)

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Offline michbowguy

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quick slide show for pitch...very easy.
« on: September 30, 2008, 12:52:39 am »
hope this helps for those wondering how to make it.

pine sap collected from tree with all the bugs,bark junk still in it, a tablespoon of pure beeswax,a little binder pounded down,and a little coal pounded down.
i forgot to add pics of adding dry pounded grass/binder and i also added a small piece of hardwood "coal from my fire and pounded it in smooth.

i took a tuna can with no holes...
a soup can with nailholes punched in the bottom/strainer...when heated i took another stick and pushed out the strained sap in lower container.
my fire is a piece of wire,and an old insect candle container i just love to use for a stove! a big stable base and cool little holes for wire to go into!

the real trick part i came up with is the sharpend you lite it and stick it in the ground and it doesnt burn up pitch too bad and when you need some you pick it up and move flame to the side by putting stick more horizontal and your pitch drips where you want it, not wasting too much!

cook for as long as you want for color and texture and to temper it, but try to keep it from a boil too long if any.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2008, 12:59:10 am by michbowguy »


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Re: quick slide show for pitch...very easy.
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2008, 02:57:57 am »
Thanks for that, i have been trying australian wattle gum (melted 50/50 with water) and it works but then is very brittle and breaks off. I thought it would be like gum arabic as it is also acacia, or like pine resin. Was told to use charcoal to make it sticky and will try that using your method as it is fine as a varnish but useless as a glue long term. Does yours remain sticky or just dry hard, is it brittle afterwards so you rely on binding for points and feathers?