Here is a Nydam Target bow I made a while ago, It is from a rather inferior piece of yew with low density and a few cracks. I filled the cracks with glue and tillered the bow to 24", then considered myself done, wrapped it up in sinew and drew it to 28" It is only 38#, but a little to strong for my whife since she doesnt get her shoulder rotated, but thats pretty much due to 6 months without archery, beeing pregnant and giving birth.... The bow is about 1" wide at the handle, narrowing down to 3/8 at the nocks, almost as deep as it is wide with a high crowned belly. I couldnt make it any wider since the piece was not very clean.
Here is the bow strung

And sidenocks

Wear at the handle, you can see my bowyer mark, the runes H and T combined for Henrik Thurfjell

And a full draw picture, or kind of, she will need to start over with a weaker bow.

Sinew wrapping

And our daughter Torunn joined us at the archery range, still a couple of years until it is her turn....
