Author Topic: how to recuve tips  (Read 6278 times)

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Re: how to recuve tips
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2008, 09:06:04 pm »
Thanks radius, that is the form I've used on both my recurves - has worked very well. I watched Ralph Renfroe put together a R/D tri-lam with urac one time. After clamping it up he put into the heat box for four hours and presto, ready to finish up and tiller. I've heard if you cure that stuff with heat - it'll perform better under hot condition's later..
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Offline ricktrojanowski

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Re: how to recuve tips
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2008, 10:35:04 pm »
My recurve form is 3-3/4" pcs. of furniture birch ply glued together.  No problems with damaging the bows back using this method.  I probably would not recomend CDX ply.  because it tends to have voids within the inner layers.  Also you could try a piece of LVL.  That is what I use as a caul for inducing reflex.  I used a thin piece of aluminum to bend the arc I wanted.  It was about the thickness of a metal yard stick.
Traverse City, MI