Author Topic: Should I put snakeskin backing on my Black Locust and do ya have one?  (Read 2111 times)

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Papa Matt

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  I have a 66 inch BL with an extra long slightly bending handle section, about 1.5" mid limb, with deer antler reinforced knocks. Do ya's think it would look good snakeskin backed?  Are any of ya's lookin to trade any snake skins in Morgantown in July?  If so, what might ya take for a nice long snakeskin? Thanks,


Offline adb

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I think any bow looks great with snakeskins. Generally, it takes a matching pair, especially with rattlers. The pattern gets smaller towards the tail, so you put on a matched pair, starting with the head end at the grip, while the reducing pattern goes toward the tips. Glue them down with TB2 or3. There will be lots on links for this.