Got this one finished up. Not too bad this one, of course still plenty to change one the next one. My stave limited the design a little, i didnt quite have the width I wanted and ended up making the mistake of tillering it to the stave I wanted to have, not the one I had. Some more bend in the innder thirds to relieve the outer thirds I think would have decreased set. I'll get a bit braver thinning the tips next time too i think, the previous failed attempt I thinned them too far and one had the recurve pull out so I played it safe this time. Not too much handshock but I think theres a slightly sweeter bow to be had and a little speed.
If I had another larger diameter stave I'd make the next one with 15-20% wider limbs all the way and give it a little more recurve.
Tried a new thing on the handle wrap, i like it. The Joe Don Jones style I saw on a clay hayes video. I made the strips a little narrower.
This stave actually had dutch Elm disease, it was quite early in progression so i was able to chase off the outer ring or two to get to good wood, it doesnt seem to have any impact on the quality of the timber.
Wych Elm, 42lbs at 27"
Horn nocks and arrow pass
dyed with fiebings medium brown spirit leather dye and sealed with truoil
fast flight
Pics incoming
Heres a video of me whittling about it and some shooting. Forgot my tripod so the samera angles arent ideal but you get the idea; it shoots arrows