Author Topic: YEW longbow....(not for BOM)  (Read 24648 times)

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Offline medicinewheel

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Re: YEW longbow....(not for BOM)
« Reply #45 on: September 16, 2008, 04:01:44 pm »
If everyone just posted pictures, and didn't make any comments, it wouldn't be much of a forum, would it?

yes, absolutly.  -  but so far it's only the pirate doing that and i'm sure he has good reasons.
he posts pictures of his great work, he answers questions via PM and i hope sooner or later he'll be back.
other great bowyers seem to just have vanished in the past.

we seem to have a crisis here on PA every now and than...
just like in real life...
enjoy manny's bow and don't pick on him, please!

Frank from Germany...

Offline Dano

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Re: YEW longbow....(not for BOM)
« Reply #46 on: September 16, 2008, 04:18:02 pm »
If this kinda crap keeps up there will be a lot less people posting their work. Live and let live, and don't take this so darn serious.
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Re: YEW longbow....(not for BOM)
« Reply #47 on: September 16, 2008, 04:30:22 pm »

here I am just being quite and try stay out of trubble, and still a couple of individuals are trying to make an "issue" out of a "non issue"

O.K., you guys wanna make me write, I'll write some.

First of all let me explain, so that the general public understands.

A couple of months ago after extensive cominication with Marie, Sarah, and various admins and mods, I explained to them that I have some real strong opinions about certain subjects, and being the type that can't just sugarcoat everything if I write, I allways write what I feel, so I let them know that I would refrain from typing anything so to avoid controversy, getting myself in trubble and probably banned too.

I would still post pictures, "AND COMUNICATE VIA PM" (that is partecipating ) there was no objection to this so I stopped typing.

as for BOM, I like it, and thing Don does a great job, however at the moment I don't feel like being part of the magazine, one day maybe I will feel like it again and will be more than happy to go toe to toe with some fine bowyers

Now for the ones that got nothing better to do than get on others threads and try strir things,...get a life !!!!!!

 I recived several E-mails about you, and the general consensus is that you should stay on the sidelines and keep your mouth shut while you learn.


I can't belive that after begging 1/2 the PA mambers to vote for your bow so you could win the BOM, you still have the guts to go out and preach other what the rigth thing to do is ::)

That was one of the weakest things I've ever seen, ...only topped by actually accepting the win after being busted ::) you got me typing again, so if I eventually get banned is all your fault  ;D

I had a lot of my posts either deleted or edited before I stopped writing, .........I surely hope the mods will leave this one alone


« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 04:35:16 pm by NOMADIC PIRATE »

Offline adb

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Re: YEW longbow....(not for BOM)
« Reply #48 on: September 16, 2008, 05:38:27 pm »
Give 'em enough rope....

Offline Dano

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Re: YEW longbow....(not for BOM)
« Reply #49 on: September 16, 2008, 07:43:38 pm »
Well done Manny!!

adb, your an a##.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 11:48:44 am by Justin Snyder »
"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."


Offline DanaM

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Re: YEW longbow....(not for BOM)
« Reply #50 on: September 16, 2008, 07:52:18 pm »
As for me winning BOM I tried to refuse it but wasn't allowed to do so. Hope that makes you feel better. And if you think people don't politic for BOM your sadly mistaken.
Take a look at the vote totals when I won and you will see that almost all the votes were cast for two bows. It was apparent to me that politicking for the other bow was going on also. The end result was BOM was changed for the better. Now when the vote totals are posted they are spread out across the board. Manny if you or anyone wants my hat your welcome to it as it makes no difference to me.

Manny you didn't just object to Mike Hustons articles you viscously attacked his character and slandered him shamelessly! Now that the tables are turned your playing all innocent.
Give me a break eh. Ya I stirred the pot but quite frankly I've had enough of your arrogance. You post your bows and accept the praise but never have a nice comment for anyone else's.
This site is about sharing and all you  share are pretty pictures! You have enormous talent but refuse to share it, thats called arrogance Manny.

I seem to remember you saying you were done with PA and that you were going over to PP exclusively. So why are you still here?

You called me a coward and asked me to apologize, but it ain't happening Manny!

I know many of you are now mad at me but I couldn't hold it in any longer and for that I do apologize to you the members of PA.

See ya all later eh

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Offline stiknstring

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Re: YEW longbow....(not for BOM)
« Reply #51 on: September 16, 2008, 09:04:13 pm »
You guys all say this site is about sharing but are awfully quick to cut someone down.  Seems that arrogance runs both ways but everyone is more than willing to attack rather than take a good look inside.

Again with the whining about sharing?  Man I have asked him at least a dozen questions about bows on this site and the other site and have gotten nothing but advice and responses...maybe he just doesnt respond to people who want to be asses towards him and  who wanna start fights.  In my book that makes him the bigger man.

"People who live in glass houses should NOT cast stones....."

I am deeply saddened by the true character that a couple of you who I have admired have shown.


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Re: YEW longbow....(not for BOM)
« Reply #52 on: September 16, 2008, 10:13:34 pm »
Again Dana, you're talking out of you a#$, try ask Cowboy, Frank, Dano,Kegan...those are some I remember recently If I didn't PM them and praise theyr work, you should really do some reserch before typing,...ho yeah I even praised your little sumac bow on PP, even if you just being trying to give me grief lately  ::)

...Nah, nah, need for your hat, I won a couple fair and square  ;) ;)

...Ho yeah, BTW, go to my original post on that thread, and I specifically wrote, I'll be forced to go silent, that's exactly what I did  ;)....again do your reserces

and please, don't even try bringing in other subjects, I really don't need to go there.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2008, 05:36:48 am by Pappy »

Offline Dano

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Re: YEW longbow....(not for BOM)
« Reply #53 on: September 16, 2008, 11:24:55 pm »
Dana, you really do need to keep your mouth shut and at this point so should I, but I need to get this said. Manny has always offered his support and advice, you of all people have no riht to say any thing about anyone. You bringing this up is a lame attempt at getting more people on your side, pretty pathetic I'd say. I'd like to say more, but at this point it wouldn't do any good.
"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."


Offline adb

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Re: YEW longbow....(not for BOM)
« Reply #54 on: September 17, 2008, 01:10:23 am »
Hey, Dano

Pretty strong language for a family oriented forum. You too, Manny. Name calling, very mature.
Sorry, guys... Dana isn't the only one fed up with Manny's BS. I wasn't aware that this was a forum for protest, or a popularity contest. I thought it was a respectful place to exchange ideas about traditional archery. You are right about one thing, Dano, this is a bunch of crap, and you seem to be adding to the pile.

Offline stiknstring

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Re: YEW longbow....(not for BOM)
« Reply #55 on: September 17, 2008, 01:39:30 am »
some admin should lock this up and close it before any more childish responses come up....good lord adb you sound like my students and they are only thirteen. I get enough of this garbage during the day.

Offline Coo-wah-chobee

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Re: YEW longbow....(not for BOM)
« Reply #56 on: September 17, 2008, 01:46:13 am »
Silknstring has 2 posts and so does Dano. Did anybody READ them ? Lots of truth here foks ! WAKE UP Y'ALL ! I for one DONT really wanna read this crap. Hows about we stop ?

Offline medicinewheel

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Re: YEW longbow....(not for BOM)
« Reply #57 on: September 17, 2008, 02:05:13 am »
gentlemen!  -  wind it back, look through the thread and you will find a whole lot of people saying 'it's manny's right to do so, no objections' and it's two sqareheads...ehmmm, sorry: individuals i mean (familyfriendly) who want it to be different, who want it to be the way they think it's right. that's childish behaviour.

dana: will you write another apology via PM about your words written here in a few month time when you realize how far over the top it was????
well, let me tell you, EH! it would be better to stop as of now!


thanks, frank

« Last Edit: September 17, 2008, 07:07:15 am by medicinewheel »
Frank from Germany...

Offline Knocker

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Re: YEW longbow....(not for BOM)
« Reply #58 on: September 17, 2008, 02:38:18 am »
Amazing bow Manny.  I've said before that I always go first to your postings to see bows and game photos.  Not only do you make incredible bows, but you use them to very obvious advantage - you are definately walking the walk, and not just talking the talk.  I've admired your Guava bows for some time, and am very impressed with your ability to make a bow out of that challenging looking piece of yew.  I'll PM you if necessary, but I for one would sure appreciate it if you would continue to participate with the group.  I'd love to know the specs on that Yew bow...

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Re: YEW longbow....(not for BOM)
« Reply #59 on: September 17, 2008, 05:09:24 am »
thanks Keith.

the bow is 65 1/2" ntn, 65 # @ 27 ",assytmetrical limbs, the handle wrap is Jute, Guava overlays, cotton backed and finished with my homemade mix.

the pictures of the 2 staves is the remaining Yew, the rigth one is the 1/4 split from this bow, I started with big deflex as you can see, so I flipped the tips a bit, lots of twist and side bend too, if you look carefully at the bow pictures you can see all the corrections I had to do, couple of time I allmost gave up because I didn't think I was gonna be able to get the string to go down the middle, but in the end i think she came up pretty nice  ;D

....not sure but don't think she took any set at all, or very little if any.