This is a revelation to me, James, since I am working on a Holmegaard type, even as we speak. I love the look of yours. Mine looks like it might at least be headed that way

. Since my Holmi is only my third bow, I don't think I will try to go
as small/flexible in the "non-working" outter linbs/tips as you did but it shows me an idea of just how far I could go, if push came to shove, and still have a fine looking bow. It also reminds me I still have a lot further to go with them, in any case - LOL. Of course I still have a lot of "thickness" to take off my working limb sections as well. Being I am working from a tough ol'
Hickory stave, I am working my "puny" little arms and shoulders to death

- wish i had even half of your "hammers" now -

I gotta go "chew" on it some more, right now!